PathFree Technologies Corporation

Neil Sahota



Neil Sahota

Role as CCO

As the Chief Commercial Officer at PathFree Technologies, Neil Sahota plays a pivotal role in shaping the company’s commercial strategy and driving growth. His leadership is instrumental in expanding the company’s market presence and establishing it as a leader in innovative technologies.

United Nations Advisor

Advisory Role

Neil Sahota’s expertise is recognized on a global scale through his role as a United Nations Advisor. In this capacity, he provides invaluable insights and guidance on leveraging technology for sustainable development and addressing global challenges.

Contributions to Global Initiatives

Sahota has contributed to various UN initiatives aimed at harnessing technology to improve lives. His work involves advising on the implementation of tech solutions to tackle issues such as poverty, education, and healthcare, thereby making a positive impact on communities worldwide.

IBM Master Inventor

Innovation and Invention

Neil Sahota’s tenure at IBM is marked by his designation as an IBM Master Inventor. This prestigious title reflects his significant contributions to innovation and his ability to create groundbreaking solutions that address complex problems.

Patents and Innovations

Sahota holds numerous patents, showcasing his ability to innovate and push the boundaries of technology. His inventions span across various domains, including artificial intelligence, blockchain, and cloud computing, demonstrating his versatility and ingenuity.

Tech Coast Angel

Role in Tech Coast Angels

As a member of Tech Coast Angels, Neil Sahota plays a crucial role in supporting and mentoring startups. His expertise in technology and business strategy is invaluable to emerging entrepreneurs looking to navigate the challenges of launching and scaling their ventures.

Impact on Startups

Sahota’s involvement with Tech Coast Angels has led to the successful launch of several startups. His mentorship and guidance have helped these companies secure funding, develop robust business models, and achieve sustainable growth.

Guiding Fortune 500 Companies

Strategic Leadership

Neil Sahota’s expertise is sought after by Fortune 500 companies looking to stay ahead in the digital age. His strategic leadership and ability to foresee technological trends have made him a trusted advisor for these industry giants.

Digital Transformation

Sahota’s guidance has been pivotal in driving digital transformation initiatives. He helps companies leverage emerging technologies to optimize operations, enhance customer experiences, and gain a competitive edge in the market.

Contributions to Government Agencies

Policy and Strategy

Government agencies benefit from Sahota’s deep understanding of technology and its applications. His insights assist in shaping policies and strategies that promote the adoption of innovative solutions for public service delivery.

Implementation of Tech Solutions

Sahota’s work with government agencies includes the implementation of tech solutions to improve efficiency and transparency. His contributions have led to the successful deployment of technologies that enhance public sector performance.

Impact on Non-Profits and Academic Institutions

Non-Profit Sector

Neil Sahota’s influence extends to the non-profit sector, where he helps organizations leverage technology to achieve their missions. His expertise aids in developing tech-driven strategies that maximize impact and resource utilization.

Academic Contributions

In the academic realm, Sahota collaborates with institutions to advance research and innovation. His involvement includes guest lectures, advisory roles, and collaborative projects that bridge the gap between academia and industry.


Neil Sahota’s multifaceted career is a testament to his expertise and leadership in the tech industry. As the CCO at PathFree Technologies, a United Nations Advisor, an IBM Master Inventor, and a member of Tech Coast Angels, he has made significant contributions to various sectors, guiding them towards a digital future. His impact is felt globally, from Fortune 500 companies to government agencies, non-profits, and academic institutions, showcasing his ability to drive innovation and foster growth.

19800 McArthur Blvd.
Unit 300
Irvine, CA 92612
United States