'Daddy Baby Boom' - CNN Reports That Men Are Taking the Lead Among Surrogacy Parents
CNN's American Morning featured today Circle Surrogacy dads in a story about single men who turn to surrogates for children. CNN reports on the growing number of single men, straight and gay, who choose surrogacy in their baby quest. The reports states that surrogacy in general quadrupled over the last decade, and that men are leading the trend.

Boston, MA, December 24, 2008 --(PR.com)-- CNN today featured two Circle Surrogacy dads in a story about the 'Daddy Baby Boom'. The report on CNN's American Morning states that "having a baby by a surrogate is increasingly popular -- the number of men and women using surrogates has quadrupled over ten years, with men fast taking the lead."
The video segment and a corresponding article are available at: http://www.cnn.com/2008/HEALTH/12/23/single.men.parenting/#cnnSTCVideo
CNN interviewed Circle's president, John Weltman, for this story, and it profiles two of our clients: Daniel Gurr and Jeff Walker. The report, part of a series titled 'Baby Quest', states that "if you are a single guy and you yearn for fatherhood, there is a way, and a lot of men found it: surrogates." It also states that Circle "which expects more than 70 babies to be born in 2009, has seen a 50 percent growth in the number of single male clients over the past year."
Dan Gurr is presented as one a growing number of single men, gay and straight, opting to have a baby of their own, on their own. "Having a biological child was very important to me," Dan said. "I can't believe I wondered if I should do this or not," he added as he was holding his son, "I cannot imagine not having him in my life." CNN mentioned recent celebrity surrogacy dads like Ricky Martin and Clay Aiken as an indication that the trend is becoming socially acceptable. The report also mentioned that while the end result is priceless, it is also expensive, averaging over $100,000. However, surrogacy is often the only way for a single man to have a child: adoption agencies often reject single men, and several states ban or severely restrict adoptions by gay individuals and couples. CNN also interviewed another of Circle's client, Jeff Walker, a Manhattan music executive. Jeff reported that after three emotionally draining, failed attempts at adoption, he decided to turn to Circle Surrogacy. Jeff is now the father of two girl who were carried by the same surrogate.
CNN quotes John Weltman who said that very few prospective parents are concerned today that surrogates may try to keep the baby, since the carriers never see it as their child to begin with. Part of the reason gestational surrogacy has increased steadily since the advent of in vitro fertilization in the early 1980s, is due to the extra layer of emotional and legal protection it offers the client. Unlike the legally contentious "Baby M" case from the 1980s, a gestational surrogate is not giving birth to her genetic child.
CNN's report follows several similar high-profile stories with interviews of more Circle single dads by the New York Times, the Times of London, and Details Magazine
About Circle Surrogacy
Circle Surrogacy is a full service surrogate-parenting agency serving both gay and straight couples and singles. Since 1995, Circle Surrogacy has helped bring to the world about 250 babies, with unmatched success rates of close to 100% in clients becoming parents through egg donor surrogacy. Its dedicated staff of professionals is made up of lawyers, social workers, parents through surrogacy, surrogates and past clients. Circle Surrogacy provides a choice of specialized clinics at locations throughout the country, a large selection of egg donors, swift matching with carefully screened surrogates, and a variety of flexible programs and financial options to suit its clients’ unique family choices.
John Weltman, owner, founder is a Yale graduate and a nationally recognized expert in the field of reproductive law, including surrogacy and gay parenting. John and his husband began their surrogacy journey in 1991 and had two boys, now 14 and 12, through the same surrogate. John was interviewed and appeared in numerous publications, TV programs, and conferences throughout the USA, Europe, Canada, and Israel.
To learn more about Circle Surrogacy go to www.circlesurrogacy.com
The video segment and a corresponding article are available at: http://www.cnn.com/2008/HEALTH/12/23/single.men.parenting/#cnnSTCVideo
CNN interviewed Circle's president, John Weltman, for this story, and it profiles two of our clients: Daniel Gurr and Jeff Walker. The report, part of a series titled 'Baby Quest', states that "if you are a single guy and you yearn for fatherhood, there is a way, and a lot of men found it: surrogates." It also states that Circle "which expects more than 70 babies to be born in 2009, has seen a 50 percent growth in the number of single male clients over the past year."
Dan Gurr is presented as one a growing number of single men, gay and straight, opting to have a baby of their own, on their own. "Having a biological child was very important to me," Dan said. "I can't believe I wondered if I should do this or not," he added as he was holding his son, "I cannot imagine not having him in my life." CNN mentioned recent celebrity surrogacy dads like Ricky Martin and Clay Aiken as an indication that the trend is becoming socially acceptable. The report also mentioned that while the end result is priceless, it is also expensive, averaging over $100,000. However, surrogacy is often the only way for a single man to have a child: adoption agencies often reject single men, and several states ban or severely restrict adoptions by gay individuals and couples. CNN also interviewed another of Circle's client, Jeff Walker, a Manhattan music executive. Jeff reported that after three emotionally draining, failed attempts at adoption, he decided to turn to Circle Surrogacy. Jeff is now the father of two girl who were carried by the same surrogate.
CNN quotes John Weltman who said that very few prospective parents are concerned today that surrogates may try to keep the baby, since the carriers never see it as their child to begin with. Part of the reason gestational surrogacy has increased steadily since the advent of in vitro fertilization in the early 1980s, is due to the extra layer of emotional and legal protection it offers the client. Unlike the legally contentious "Baby M" case from the 1980s, a gestational surrogate is not giving birth to her genetic child.
CNN's report follows several similar high-profile stories with interviews of more Circle single dads by the New York Times, the Times of London, and Details Magazine
About Circle Surrogacy
Circle Surrogacy is a full service surrogate-parenting agency serving both gay and straight couples and singles. Since 1995, Circle Surrogacy has helped bring to the world about 250 babies, with unmatched success rates of close to 100% in clients becoming parents through egg donor surrogacy. Its dedicated staff of professionals is made up of lawyers, social workers, parents through surrogacy, surrogates and past clients. Circle Surrogacy provides a choice of specialized clinics at locations throughout the country, a large selection of egg donors, swift matching with carefully screened surrogates, and a variety of flexible programs and financial options to suit its clients’ unique family choices.
John Weltman, owner, founder is a Yale graduate and a nationally recognized expert in the field of reproductive law, including surrogacy and gay parenting. John and his husband began their surrogacy journey in 1991 and had two boys, now 14 and 12, through the same surrogate. John was interviewed and appeared in numerous publications, TV programs, and conferences throughout the USA, Europe, Canada, and Israel.
To learn more about Circle Surrogacy go to www.circlesurrogacy.com
Circle Surrogacy, Ltd.
Ron Poole-Dayan
Ron Poole-Dayan


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screen shot from CNN's story on single men having surrogacy babies