Alive! eBooks Network Announces New Multimedia eBook Technology

Alive! eBooks Network announces the next evolution of publishing by introducing a new online Multimedia eBook format with their new title, Transforming Through 2012: Leading Perspectives on the New Global Paradigm. This groundbreaking new format offers readers an instantaneous multi-sensory experience with text, and powerful video and audio messages.

San Francisco, CA, September 08, 2010 --( Alive! eBooks Network has paved the way for the next evolution of publishing by introducing an online Multimedia eBook, Transforming Through 2012: Leading Perspectives on the New Global Paradigm, a new book featuring 33 leading experts - from scientists to shamans - examining cutting-edge perspectives on the much talked about 2012 shift.

This groundbreaking new format from Alive! eBooks Network, transforms reading into a stimulating experience unlike any eBook on the market today. “These new types of eBooks are more fun to read, the information is easier to retain and allows authors to really bond with their readers,” explains Ruby Yeh, a pioneering new media entrepreneur from Silicon Valley and the founder of Alive! eBooks Networks.

The new Multimedia eBook format offers readers an instantaneous multi-sensory experience with text, and powerful video and audio messages. This revolutionary technology, developed by Yeh, is an innovative multimedia format that differs significantly from traditional downloadable eBooks, and is available on computers and will be available on other devices like the iPad, before year-end. Readers get immediate access to free chapters of the book, a variety of audio and video clips from contributing authors, as well as gain entrance to the book’s Resource Guide, a portal to products, music, art, films, and books for the new paradigm.

Online links embedded in the Multimedia eBooks allow readers admission to a wide-ranging and impressive array of the latest information with options to explore an author’s unique perspective in depth. Working with Alive! eBooks Networks, authors can create Multimedia eBook and print book bundled packages, launch a variety of creative and effective campaigns.

Additionally, this new Multimedia eBook is good news for authors and speakers who don’t have the benefit of a large publishing house behind them and are looking for ways to generate income and build brand recognition — this technology allows them to showcase their work via videos, and to partner with affiliates and advertisers in order to generate online income without any overhead costs, which opens the gates to recruiting an army of affiliates, including bookstores, who can offer the eBook to their email lists, on their web sites and through their Social Networks. In this new model, everyone who partners with the author has an opportunity to generate income from a variety of sources, as well as up sell their higher-end services.

Eileen Duhne Public Relations
Eileen Duhne