
Journalist, promoter, producer and owner of record lable Nazim Nadirov is main ethnic music specialist in Russia.
Member of jury of world music charts europe (
By last 15 years he had organized more than 270 concerts and festivals of ethnic music in Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenia, Germany and Holland. Hosted more than 400 radio shows on stations "Govorit Moskva", "Radio of Russia", "Radio Hope", "Radio Vox", lots of times took part in radio shows on radio "Echo of Moscow", Radio "Multi-Kulti"/Berlin, BBC, Deutche Welle, Radio Liberte etc.
Developed and produced one of the most successful "world-music" bands of former USSR - Ashkhabad, whos disk was released on Peter Gabriel's lable "Real World". Organized and managed first tour of "uzbekian music queen" Yulduz Usmanova in Europe and her releases on "Blue Flame/BMG".
Author and organizer of festivals: "Asian Stars'93", "Eurasian Divas", "Ethnotronica".
Issued lots of disks on his lable Manas Records, which has exclusive rights to distribute in Russia products of top European lables such as Network, Piranha, Jaro, Pan Records, Westparkmusic, Tropical Records, CCn’C, Erdenklang, Indies.
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- Moscow