
Little over twenty years ago I came to a crossroad in my life. I was diagnosed as being in the early stages of cancer. In the doctor's opinion I could either have surgery or go on a medication that I would have to take for the rest of my life. I did neither. Instead I elected to put my fate in the hands of a higher power.
Years preceding that experience and up to the present day I have been a student of metaphysics; which I attribute to my decision making that it was totally unacceptable to limit myself to the doctor's recommendation. Since that epochal moment in my life, life's journey has taken me down the road towards spiritual healing, mysticism and development of my psychic abilities. Concurrently, evolving into a Mystic, Spiritual Healer and Psychic (clairsentient).
Formal education includes attending Cal State College Los Angeles. My decision to write this book is based upon my expanded awareness of life and the obligation I feel that I have to share this awareness with my fellow man.
An unconventional, unorthodox approach is taken to administer to a prevailing attitude that pulsates throughout the African American community. As a concerned African American, years of pent up emotions are released upon the pages of Bury That Sucka addressing some searing issues encompassing the black community and its destiny.
I was born and raised in Hamilton, Ohio. Upon graduating from high school I enlisted in the Air Force and after getting an Honorable Discharge I took up residence in the Los Angeles metropolitan area, where I presently resided.