The United State’s Largest UFO Organization Celebrates Its 40th
A Press Conference in Denver will highlight hundreds of UFO reports received in Colorado, and thousands across the US.
Denver, CO, July 19, 2009 --( At their annual Symposium, the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) will be celebrating its 40th anniversary with lectures from long time researchers, and investigations into the latest UFO events. The weekend long Symposium will start with a Press Conference being held on August 7th at 11 am at the Denver Tech Center Marriott. The Press Conference will include statements by Physicists and Ph.D.s, and will also feature maps demonstrating the extraordinary amount of UFO reports that MUFON receives in Colorado, and across the United States.
The US Air Force decided to get out of the UFO investigation business in 1969 when it closed its infamous UFO program called Project Blue Book. That same year the civilian organization, MUFON stepped up to take its place. 40 years later, with thousands of members, and hundreds of investigators across the globe, MUFON has become the go-to organization for credible UFO research.
MUFON was founded by engineers, technology experts, law enforcement, and retired military personnel among others who felt that the Air Force left a lot of unanswered questions when they quit looking into this enigmatic subject. The Air Force’s own consultant, well respected astronomer, Dr. J. Allen Hynek concluded “the UFO phenomenon as a whole is real.” He even went on to continue his UFO research, and served as the main consultant for Steven Spielberg in the making of Spielberg’s movie: Close Encounters of the Third Kind.
The Mutual UFO Network was created in 1969 for the scientific study of UFOs for the benefit of humanity through investigations, research and education. It has become the largest civilian UFO investigation organization with certified investigators across the country actively researching UFO reports.
Stanton Friedman, Nuclear Physicist
Dr. Bruce Maccabee, Optical Physicist, formerly employed by the U.S. Navy
Dr. Frank Salisbury, Professor Emeritus, Utah State University/Colorado State University
Dr. Jeffrey Bennett, Astrophysicist/Author
Dr. Kevin Randle, Psychologist/Author
Ted Phillips, UFO physical trace evidence expert
John Greenewald, FOIA expert
John Ventre, MUFON State Director in Pennsylvania
Peter Robbins, Abduction expert
Chris Rutkowski, Canadian UFO researcher
James Carrion, International Director of MUFON
UFO researchers and experts will address the media on the importance of further research in this field. The presenters represent decades of research into the phenomena and are highly credible and credentialed. Reports from across Colorado and the United States will also be featured.
Friday, August 7, 2009
11:00 AM
Denver Tech Center Marriott
Aspen Theater
Event open to credentialed media only
The US Air Force decided to get out of the UFO investigation business in 1969 when it closed its infamous UFO program called Project Blue Book. That same year the civilian organization, MUFON stepped up to take its place. 40 years later, with thousands of members, and hundreds of investigators across the globe, MUFON has become the go-to organization for credible UFO research.
MUFON was founded by engineers, technology experts, law enforcement, and retired military personnel among others who felt that the Air Force left a lot of unanswered questions when they quit looking into this enigmatic subject. The Air Force’s own consultant, well respected astronomer, Dr. J. Allen Hynek concluded “the UFO phenomenon as a whole is real.” He even went on to continue his UFO research, and served as the main consultant for Steven Spielberg in the making of Spielberg’s movie: Close Encounters of the Third Kind.
The Mutual UFO Network was created in 1969 for the scientific study of UFOs for the benefit of humanity through investigations, research and education. It has become the largest civilian UFO investigation organization with certified investigators across the country actively researching UFO reports.
Stanton Friedman, Nuclear Physicist
Dr. Bruce Maccabee, Optical Physicist, formerly employed by the U.S. Navy
Dr. Frank Salisbury, Professor Emeritus, Utah State University/Colorado State University
Dr. Jeffrey Bennett, Astrophysicist/Author
Dr. Kevin Randle, Psychologist/Author
Ted Phillips, UFO physical trace evidence expert
John Greenewald, FOIA expert
John Ventre, MUFON State Director in Pennsylvania
Peter Robbins, Abduction expert
Chris Rutkowski, Canadian UFO researcher
James Carrion, International Director of MUFON
UFO researchers and experts will address the media on the importance of further research in this field. The presenters represent decades of research into the phenomena and are highly credible and credentialed. Reports from across Colorado and the United States will also be featured.
Friday, August 7, 2009
11:00 AM
Denver Tech Center Marriott
Aspen Theater
Event open to credentialed media only
Mutual UFO Network
Alejandro Rojas
Barry Roth
Alejandro Rojas
Barry Roth
