Anna Pereira's line of custom designed t-shirts, "Super Sexy," is striking a chord with women everywhere who want to express themselves through fun and fearless fashion.

All Super Sexy t-shirts and tank tops are hand painted and airbrushed with colorful designs, hand-set Swarovski Crystals, and some with Corset style tie ups. Other shirts boast fabulous sayings that bare the "Super Sexy" name…

"God is Super Sexy"
"Spirituality is Super Sexy"
"My Husband/Boyfriend is Super Sexy"

According to Anna, any positive message can be Super Sexy. Below, Anna shares the concept and vision behind the Super Sexy Brand with us:

PR.com (Lauryn Manheim): Your line of t-shirts and tank tops are all hand painted and airbrushed. When did you start painting and creating art?

Super Sexy Clothing (Anna Pereira): Ever since I could pick up a crayon or a marker. I've been painting since I was very young. My first piece was a unicorn I painted on my bedroom floor in 99 cent nail polish. I took art classes in school and I received an award for most artistic talent as a graduating senior in High School. I also learned airbrush in High School. My art teacher, who is one of my best friends now, taught me airbrush.
PR.com: Why'd you choose to apply your art to clothing rather then canvas?
Super Sexy Clothing: I always loved rhinestones and glitz and self expression. I gravitated towards art that you can use and walk around with. My work makes me happy and I like to look at it a lot. When you make wearable art, you can look at it every time it's worn.
PR.com: How do you choose your designs?
Super Sexy Clothing: I love florals, hearts, stars, and girly things. I also like the female forms. I like the text [shirts] because you can express what you want to say. And I love things that are very colorful!
PR.com: How did you come up with the name Super Sexy?
Super Sexy Clothing: I saw something that said "Super Sexy," and I thought it would be great for an actual clothing label. I found it to be about expression, empowerment, being an individual, and respect for yourself and for others. Also, both day and nightwear. You can wear the shirt during the day on the beach, or to a lounge at night. You can dress it up or dress it down. Fun and expression!
PR.com: You customize your shirts for each customer?
Super Sexy Clothing: I don't like to go somewhere and have someone else wearing what I'm wearing. I like to do things for people to have an outlet to express themselves. They can wear [their shirt] knowing it's handmade and will never be identical to another piece.
PR.com: How do you envision the branding of the Super Sexy line?
Super Sexy Clothing: I envision a "Super Sexy" edition of anything. Right now it's custom made tops but I want "Super Sexy" jeans, shoes, fragrances, a record label…
PR.com: What is the next step for the Super Sexy brand?
Super Sexy Clothing: Marketing to retail. Up until this point, it's been direct to consumer. I now have the resources to approach retailers. I have achieved a certain level of success with direct to consumer marketing, getting the Swarovski [Crystals] Hang Tag, and establishing a reputation of quality. We are also re-vamping the website to reflect something that will cater more to retailers.
PR.com: What types of stores to do see your clothing in?
Super Sexy Clothing: High-end trendy boutiques in the South East, and West Coast. I have a huge direct following in those areas.
PR.com: Have you had any recent celebrity purchases?
Super Sexy Clothing: America's Next Top Model Winner Adrienne Curry just bought a "Mrs. Knight" shirt for her fiancé, The Brady Bunch's Christopher Knight.
PR.com: Why do you think the "Mrs. So and So" verbiage is so popular now?
Super Sexy Clothing: It's very trendy to be married again. Women have their identity. Everyone wants to get back to being a woman again. There's more of a trend for women being proud to be somebody's wife nowadays. It doesn't take anything away from them.
PR.com: Can anything be Super Sexy on a shirt?
Super Sexy Clothing: I won't do anything that I find vulgar or prejudice or negative. If a customer orders something like that, I will not do it. I won't make a shirt that promotes violence, degradation or prejudice. As for religion, I will say God or spirituality because that is anything you want it to be. But nothing discriminatory. Anything that's positive is "Super Sexy."
To learn more about Super Sexy LLC and Super Sexy Clothing, please visit the Super Sexy Clothing PR.com Company Profile.