Andrew W Murray Jr.’s New Book, "The Right to be Selfish," is a Fascinating Look at the Ways in Which One Must Work with Others for the Betterment of Society & the Nation

Andrew W Murray Jr.’s New Book, "The Right to be Selfish," is a Fascinating Look at the Ways in Which One Must Work with Others for the Betterment of Society & the Nation

Fulton Books author Andrew W Murray Jr, a loving husband and devoted father of three, as well as a US veteran and a retired Home Depot associate of twenty-five years, has completed his most recent book, “The Right to Be Selfish”: an impassioned plea to encourage readers from all walks... - June 19, 2024

Dr. Zena Hamdan’s New Book, “Our Inner Biases: Awareness Alone Is Not Enough,” Explores the Steps Required to Help Control One’s Biased Perceptions of the World

Dr. Zena Hamdan’s New Book, “Our Inner Biases: Awareness Alone Is Not Enough,” Explores the Steps Required to Help Control One’s Biased Perceptions of the World

Fulton Books author Dr. Zena Hamdan, a public health educator and scholar, has completed her most recent book, “Our Inner Biases: Awareness Alone Is Not Enough”: a thought-provoking guide to help readers reflect upon and identify their subconscious biases in order to work through and... - June 19, 2024

Ronald Devera’s New Book, "Life Experience: Leading to Hell and Back to God," Chronicles the Author’s Profound Spiritual Journey That Provided Spiritual Truth and Insight

Ronald Devera’s New Book, "Life Experience: Leading to Hell and Back to God," Chronicles the Author’s Profound Spiritual Journey That Provided Spiritual Truth and Insight

Fulton Books author Ronald Devera, a loving husband of twenty-one years and a supportive father, has completed his most recent book, “Life Experience: Leading to Hell and Back to God”: a compelling memoir documenting the author’s transformative journey from skepticism to spiritual... - June 19, 2024

S.M. Naylar’s New Book, “I Should Have Written That Down: A Book of Random Poems,” Presents a Captivating and Emotionally Stirring Series of Poetry and Ruminations

S.M. Naylar’s New Book, “I Should Have Written That Down: A Book of Random Poems,” Presents a Captivating and Emotionally Stirring Series of Poetry and Ruminations

Fulton Books author S.M. Naylar, who grew up in Sierra Madre, California, and loves a good joke and anything medieval, has completed his most recent book, “I Should Have Written That Down: A Book of Random Poems”: a poignant and heartfelt collection of poems that range from a wide... - June 19, 2024

Kiva McClendon Crutcher’s New Book, “The Secrets I Kept,” Recounts the Author’s Struggles with Childhood Abuse, Her Battle with Addiction, and Her Path to Recovery

Kiva McClendon Crutcher’s New Book, “The Secrets I Kept,” Recounts the Author’s Struggles with Childhood Abuse, Her Battle with Addiction, and Her Path to Recovery

Fulton Books author Kiva McClendon Crutcher, a loving wife and mother who is currently working towards obtaining her master’s in counseling, has completed her most recent book, “The Secrets I Kept”: a powerful and deeply personal memoir that details the author’s journey of... - June 19, 2024

Autym Laliberte’s New Book, "Oversharing: A Collection of Poetry," Delving Into Themes of Abuse, Depression, Heartbreak, and the Complexities of Human Relationships

Autym Laliberte’s New Book, "Oversharing: A Collection of Poetry," Delving Into Themes of Abuse, Depression, Heartbreak, and the Complexities of Human Relationships

Fulton Books author Autym Laliberte, a single mother in southern New Hampshire who has been writing stories for twenty years and poetry for fifteen years, has completed her most recent book, “Oversharing: A Collection of Poetry”: a powerful journey through poetry exploring themes of... - June 17, 2024

Kat Gady’s New Book, "The Celtic Ghost of the House of Tennant," Weaves a Story of Love, Defiance, and the Secrets of an Ancient Stone House in Kentucky

Kat Gady’s New Book, "The Celtic Ghost of the House of Tennant," Weaves a Story of Love, Defiance, and the Secrets of an Ancient Stone House in Kentucky

Fulton Books author Kat Gady, a loving mother and grandmother who has a fascination for history and her Scottish and English ancestry, has completed her most recent book, “The Celtic Ghost of the House of Tennant”: a gripping novel that follows two lovers whose paths converge amidst the... - June 17, 2024

Jessica Shelton’s New Book "The Ruler of the Vampires" Centers Around a Young Girl’s Accent to Power in the Dark Underworld of Vampires as She Grapples with Her New Life

Jessica Shelton’s New Book "The Ruler of the Vampires" Centers Around a Young Girl’s Accent to Power in the Dark Underworld of Vampires as She Grapples with Her New Life

Fulton Books author Jessica Shelton, who has been writing since she was fifteen, has completed her most recent book, “The Ruler of the Vampires”: a gripping tale that follows a young girl whose life is forever changed after discovering her family’s dark secret, forcing her to... - June 17, 2024

Elizabeth Layne’s New Book, "Shattered Emeralds," Follows a Young Woman from a Broken Home and a Dashing Billionaire Whose Romance is Put to the Ultimate Test

Elizabeth Layne’s New Book, "Shattered Emeralds," Follows a Young Woman from a Broken Home and a Dashing Billionaire Whose Romance is Put to the Ultimate Test

Fulton Books author Elizabeth Layne has completed her most recent book, “Shattered Emeralds”: a gripping and compelling romance that explores the transformative power of love in the face of darkness as young Veronica Lancaster attempts to overcome the shadows of her past and finds... - June 14, 2024

Victoria Vulcano’s New Book, "The Life of Gabriella Goosington," is a Beautiful Story of the Special Connection Between a Young Girl and Her Beloved Grandfather

Victoria Vulcano’s New Book, "The Life of Gabriella Goosington," is a Beautiful Story of the Special Connection Between a Young Girl and Her Beloved Grandfather

Fulton Books author Victoria Vulcano, a loving mother who enjoys spending time with her daughters and being on her boat at the Jersey Shore, has completed her most recent book, “The Life of Gabriella Goosington”: a poignant and heartfelt story of a young girl and the special bond she... - June 14, 2024

Caenan Perez’s New Book, “On Natural Order: Philosophic Reflections on Right Libertarian Reality, in the Context of Theological Existence,” is Released

Fulton Books author Caenan Perez, a nineteen-year-old independent philosopher and writer who has learned his disciplines through a personal library, has completed his most recent book, “On Natural Order: Philosophic Reflections on Right Libertarian Reality, in the Context of Theological... - June 14, 2024

John R. McCoy’s New Book “The American High School Experience: A Flawed Human Business” Presents a Series of True Stories Surrounding the American High School Experience

John R. McCoy’s New Book “The American High School Experience: A Flawed Human Business” Presents a Series of True Stories Surrounding the American High School Experience

Fulton Books author John R. McCoy, who holds a master’s degree in public school administration from Eastern Washington University, has completed his most recent book, “The American High School Experience: A Flawed Human Business”: a fascinating collection offering candid insights... - June 11, 2024

I. S. Noah’s New Book, "Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches From Outer Space!" is a 21st-Century Fairytale Involving Aliens, Secret Agents, and Even a Sasquatch

I. S. Noah’s New Book, "Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches From Outer Space!" is a 21st-Century Fairytale Involving Aliens, Secret Agents, and Even a Sasquatch

Fulton Books author I. S. Noah, who currently resides in Marin County, where he loves hiking among the giant redwoods and praying for sanity and peace in the world, has completed his most recent book, “Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches From Outer Space!: (A 21st Century Fairy Tale)”: a... - June 11, 2024

Timothy Seaman’s New Book, “From Montana-Around the World and Back,” is a Riveting Account That Chronicles the Extraordinary Life of the Author’s Father

Timothy Seaman’s New Book, “From Montana-Around the World and Back,” is a Riveting Account That Chronicles the Extraordinary Life of the Author’s Father

Fulton Books author Timothy Seaman, a veteran of the US Navy, has completed his most recent book, “From Montana-Around the World and Back”: an engaging memoir that delves into the extraordinary life of the author’s father, Donald Seaman, to paint a vivid portrait of a man shaped... - June 11, 2024

Kenielle Morris-Albany’s New Book, "Paula the Powerful," is a Charming Story of a Young Girl Who Learns to Stand Up Against Bullies and Become a Champion of Kindness

Kenielle Morris-Albany’s New Book, "Paula the Powerful," is a Charming Story of a Young Girl Who Learns to Stand Up Against Bullies and Become a Champion of Kindness

Fulton Books author Kenielle Morris-Albany, a steadfast advocate for literacy and the importance of embracing one’s imagination, has completed her most recent book, “Paula the Powerful”: an empowering tale that follows a young girl who learns to stand up for her friends and spread... - June 11, 2024

M C Presler’s New Book, "The Mage Book 1," Follows a Young Girl’s Journey to Survive and Follow Her Destiny After Discovering She Has Powerful, But Illegal, Mage Blood

M C Presler’s New Book, "The Mage Book 1," Follows a Young Girl’s Journey to Survive and Follow Her Destiny After Discovering She Has Powerful, But Illegal, Mage Blood

Fulton Books author M C Presler, a graduate of Lake Region State College who lives in North Dakota with his wife of over twenty years, has completed his most recent book, “The Mage Book 1”: a gripping fantasy adventure that follows a young girl who discovers she has powerful mage blood... - June 11, 2024

Francis Jenkins’s New Book, “Forever Ann: A Very Personal Earth History, Manifesta and Love Story from the First One,” Follows a Woman’s New Life with Immortality

Francis Jenkins’s New Book, “Forever Ann: A Very Personal Earth History, Manifesta and Love Story from the First One,” Follows a Woman’s New Life with Immortality

Fulton Books author Francis Jenkins, one of several writers with a small, independent newspaper called “The Pittsburgh Point” to be given one of the Pittsburgh Press Club’s annual Golden Quill awards in 1968, has completed the new book, “Forever Ann: A Very Personal Earth... - June 11, 2024

Robert Bellino M.D.’s New Book, "Be: Control Ability for You," is a Transformative Guide That Delves Into the Realms of Self-Empowerment and Personal Mastery

Robert Bellino M.D.’s New Book, "Be: Control Ability for You," is a Transformative Guide That Delves Into the Realms of Self-Empowerment and Personal Mastery

Fulton Books author Robert Bellino M.D., a psychiatrist of fifty-five years, has completed his/her most recent book, “Be: Control Ability for You: Your Guide to Everything: A Traveler’s Guide to Coping with the Universe and All That It Is--YOU!”: a groundbreaking exploration into... - June 07, 2024

John Bowling’s New Book, "Lake Cora Haiku," is a Fresh, New Collection of the Admired Poetic Form of Haiku Inspired by the Beauty and Serenity of Michigan’s Lake Cora

John Bowling’s New Book, "Lake Cora Haiku," is a Fresh, New Collection of the Admired Poetic Form of Haiku Inspired by the Beauty and Serenity of Michigan’s Lake Cora

Fulton Books author John Bowling, who served for many years as a college professor, pastor, and university president, has completed his most recent book, “Lake Cora Haiku”: a powerful and poignant series of haikus prompted and influenced by the author’s time spent admiring the... - June 06, 2024

Mary Jo Schell’s New Book, "Annabella’s Story," Centers Around a Young Woman’s Life as She and Her Family Live Through the Civil War on Their Plantation

Mary Jo Schell’s New Book, "Annabella’s Story," Centers Around a Young Woman’s Life as She and Her Family Live Through the Civil War on Their Plantation

Fulton Books author Mary Jo Schell, a loving mother of two who spent thirty years in the accounting field from 1983 to 2013, has completed her most recent book, “Annabella’s Story”: a captivating story that follows a young southern woman’s attempts to survive and care for... - June 06, 2024

Patricia Goodwyn’s New Book, "Life of a Human Butterfly," is a Powerful Exploration of Human Transformation That Can Lead to a Whole New Capacity and Perception

Patricia Goodwyn’s New Book, "Life of a Human Butterfly," is a Powerful Exploration of Human Transformation That Can Lead to a Whole New Capacity and Perception

Fulton Books author Patricia Goodwyn, who currently resides in Virginia Beach, Virginia, has completed her most recent book, “Life of A Human Butterfly”: a compelling series of inspirational and motivational quotes designed to help readers find the courage and insight to move forward... - June 05, 2024

Edwin Lupberger’s New Book, "Serendipitous Management," Follows the Author as He Reflects on His Time in the Power Industry Amidst a Changing Corporate Landscape

Edwin Lupberger’s New Book, "Serendipitous Management," Follows the Author as He Reflects on His Time in the Power Industry Amidst a Changing Corporate Landscape

Fulton Books author Edwin Lupberger, who spent forty-years working in the US electric power industry and played an active role in setting both industry and national regulations and policy, has completed his most recent book, “Serendipitous Management”: a fascinating overview of the... - June 05, 2024

Kathy Houchins’s New Book, "Sisterhood: Eleanor's Story," Follows a Group of Women with Special Powers That They Must Use to Support Each Other & Protect Those They Love

Kathy Houchins’s New Book, "Sisterhood: Eleanor's Story," Follows a Group of Women with Special Powers That They Must Use to Support Each Other & Protect Those They Love

Fulton Books author Kathy Houchins, a lifelong storyteller who has turned to writing in her retirement, has completed her most recent book, “Sisterhood: Eleanor's Story”: a fascinating tale that centers around four women and lifelong friends who, through their combined skills, work... - May 31, 2024

Jordan Buendia’s New Book, "Through the Valley Part 1," Follows Two Survivors of an Undead Apocalypse Searching for Refuge from Dangers Both Dead and Alive

Jordan Buendia’s New Book, "Through the Valley Part 1," Follows Two Survivors of an Undead Apocalypse Searching for Refuge from Dangers Both Dead and Alive

Fulton Books author Jordan Buendia, who grew up fascinated with the idea of fighting against the undead, has completed his most recent book, “Through the Valley Part 1”: a gripping saga that centers around a man who must escort a teenage girl to a rumored safe haven, all while dodging... - May 31, 2024

Asif Bayramov’s New Book, "Azerbaijani Jews in Sports: Second Edition," Explores the Incredible Achievements of Jewish Athletes Despite the Bigotry They Often Face

Asif Bayramov’s New Book, "Azerbaijani Jews in Sports: Second Edition," Explores the Incredible Achievements of Jewish Athletes Despite the Bigotry They Often Face

Fulton Books author Asif Bayramov, a writer, a master in sports sciences, a trainer, and a black belt holder in Judo, has completed his most recent book, “Azerbaijani Jews in Sports: Second Edition”: a revised and updated edition that reveals the achievements of Jewish star athletes,... - May 31, 2024

Erica Moseley’s New Book, “Crazy Enough To Believe In Me,” is a Thought-Provoking, True Story of How the Author Fought Her Way Back from the Darkness in Her Life

Erica Moseley’s New Book, “Crazy Enough To Believe In Me,” is a Thought-Provoking, True Story of How the Author Fought Her Way Back from the Darkness in Her Life

Fulton Books author Erica Moseley has completed her most recent book, “Crazy Enough To Believe In Me”: a powerful and shocking memoir that documents the author’s spiritual and emotional fight to overcome her past mistakes and challenges she endured, all in order to pull herself... - May 31, 2024

Capt. Bradley T. Wilson’s New Book, "Full Circle," is a Harrowing Story Based on the Author’s Experiences Pursuing a Colombian Drug Cartel in Southern California

Capt. Bradley T. Wilson’s New Book, "Full Circle," is a Harrowing Story Based on the Author’s Experiences Pursuing a Colombian Drug Cartel in Southern California

Fulton Books author Capt. Bradley T. Wilson, who currently resides in Southern California with his wife Monique, has completed his most recent book, “Full Circle: Based on the True Story of a Police Detective’s Pursuit of a Colombian Cartel Queen”: an action-packed, semi-fictional... - May 30, 2024

Tammy Dobbs’s New Book, "Winter Thaw," Follows the Lives of Two Individuals Who Both Find Comfort in the Other While Attempting to Escape Their Harrowing Pasts

Tammy Dobbs’s New Book, "Winter Thaw," Follows the Lives of Two Individuals Who Both Find Comfort in the Other While Attempting to Escape Their Harrowing Pasts

Fulton Books author Tammy Dobbs, whose love for animals led her to pursue a weekend career as an animal sitter where she ensures the well-being and happiness of pets while their owners are away, has completed her most recent book, “Winter Thaw”: a powerful story of two strangers who... - May 29, 2024

Angel Gonzalez & Brittany Gonzalez’s New Book, "Taking the Leap Into Commercial Real Estate," Explores the Ways in Which Investors Can Achieve Their Financial Goals

Angel Gonzalez & Brittany Gonzalez’s New Book, "Taking the Leap Into Commercial Real Estate," Explores the Ways in Which Investors Can Achieve Their Financial Goals

Fulton Books authors Angel Gonzalez, who has over nineteen plus years of experience in finance, banking, and executive management with fortune five hundred companies, and Brittany Gonzalez, a managing partner with over twenty years of experience in the banking industry, have completed their most... - May 28, 2024

Maureen Whitaker’s New Book, "Imagine Living Life Well with Perspective," is a Heartfelt Story of One Woman’s Journey to Continue Living After Her Husband’s Passing

Maureen Whitaker’s New Book, "Imagine Living Life Well with Perspective," is a Heartfelt Story of One Woman’s Journey to Continue Living After Her Husband’s Passing

Fulton Books author Maureen Whitaker has completed her most recent book, “Imagine Living Life Well with Perspective”: a captivating and engaging story of a woman who, after the tragic death of her husband, learns to move on and find a new love while holding on to her memories of her... - May 28, 2024

Catherine V. De Luca De Guia, Ph.D’s New Book “Harriet's Spooky Halloween Adventure” is an Adorable Tale That Centers Around a Young Vampire’s Big Night Out on Halloween

Catherine V. De Luca De Guia, Ph.D’s New Book “Harriet's Spooky Halloween Adventure” is an Adorable Tale That Centers Around a Young Vampire’s Big Night Out on Halloween

Fulton Books author Catherine V. De Luca De Guia, Ph.D, who lives with her husband, Abner De Guia in a Washington, DC, suburb, has completed her most recent book, “Harriet's Spooky Halloween Adventure”: a charming tale that follows a vampire named Harriet ventures out on Halloween and... - May 28, 2024

Lyne Delmonte’s New Book, "The Super Blue Blood Moon: Cirque Superno Book 1," Follows a Circus of Magical Beings as They Search for a Missing Member of Their Show

Lyne Delmonte’s New Book, "The Super Blue Blood Moon: Cirque Superno Book 1," Follows a Circus of Magical Beings as They Search for a Missing Member of Their Show

Fulton Books author Lyne Delmonte, who spent three-quarters of her life traveling and performing in the circus as an aerialist, ringmaster, and horse trainer, has completed her most recent book, “The Super Blue Blood Moon: Cirque Superno Book 1”: a gripping mystery that centers around a... - May 28, 2024

Steve Metzner’s New Book, "America at the Tipping Point," is a Poignant Examination of the Sins of Modern-Day America That Could Lead to the Nation’s Destruction

Steve Metzner’s New Book, "America at the Tipping Point," is a Poignant Examination of the Sins of Modern-Day America That Could Lead to the Nation’s Destruction

Fulton Books author Steve Metzner has completed his most recent book, “America at the Tipping Point”: a gripping and potent examination of the striking parallels between the ancient nation of Israel as depicted in the Bible and the current state of affairs in the United States, delving... - May 24, 2024

Debra Ann Maciel’s New Book “In the Arms of the Angels: True Story of a Daughter's Love from the Other Side” Reveals How Deceased Loved Ones Continue to Remain in Spirit

Debra Ann Maciel’s New Book “In the Arms of the Angels: True Story of a Daughter's Love from the Other Side” Reveals How Deceased Loved Ones Continue to Remain in Spirit

Fulton Books author Debra Ann Maciel, a Reiki master and interfaith minister at the Birch Tree Sanctuary, at the Soul Purpose, and a member of the Universal Brotherhood Movement Inc, has completed her most recent book, “In the Arms of the Angels: True Story of a Daughter's Love from the Other... - May 24, 2024

Arthur M. James’s New Book, "Untertauchen: A Historical Novel," Follows a Jewish Couple Living in Nazi Germany Who Must Go Into Hiding and Eventually Flee Their Home

Arthur M. James’s New Book, "Untertauchen: A Historical Novel," Follows a Jewish Couple Living in Nazi Germany Who Must Go Into Hiding and Eventually Flee Their Home

Fulton Books author Arthur M. James, a bilingual retired journalist and former TV news anchor and talk show host, has completed his most recent book, “Untertauchen: A Historical Novel”: a gripping novel that centers around a German Jewish couple that goes into hiding when their... - May 24, 2024

Lorraine Castro’s New Book, "Tara and the Earth Girl," Follows Two Friends Who Must Rise Up Against a Dark Sorcerer Who Longs to Destroy the Faerie Realm

Lorraine Castro’s New Book, "Tara and the Earth Girl," Follows Two Friends Who Must Rise Up Against a Dark Sorcerer Who Longs to Destroy the Faerie Realm

Fulton Books author Lorraine Castro, who founded Bienvenidos Children’s Center, a nonprofit that has helped over one million abused children and fragile families, has completed her most recent book, “Tara and the Earth Girl”: a gripping fantasy adventure that follows young Tara as... - May 24, 2024

Anne Masi’s New Book, "The Point of No Return," is a Riveting Story of a Young Woman Who Finds Herself in a Relationship That May Lead Her Down a Dangerous Path

Anne Masi’s New Book, "The Point of No Return," is a Riveting Story of a Young Woman Who Finds Herself in a Relationship That May Lead Her Down a Dangerous Path

Fulton Books author Anne Masi, a mom of seven who enjoys writing about her experiences in life, has completed her most recent book, “The Point of No Return”: a gripping tale that follows a young woman who, despite the warning signs, pursues a relationship with a mysterious... - May 22, 2024

Mel Andrews’s New Book, "Married to the Devil," Follows a Single Mother Who Must Figure Out a Way to Escape Her Dangerous Husband to Save Herself and Her Daughter

Mel Andrews’s New Book, "Married to the Devil," Follows a Single Mother Who Must Figure Out a Way to Escape Her Dangerous Husband to Save Herself and Her Daughter

Fulton Books author Mel Andrews, a loving mother and grandmother who lives in West Des Moines, Iowa, with her two dogs, has completed her most recent book, “Married to the Devil”: a gripping story of a young single mother who, after finding the perfect guy and building a new life for... - May 22, 2024

Ed Rieger’s New Book, "How Not to Date or Marry the Mentally Ill," Explores the Ways in Which Readers Can Discern Which Potential Romantic Partners Are Right for Them

Ed Rieger’s New Book, "How Not to Date or Marry the Mentally Ill," Explores the Ways in Which Readers Can Discern Which Potential Romantic Partners Are Right for Them

Fulton Books author Ed Rieger, who grew up as one of nine children to a single parent who struggled with alcoholism, has completed his most recent book, “How Not to Date or Marry the Mentally Ill”: a powerful guide designed to help readers evaluate the psychological makeup of a person... - May 20, 2024

A. B. Bishop’s New Book, "Discovery in Sunshine," Follows One Woman’s Arduous Drive Across a Post-Apocalyptic America in Order to Test a New Energy Storing Technology

A. B. Bishop’s New Book, "Discovery in Sunshine," Follows One Woman’s Arduous Drive Across a Post-Apocalyptic America in Order to Test a New Energy Storing Technology

Fulton Books author A. B. Bishop, who currently resides in Colorado, has completed her most recent book, “Discovery in Sunshine”: a gripping tale set in a post-apocalyptic America that follows a young woman who begins a treacherous journey driving across the country to test new energy... - May 17, 2024

Kimberly Hoffman’s New Book, "Just Ask Jim," is a Touching Story of a Young Girl Who Spends Time Listening to Her Father Talk About Childhood Stories and His Own Father

Kimberly Hoffman’s New Book, "Just Ask Jim," is a Touching Story of a Young Girl Who Spends Time Listening to Her Father Talk About Childhood Stories and His Own Father

Fulton Books author Kimberly Hoffman, who currently resides in Florida where she enjoys the beach and daily sunshine, has completed her most recent book, “Just Ask Jim”: a heartfelt tale that centers around a young girl who, after discovering her father’s old notebook while out... - May 17, 2024

Helen Vogel’s New Book, "Ralph the Black Cat," Follows a Curious Cat Who Leaves Home to Have a Grand Adventure But Quickly Longs for the Comfort and Safety of His Home

Helen Vogel’s New Book, "Ralph the Black Cat," Follows a Curious Cat Who Leaves Home to Have a Grand Adventure But Quickly Longs for the Comfort and Safety of His Home

Fulton Books author Helen Vogel, who currently resides in northern New Jersey with her six cats and enjoys spending time reading, cooking, and gardening, has completed her most recent book, “Ralph the Black Cat”: a delightful story of a cat named Ralph who goes off to explore the... - May 17, 2024

Odell Stigler’s New Book, “Choices: An Essay to Addicts and Their Families Drug- and Alcohol-Free through Better Choices,” Explores How the Author Overcame His Addictions

Odell Stigler’s New Book, “Choices: An Essay to Addicts and Their Families Drug- and Alcohol-Free through Better Choices,” Explores How the Author Overcame His Addictions

Fulton Books author Odell Stigler, who graduated from the US Army Airborne Training School at Fort Benning, Georgia, has completed his most recent book, “Choices: An Essay to Addicts and Their Families Drug- and Alcohol-Free through Better Choices”: a compelling memoir that follows the... - May 16, 2024

Robert Kelley’s New Book, "Serpentine," is an Immersive Novel That Follows Six Friends Whose New Rock Band Becomes the Ultimate Test of Their Friendship

Robert Kelley’s New Book, "Serpentine," is an Immersive Novel That Follows Six Friends Whose New Rock Band Becomes the Ultimate Test of Their Friendship

Fulton Books author Robert Kelley, who currently resides in Florida with his two beloved daughters, has completed his most recent book, “Serpentine”: a gripping saga that follows a group of friends who come together to form a band, embarking on a journey where dreams intertwine with... - May 16, 2024

Sheri Palmer’s New Book, "Spark Plug: An Endearing Dog Story," Follows the Life of a Rottweiler Who Was Gifted to the Author’s Grandfather to Help Out on His Farm

Sheri Palmer’s New Book, "Spark Plug: An Endearing Dog Story," Follows the Life of a Rottweiler Who Was Gifted to the Author’s Grandfather to Help Out on His Farm

Fulton Books author Sheri Palmer, who was born and raised in Birdsall, New York, and graduated college in Redding Ridge, Connecticut, has completed her most recent book, “Spark Plug: An Endearing Dog Story”: a charming, true story about a Rottweiler puppy who is adopted to work on a... - May 16, 2024

Jack Sparacino’s New Book, “Death Wish: The Southern Ladies Mafia Go for Broke,” Centers Around a Group of Women Who Work to Turn Their Lives Around After Years of Crime

Jack Sparacino’s New Book, “Death Wish: The Southern Ladies Mafia Go for Broke,” Centers Around a Group of Women Who Work to Turn Their Lives Around After Years of Crime

Fulton Books author Jack Sparacino, who holds a PhD in social psychology from the University of Chicago, has completed his most recent book, “Death Wish: The Southern Ladies Mafia Go for Broke”: a gripping continuation of the Southern Ladies Mafia that follows the group as they follow a... - May 15, 2024

Francisco Javier Fuentes, Ph D’s New Book, “Las Cosas Diferente: Things that are Different,” Explores How Being Different Doesn't Make Someone Better or Worse Than Others

Francisco Javier Fuentes, Ph D’s New Book, “Las Cosas Diferente: Things that are Different,” Explores How Being Different Doesn't Make Someone Better or Worse Than Others

Fulton Books author Francisco Javier Fuentes, Ph D has completed his most recent book, “Las Cosas Diferente: Things that are Different”: a charming tale that centers around a young girl who learns an important lesson about accepting things that may appear to be different and makes a new... - May 15, 2024

J. Irene Hickey’s New Book "Batty: The Adventures of Boomer and Matilda" Follows a Kangaroo and a Koala Who Must Befriend an Angry Bat in Order to Stay in Their New Home

J. Irene Hickey’s New Book "Batty: The Adventures of Boomer and Matilda" Follows a Kangaroo and a Koala Who Must Befriend an Angry Bat in Order to Stay in Their New Home

Fulton Books author J. Irene Hickey, who has a passion for writing stories that both entertain and educate her readers, has completed her most recent book, “Batty: The Adventures of Boomer and Matilda”: a charming tale that centers around a kangaroo and a koala who, after finding a nice... - May 14, 2024

Orlindo "Neeno" Myles’s New Book, “75 Things NOT to Do in Prison,” is a Collection of Advice and Funny Stories from the Author’s Firsthand Experience

Orlindo "Neeno" Myles’s New Book, “75 Things NOT to Do in Prison,” is a Collection of Advice and Funny Stories from the Author’s Firsthand Experience

Fulton Books author Orlindo "Neeno" Myles, a singer-songwriter, playwright, and screenwriter who has been incarcerated since he was fifteen, has completed his most recent book, “75 Things NOT to Do in Prison”: an eye-opening look at what life in prison is truly life, as well... - May 14, 2024

P. W. Rainey’s New Book, "Don’t Know, Whitlow," Centers Around a Dangerous Mission Undertaken by Three Human Clones to Save the World from Absolute Destruction

P. W. Rainey’s New Book, "Don’t Know, Whitlow," Centers Around a Dangerous Mission Undertaken by Three Human Clones to Save the World from Absolute Destruction

Fulton Books author P. W. Rainey, a retired engineer who worked for many years developing and integrating manufacturing equipment, has completed his most recent book, “Don’t Know, Whitlow”: a gripping science-fiction novel that follows three human clones who realize the only way... - May 13, 2024

Press Releases 51 - 100 of 893