Jack Sparacino’s New Book, “Death Wish: The Southern Ladies Mafia Go for Broke,” Centers Around a Group of Women Who Work to Turn Their Lives Around After Years of Crime

Jack Sparacino’s New Book, “Death Wish: The Southern Ladies Mafia Go for Broke,” Centers Around a Group of Women Who Work to Turn Their Lives Around After Years of Crime
Quincy, MA, May 15, 2024 --(PR.com)-- Fulton Books author Jack Sparacino, who holds a PhD in social psychology from the University of Chicago, has completed his most recent book, “Death Wish: The Southern Ladies Mafia Go for Broke”: a gripping continuation of the Southern Ladies Mafia that follows the group as they follow a change of heart to redeem themselves.

Born in New York City, author Jack Sparacino migrated from working as a college professor to become a market research analyst before shifting into the aerospace field and finally settling as a newspaper columnist. Then he got a notion that there was a new kind of crime thriller that few, if any, other writers had brought forth. That was the birth of the “Southern Ladies Mafia,” some of the worst-behaved women on planet Earth.

Sparacino writes, “Well into middle age now, the ringleader herself of the Southern Ladies Mafia, Carla ‘String Bean’ D’Andrea, guides her team of gorgeous and provocative renegades in one last stretch of treachery. Only after realizing the depths of their depravity does the team finally seek redemption. Reigniting one’s soul for good rather than evil is a challenging climb for anyone. For Carla, it was her Mount Everest.”

Published by Fulton Books, Jack Sparacino’s book draws upon the author’s personal experiences in living through rattling social changes along with his psychology degree to deliver a compelling crime series that will leave readers spellbound with each turn of the page. Expertly paced and engaging, will Carla manage to whip the Southern Ladies Mafia into a force of good, or will her change of heart be all in vain?

Readers who wish to experience this enthralling work can purchase “Death Wish: The Southern Ladies Mafia Go for Broke” at select bookstores, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play, or Barnes and Noble.

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