The Kardashians are quickly shaping up to be one of my favorite families. After lengthy interviews with both Khloe Kardashian and now the adorable and self-effacing Kourtney Kardashian, I am working my way through the whole family, one Kardashian sister at a time. These girls are so much fun to chat with! Much like her younger sister Khloe, Kourtney Kardashian is down to earth and playful, yet with a “been there, done that” attitude that comes from growing up in an influential family with heavy Hollywood connections.
After cutting their boyfriends loose during the third season of Keeping Up With The Kardashians, Kourtney and Khloe headed off to Miami to launch the second location of their store DASH by day, and conquer the Miami social scene by night. E! cameras followed along to capture all the dating, partying, yachting and barely-there swimsuit sun tanning action for the new series, Kourtney & Khloe Take Miami.
Miami has always been the Kardashians’ playground, but actually living there for a spell was a whole different story, as Kourtney and Khloe immerse themselves in the debaucherous culture that put this sexy city on the map.
My interview with Kourtney was more like a good old-fashioned gab session between girlfriends, yet we managed to cover a lot of ground from babies and clothing to guys and guilty pleasures.
PR.com (Allison Kugel): When did you return from Miami and what have you been up to since you got back?
Kourtney Kardashian: We got back a little while ago and I have been nonstop working at the store. I think going to Miami and opening the new [DASH] got me back into the store. We always go through phases where we’re super into it, or you have all this other stuff going on. I think you get sidetracked. Opening the Miami store made me want to move the L.A. store. We’re in Calabasas right now and I want to move to the city, to the Westside, like Beverly Hills or on Melrose. I’ve been working on getting everything in order and getting the store back on track.
PR.com: Are you going to close DASH in Calabasas or just add another one in the city?
Kourtney Kardashian: I want to close Calabasas and just move it. Miami just showed me how being in a big city that tons of people visit, it made such a difference on the store. We’ve been talking about moving for a while now and I think it gave me the drive to actually do it.
PR.com: What does your mom think about that? Does she want you to stay in Calabasas or is she for the move?
Kourtney Kardashian: No, she’s for the move. And we have our kids store, Smooch, which my mom and I own together, and that’s in Calabasas. We opened that one three years before we opened DASH. That one we’ll keep in Calabasas and maybe even open that also on the Westside.
PR.com: Do you sell little boys clothes?
Kourtney Kardashian: We do, of course!

PR.com: Cool! I have a baby boy. If I go to your website can I find clothes for boys?
Kourtney Kardashian: We’re actually working on updating our website right now. It’s mostly gifty items right now and not clothes. We do sell boys clothes. We’ll send people a box of clothes and they can go through it and then send back whatever they don’t like or want to exchange.
PR.com: That’s my favorite thing. You know how everyone says it’s more fun to dress girls? I totally disagree. I love dressing my son.
Kourtney Kardashian: I feel like it’s more challenging too, so it makes it more fun. It’s more of a mission to find cute stuff.
PR.com: Yeah, that’s true. But he’s like my little doll.
Kourtney Kardashian: How old is he?
PR.com: He’s two and a half months. Actually, when I spoke to Khloe I was pregnant at that time, and I was telling her how scared I was to give birth.
Kourtney Kardashian: How was it? I feel like it’s terrifying. One of my friends has a two month old, and my other friend has a one month old little girl.
PR.com: I went natural…
Kourtney Kardashian: No way!
PR.com: I went through sixteen and a half hours of labor and it was hard core! I’m not going to lie to you (laughs).
Kourtney Kardashian: This one girl that I spoke with went natural for twenty-two hours and then she got an epidural because she couldn’t handle it.
PR.com: That’s a mistake. When you come that far and then you panic and you’re like “Give me the epidural!” I was lucky because I had a nurse who said, “No, no , no! You came this far, you don’t need it.” And the only way I can describe it is if you ever saw the end of the movie Knocked Up, it’s pretty much like that. I watched that movie nonstop when I was pregnant for some reason.
Kourtney Kardashian: Really? I feel like in the movies is not how it is.
PR.com: I think that movie hit it on the head! But tell me what you loved so much about Miami.
Kourtney Kardashian: Miami has this energy. It’s sexy, and everyone there is always on Miami time. People don’t work, or they work in the nightlife and they all sleep in and go to the beach every day. The beach is packed every day. And I like how it has the old architecture, and they can’t change the outside of the buildings. It has this old eighties vibe and it’s unlike any other city here [in the United States], for sure. Every morning we would run on the beach and just seeing the ocean every morning, it puts you in such a good mood. You feel like you’re on vacation. Living there this last time, it was so different. Every time we’ve gone, it’s five days, and it was so different actually living there.

PR.com: And you, Kim and Khloe go there a lot. I’m always seeing pictures of you in Miami.
Kourtney Kardashian: We do go there a lot. We love it! I feel like I know so much more now. I know more places to go and more people, and things to do. The area where we opened DASH, I had never even been down there to go shopping. I always stay right around our hotel. It was fun to really get to explore.
PR.com: I always say that the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean have two totally different energies. Which do you feel more drawn to?
Kourtney Kardashian: The Atlantic. I like that ocean a hundred million times more, and I don’t know why. I just feel like when I’m home I never go in the ocean. Even when we go to the beach it’s just so different. [In Miami] the ocean is see-through and gorgeous. The only thing is there are so many sharks, or that’s what everyone says, that there are so many sharks in Miami, so we would only go super shallow. Our friends have this high rise building and from their place you can see down, and you can see sharks in the ocean. They would circle around people and you can see it, and people have no idea. We would scream from up above. We’d be like “Shark!” and nobody cared. Either they didn’t hear us, or nobody did anything. But it was shark season when we were there.
PR.com: When is shark season?
Kourtney Kardashian: They said if the water is calm then the sharks come, and if it’s really choppy then they’re not there.
PR.com: Is it true that Khloe tried to fix you up on her radio show, and she did a contest to win a date with you?
Kourtney Kardashian: Yeah, it was a disaster! She announced it on her radio show, “Guys come to our store DASH...” It was at noon on a weekday, so any normal guy would have a job and be at work. Half the guys who came to try out were homeless, and it was just crazy. I hate going on dates. I think it’s so awkward and just unnatural, especially in that scenario. All these guys came and Khloe would let them in one at a time and ask them questions. It was actually entertaining, but there was no way I was going out with any of these guys!
PR.com: So you knew it was a goof and it wasn’t for real, basically…
Kourtney Kardashian: No! She wanted me to really find someone. But then once they came in and we’re like “Where do you live?” and they didn’t have anywhere to live…
PR.com: (Laughs).

Kourtney Kardashian: They were like “I want you to pay for me.” And I’m like, “Ok. I’m not gonna be your sugar momma.” The guys that came, most of them were serious and I had to pick a guy and go out on a date, so you’ll get to see that.
PR.com: Do the guys in Miami have that creepy, cheesy factor?
Kourtney Kardashian: They do. Just like in every city, there are definitely normal nice cool guys, and there’s definitely the cheesy Miami guy and what you envision. The stereotype definitely doesn’t come from nowhere. Khloe and I also had so much fun just going out with our girlfriends and hanging out, and we also did have to work. Every day we got up and went to the store. We had our good mix of working and partying.
PR.com: How are you going to oversee the store in Miami now?
Kourtney Kardashian: We’re definitely going to have to go and check up on the store once in a while, but we did hire a store manager when we were there and our store manager in L.A. is constantly in touch with her all day long. And we’re all constantly emailing all day. Right when I wake up I always send them an email. It’s always titled “Today” and I write different things I want to accomplish that day. Kim, Khloe and I do all the buying, so I like to know what sells.
PR.com: Are you and Khloe getting a condo in Miami and going there once a month? Is that plan still in action?
Kourtney Kardashian: No. I would love to but… we just get so excited. We found one that we loved that was right next door to where we were staying, and we were like, “Oh My God, we have to get this place. We’re gonna come here once a month!” We got so much done when we were there, but I had so much to catch up on when I came home. We also have friends that hook us up with hotels and we can go whenever we want, so we’ll do that for now.
PR.com: All three of you travel so much. What’s your favorite thing about traveling, and what’s your least favorite thing about it?
Kourtney Kardashian: I would say my least favorite thing is packing. I came to New York yesterday and it takes me hours to pack. Even if I’m going to Vegas for a night, it takes me hours and I don’t know why. I think I’m forgetting something and I overanalyze it, and I want to make sure I have the right outfit for every little thing I’m gonna do whether it’s run to the lobby to get toothpaste… it’s just so dumb (laughs). And I just love being in different cities. Every place I go that I’ve already been to, I feel like I have my restaurants and my stores that I want to go to. I’m in New York now and I have all my friends from college that I want to see. But I love going to new cities too. Last summer, it was such an unforgettable trip, I went with my mom, my grandma and Kim and we went to Monaco, Florence, Venice and Milan.
PR.com: Are you a good flyer?

Kourtney Kardashian: Yes. I could pass out anywhere. Yesterday at the airport I fell asleep waiting, because my flight was delayed an hour. I slept the whole hour, then got on the plane and slept the whole flight to New York. And I don’t take sleeping pills, because I’ll be asleep for three days (laughs); and Kim too. We both bring a pillow with us and these Barefoot Dreams blankets that we sell at our store, and they’re the softest things ever. That’s what we all bring with us, and we just lay down on the plane and pass out. Khloe gets really nervous. Kim and I are like, “Whatever.” We just sleep right through everything. I get excited to go on a flight to Europe. It’s fun getting on a plane and ordering movies. I never really sit down and watch movies here. It’s like movie time. I watch three movies, then sleep in between, and eat.
PR.com: Are you in a relationship right now?
Kourtney Kardashian: I am… I think you’re gonna have to watch this season and find out...
PR.com: I was on your MySpace page and it says “in a relationship.”
Kourtney Kardashian: Oh, cause it’s so old.
PR.com: So that’s from the last guy?
Kourtney Kardashian: Yeah (laughs). I think I want to cancel my MySpace, because I haven’t been on it in… I can’t even tell you the last time I went on.
PR.com: Everybody got on Facebook, so now I’m on it. Facebook is just about keeping in touch with your friends without the BS.
Kourtney Kardashian: I don’t have a Facebook. I think we have fake Facebooks. But I’ll go on my friends’ [Facebooks] once in a while to look at their pictures, and it’s so much easier than MySpace.
PR.com: Speaking of the Internet, when was the last time you Googled yourself, and what did you find?
Kourtney Kardashian: I get Google Alerts for the last name “Kardashian,” so stuff comes up about Kim and Khloe, and all of us. It’s fun because I like to see, like, if Kim is in Africa with Khloe and I get to look at pictures of them. They’re actually both in Africa right now. But, hmm… oh, I know what I found! It was two days ago and it was Kim and I in high school. It was like, “Look at how they’ve changed,” or something. It was pictures of us. I don’t know how they got it, but it was pictures from Kim’s yearbook. You know how when you’re a senior you do your senior page where you make a collage of pictures? So it was Kim and her whole little collage, and then some from mine. It was my freshman picture that was so ugly from ninth grade, and then it had my freshman retreat. We went to an all-girls high school, so it had our retreat. It was so random.
PR.com: Which do you prefer, celebrity or anonymity?

Kourtney Kardashian: I would say anonymity. I don’t know. I think both at different times to be honest. I love doing the show and I love filming it with my family. I think we’re so lucky to be able to do it all together. There are definitely benefits and fun times, and we all get to experience so much. Our trip that we went on last summer was [to] promote the show overseas. But I also love, which I still have, I love going to the mall and the grocery store in Calabasas, getting my nails done and no one cares or notices anything I’m doing. So I think I definitely have both, and I like having both.
PR.com: What makes you feel most self conscious in front of the cameras when you’re filming either Keeping Up With The Kardashians or Kourtney & Khloe Take Miami?
Kourtney Kardashian: I used to be really bad when we first started filming, like, conscious of what I would say and just thinking, “Ugh! I said this, it’s so dumb!” or “I said this, it’s so crazy!” But I think that after watching the show, so little of it actually airs of what we film, because we film 12-18 hours a day almost seven days a week, so not that much of it shows. But that used to be my thing, what I would say. I would think about it at the end of the day and it’s just not fun, so thank God I don’t do that anymore (laughs).
PR.com: What’s your favorite vice?
Kourtney Kardashian: This is probably not even that bad, but I just love laying in bed, eating junk food and not doing anything. But I can not do it during the week without feeling so awful. On Sunday I will just lay in bed. I don’t want to talk to anyone, and I don’t want to see anyone. I just want to lay in bed, eat a bag of potato chips, and just relax and not do anything. I still feel kind of guilty even doing it on a Sunday.
PR.com: What’s your greatest accomplishment so far?
Kourtney Kardashian: I’m proud that I graduated from college, but I would also say the stores (children’s boutique, “Smooch,” and women’s clothing boutique, “DASH”). My grandma has had a kid’s store for thirty years in La Jolla. When we started the stores my mom was like, “I’m going to do the store. I’d love for you to do it with me, but if you’re not I’m going to do it anyway.” I always wanted to be a fashion designer and I just became obsessed with the store. I love going there every day. It’s hard to find things that you do that you love, and I truly love it. I’m here in New York right now to have fun and all day I’ve been emailing the girls at the store. I just miss it when I’m not there. DASH we did on our own (Kourtney, Khloe and Kim). Bruce (Kourtney’s stepfather, Bruce Jenner) and I used to go at 6am every day to the store. Bruce put up our crown moldings and built our dressing rooms, and did everything. He and I would go every day until we got it done. It’s fun when you put so much work into something and then it does well.
PR.com: Bruce Jenner does carpentry?
Kourtney Kardashian: He does everything, literally. Every day we would go to Home Depot, him and I. Then we would go to the store. He put up all of our moldings, he painted the store… and it was a mess! It was an art store before. There were holes in the wall and he just did everything, and he loves it!
PR.com: I know that you and Khloe say that when you go to Miami the first thing you love to do is get new bikinis. What’s your advice for picking out the perfect bikini?

Kourtney Kardashian: I feel like you have to know what suits your body. I know Kim and Khloe love the ones that tie on the sides because it doesn’t cut you off, you know, if you have a bigger booty (laughs). I like the bottoms that don’t tie on the side, they fit better on me. Girls with big boobs, and I can be a victim of this, sometimes I’ll get tops that are too small if it comes as a set and if the bottom and the top are the same size, and I don’t realize it. Sometimes I think my boobs aren’t that big. So I think getting ones that cover enough of you [is important] too.
PR.com: When you have an important decision to make are you the type who likes to get advice from many different people, or do you prefer to just go with your own gut?
Kourtney Kardashian: I like to get advice from a lot of different people, and I think it’s really annoying because I ask everyone, and then you involve everyone in your stuff.
PR.com: If you had to be stuck on a deserted island with one person indefinitely, who would you want to be stranded with?
Kourtney Kardashian: Khloe. We just mesh well and we get along so well. We vibe well together.
PR.com: It seems like you guys make each other laugh.
Kourtney Kardashian: We do, and I feel like we just “get” each other. We definitely have our moments when we fight, but I would say Khloe and I get along the best. We could spend hours and hours and hours together.
"Kourtney & Khloe Take Miami" premieres Aug 16th at 10pm on E!