Jennie Norris

President & CEO


Jennie Norris

Jennie Norris is the President & CEO of and is excited to be at the helm to help take the company into the future. Her passion for the industry, for success of colleagues, and dedication to the mission Barb started, continues in this challenging role. Jennie is known as a high-energy individual, with a mind that engages quickly and a passion for helping people. Her goal is to keep as the industry leader for Home Staging education and business success throughout the world.

Jennie has been trained personally by Barb Schwarz, the Creator of Home Staging®, earning her ASP® Designation in 2002 and her ASPM® Designation in 2004. In 2003-2005 Jennie was the ASP® Business Coach, and in 2005-06 served as the Director of Training for Jennie is part of Staging features on ABC’s 20/20, NBC’s Today Show and HGTV television and online segments, national and local publications, and radio. She is the only 2-Time Winner of the Staging Award of Excellence and the IAHSP Spirit Award, voted on by peers in the Home Staging industry. In 2012, Jennie earned her ASP-REO™ (Real Estate Owned & Investor Properties), ASP-SRS™ (Senior Relocation Specialist) Designations, and in 2014, earned the ASP-BTS™ (Buyer Trends Specialist) Designation and has attended and spoken at every IAHSP® Conference held to date.

Since 2005, she has presented the Accredited Staging Professional® (ASP®) Course as a Certified ASP® Course Trainer throughout North America, currently teaching the monthly webinars and ASPM® Course. She has shared with and educated thousands of real estate industry professionals and Stagers about Home Staging, and has helped mentor Home Stager colleagues as a Business Coach, Trainer and colleague. In 2012, Jennie co-authored the book, “Marketing Made Simple” with Barb Schwarz.

Since 2003, Jennie has served in various roles on the Board of the International Association of Home Staging Professionals® (IAHSP® ), helping to guide the Home Staging industry and providing leadership worldwide. In 2003, she started the first IAHSP® Regional Chapter, giving birth to Barb’s vision of IAHSP Regional Chapters throughout North America. She is currently President of the Denver IAHSP Chapter.

In late 2009, after running a successful Staging business in Sacramento for seven years, Jennie and her family moved to the Denver area where she launched a new Staging business and has grown the company to include four ASP® Stagers to handle business volume and clients. To date Jennie has personally Staged over 3,500 properties and over $2 Billion in real estate.

Jennie received a degree in Psychology with a Biology emphasis from UCLA and provided Marketing and Sales for large environmental engineering companies that oversaw the remediation of some of the nation’s largest Superfund sites. When she had the first of four children (a girl and 3 boys), she left the corporate world and found her way into Staging through a desire to earn income doing something using her creative talents while also giving her flexibility to raise her family. Jennie and her husband of nearly 30 years, John, currently live in Littleton, CO with their last son finishing up high school, 2 sons in college, and 1 daughter who graduated college and has joined the team, as well as a dog, Copper and cat, Oliver.

Littleton, Colorado 80127
United States