Ken Sauter’s Newly Released “The Biblical Case Against Young-Earth Creationism” is a Thought-Provoking Reconciliation of Faith and Science

“The Biblical Case Against Young-Earth Creationism” from Christian Faith Publishing author Ken Sauter offers a compelling examination of the intersection between biblical faith and scientific evidence, providing readers with thoughtful insights and arguments to reconcile the two.

Ken Sauter’s Newly Released “The Biblical Case Against Young-Earth Creationism” is a Thought-Provoking Reconciliation of Faith and Science
Garland, TX, May 15, 2024 --( “The Biblical Case Against Young-Earth Creationism”: an exploration of the age-old debate between biblical interpretation and scientific discovery. “The Biblical Case Against Young-Earth Creationism” is the creation of published author, Ken Sauter, who has always been interested in understanding how and why things work the way they do and spent forty years doing design engineering. He has designed night-vision sights for the military and has run his own design engineering business since 2007.

Sauter shares, “When Ken Sauter heard about young Christians losing their faith in college as they were presented with evidence for evolution, evidence of an ancient earth, astronomical methods of dating the universe, and many other secular assaults on their faith, he became concerned about how young people deal with these issues. The fact that so many Christians grow up in a protected Christian environment where they are taught the earth is very young does not prepare them to deal with the assault of secular science on their faith, and as a result, many young people lose their faith. They are simply not prepared to deal with the hard evidence they are presented with along with the assault on their faith.

“Rest assured there are good biblical answers to these issues, and any Christian can ably defend his faith with the arguments in this book. It is not necessary to believe in a young earth or abandon your faith. The Bible, when understood as it is written, does not contradict science and actually answers questions about the universe and our existence that science is unable to deal with.

“If you’re looking for a good argument that reconciles biblical faith with true science concerning the age of the earth, this book will give you a good start on making that argument.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Ken Sauter’s new book addresses the concerns of young Christians who face challenges to their faith in college and beyond. Sauter's meticulous analysis and compelling arguments provide readers with the tools to confidently defend their faith while engaging with scientific evidence and theories.

Consumers can purchase “The Biblical Case Against Young-Earth Creationism” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “The Biblical Case Against Young-Earth Creationism,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.
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