Michael Terence Publishing Announce the Release of "The Shadow of the Daughter’s Ring," by Andrea Millard

Oxford, United Kingdom, June 26, 2024 --(PR.com)-- About The Shadow of the Daughter’s Ring:
All the friends who know Jennifer are fond of her. They all have such a nice, sweet camaraderie amongst them. Jennifer is a well-loved and pampered Granddaughter.
On Jennifer's birthday she receives a gift, a ring from her beloved Grandmother. This ring is a sapphire and diamond platinum ring. On this beautiful ring, the sapphire is mounted in a cluster of fine diamonds.

This ring is Jennifer's favourite jewellery, her most favoured possession.
Jennifer has a possessive obsession for jewellery and jewels. Jennifer's obsessional possession for diamonds, jewellery and jewels is an obsession. An obsessive female's obsession. Jennifer a female is obsessed by it.

Jennifer learns the craft of it. It’s a customary family practice. A strange and mysterious daughter who engages in seances with either members of her family or a witch’s coven. Once Jennifer's secrets in her past...

This work is available worldwide via Amazon and all good bookstores:
Paperback (314 pages)
Dimensions 13.97 x 0.25 x 21.59 cm
ISBN-13 9781800947771 / 9781800947498
ISBN-13 9781800947801
Kindle eBook ASIN B0D1KMC844
Amazon URL: https://mybook.to/SDRING
Published in the UK by Michael Terence Publishing, 2024

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