Author D. Lindsay Michelini’s New Book, “Prince BJ and Princess Patches Adventure into the Magical Forest,” Tells the Thrilling Tale of Two Puppies and Their Escapades

Author D. Lindsay Michelini’s New Book, “Prince BJ and Princess Patches Adventure into the Magical Forest,” Tells the Thrilling Tale of Two Puppies and Their Escapades

Recent release “Prince BJ and Princess Patches Adventure into the Magical Forest,” from Covenant Books author D. Lindsay Michelini, is a delightful story that centers around two very adventurous Pekingese puppies of royalty who venture off to explore the mystical magical forest. When they do, the two discover a wizard whose powers have been stolen, and they help him get them back to avoid disaster. - March 29, 2023

Author J.L. Littlefield’s New Book, “Phoebe's Perils: A Story of Domestic Violence,” is a Thought-Provoking Story of Escaping an Abusive Relationship to Regain One's Life

Author J.L. Littlefield’s New Book, “Phoebe's Perils: A Story of Domestic Violence,” is a Thought-Provoking Story of Escaping an Abusive Relationship to Regain One's Life

Recent release “Phoebe's Perils: A Story of Domestic Violence,” from Covenant Books author J.L. Littlefield, is a spellbinding tale that centers around a young woman who makes the powerful choice to take back control of her life and leave her abuser. But when he locates her yet again, she'll have to rely on her loved ones and do what is necessary for her survival. - March 29, 2023

Author John Wesley Knight III’s New Book, “The Spiritual Self-Assessment Interview,” Provides Readers with a Tool to Measure Areas That Can be Improved

Author John Wesley Knight III’s New Book, “The Spiritual Self-Assessment Interview,” Provides Readers with a Tool to Measure Areas That Can be Improved

Recent release “The Spiritual Self-Assessment Interview,” from Covenant Books author John Wesley Knight III, is for individuals to take a deeper look at their spiritual relationship with God and evaluate themselves on how well they are living out what they profess. - March 29, 2023

Author Jeannie Wong Salomon’s New Book, "Double Minority," is a Deeply Personal Account of the Author's Experiences with Discrimination as an Asian American and a Woman

Author Jeannie Wong Salomon’s New Book, "Double Minority," is a Deeply Personal Account of the Author's Experiences with Discrimination as an Asian American and a Woman

Recent release “Double Minority,” from Covenant Books author Jeannie Wong Salomon, is a stirring and deeply personal account of the author's life and the challenges and xenophobia she faced that shaped her as an Asian American woman in America. Driven by her desire to generate a world free of hate, Salomon hopes to inspire readers to reverse their learned prejudices that lead to bias and violence. - March 28, 2023

Charles Richmond’s New Book, "My Dad Has Parkinson's," is an Educational and Inspiring Children’s Story to Help Kids Better Understand Parkinson’s Disease

Charles Richmond’s New Book, "My Dad Has Parkinson's," is an Educational and Inspiring Children’s Story to Help Kids Better Understand Parkinson’s Disease

Recent release “My Dad Has Parkinson's,” from Covenant Books author Charles Richmond, is a helpful tool to teach children about the hard-to-grasp concept of an incurable brain disorder. By sharing his personal experiences, Richmond normalizes Parkinson’s disease for young readers and helps it not seem so scary. - March 27, 2023

Author Adrian Maurice Jenkins’s New Book, "A Journey to Freedom, the Divine Dreamer," Follows the Author as He Details How God Saved Him from Self-Destructive Tendencies

Author Adrian Maurice Jenkins’s New Book, "A Journey to Freedom, the Divine Dreamer," Follows the Author as He Details How God Saved Him from Self-Destructive Tendencies

Recent release “A Journey to Freedom, the Divine Dreamer,” from Covenant Books author Adrian Maurice Jenkins, details the author's struggle and tribulations and how his relationship with God helped to pull him out from the darkness. Despite his destructive ways, Jenkins allowed himself to be saved by the Lord, and shares his story so that others in his position may find the courage to do the same. - March 24, 2023

Author Cheryl Knoll’s New Book, "She Hears the Wind," is a Compelling and Heartfelt Book of Poetry Inspired by the Unique Beauty and Grace of the Wind

Author Cheryl Knoll’s New Book, "She Hears the Wind," is a Compelling and Heartfelt Book of Poetry Inspired by the Unique Beauty and Grace of the Wind

Recent release “She Hears the Wind,” from Covenant Books author Cheryl Knoll, is a captivating collection of poems rooted in the author’s faith in God, as inspired by the beauty of nature. - March 24, 2023

Author Lorna Mitchell and Illustrator Nataliia Kushnir’s New Book, "The Little Seed," Explores the Importance of Never Giving Up and How God Has Made Everyone Special

Author Lorna Mitchell and Illustrator Nataliia Kushnir’s New Book, "The Little Seed," Explores the Importance of Never Giving Up and How God Has Made Everyone Special

Recent release “The Little Seed,” from Covenant Books author Lorna Mitchell and illustrator Nataliia Kushnir, is an engaging story of a small seed that is planted by God and nourished by the sun to grow big and strong. When harsh weather keeps the sun from shining one day, the little seed refuses to give up and continues to grow no matter how chaotic and scary the world around it has become. - March 24, 2023

Author Barbara A. Myricks-Gomillia’s New Book, “Stay Under the Rock,” Explores How One's Faith and Relationship with God Can Help in Overcoming One's Pain and Suffering

Author Barbara A. Myricks-Gomillia’s New Book, “Stay Under the Rock,” Explores How One's Faith and Relationship with God Can Help in Overcoming One's Pain and Suffering

Recent release “Stay Under the Rock: Covering for Your Chronic Pain,” from Covenant Books author Barbara Myricks-Gomillia, is a series of devotionals aimed at inspiring readers to look towards Christ to help carry them through their pain. Barbara draws from her own experiences to provide insight into how her faith has transformed her life, and how it can do the same for her readers. - March 22, 2023

Author Delia C. Hunt’s New Book, “Teach Me to Pray: The light of the world lives in me,” Reveals How God is Always Present and Available to His Followers Through Prayer

Author Delia C. Hunt’s New Book, “Teach Me to Pray: The light of the world lives in me,” Reveals How God is Always Present and Available to His Followers Through Prayer

Recent release “Teach Me to Pray: The light of the world lives in mem,” from Covenant Books author Delia C. Hunt, explores what praying is and how to make it a part of one's daily life. With colorful illustrations to help bring her story to life, "Teach Me to Pray" is a wonderful tool for young readers to discover that the Lord is always present and ready to listen to whatever is on one's mind. - March 21, 2023

Author Danica O’Neal’s New Book, "Chaotic Simplicity: Addressing Everyday Mental Health," Embraces That There Can be Simple Solutions to Everyday Mental Health Struggles

Author Danica O’Neal’s New Book, "Chaotic Simplicity: Addressing Everyday Mental Health," Embraces That There Can be Simple Solutions to Everyday Mental Health Struggles

Recent release “Chaotic Simplicity: Addressing Everyday Mental Health,” from Covenant Books author Danica O’Neal, reminds readers that, through all the chaos of life, they have a Savior who loves them and is supporting them. - March 20, 2023

Author Charlotte Smith’s New Book, "Confusing Words, Including Heteronyms; Or Why English is Difficult to Learn," Helps Readers Better Understand the English Language

Author Charlotte Smith’s New Book, "Confusing Words, Including Heteronyms; Or Why English is Difficult to Learn," Helps Readers Better Understand the English Language

Recent release “Confusing Words, Including Heteronyms; Or Why English is Difficult to Learn,” from Covenant Books author Charlotte Smith, was written for those who already have some knowledge of English and want to improve. - March 20, 2023

Ariana Oman’s Book, "Lyla Lies A Lot," Reveals How Lies from a Twisted Mind Reverberate Then Obliterate a Marriage, Tear Apart Lives, & Jeopardize an Innocent Boy’s Life

Ariana Oman’s Book, "Lyla Lies A Lot," Reveals How Lies from a Twisted Mind Reverberate Then Obliterate a Marriage, Tear Apart Lives, & Jeopardize an Innocent Boy’s Life

Recent release “Lyla Lies A Lot,” from Covenant Books author Ariana Oman, is a riveting story that unfolds like a mystery as it dives into the world of Lyla, a mentally ill mother of a diabetic child, recently divorced, and determined to use her son as a pawn to win full custody. Lyla’s forked tongue cuts out her son’s father and drags her child onto a path of destruction that promises to destroy him if he is not diverted from a life drowning in crime. - March 20, 2023

Author Charlotte Smith’s New Book, "Homonyms; Multiple-Meaning Words," Dives Into Tricky Words That Sound Alike But Mean Very Different Things

Author Charlotte Smith’s New Book, "Homonyms; Multiple-Meaning Words," Dives Into Tricky Words That Sound Alike But Mean Very Different Things

Recent release “Homonyms; Multiple-Meaning Words: Or One Reason English is Difficult to Learn,” from Covenant Books author Charlotte Smith, is a guidebook of commonly used homonyms that will help anyone improve his or her English language skills. - March 20, 2023

Author Joseph Sinkfield’s New Book, "The Voice of the Sword," Offers All Readers an In-Depth, Enlightening Discussion of the True Meaning of the Word of God

Author Joseph Sinkfield’s New Book, "The Voice of the Sword," Offers All Readers an In-Depth, Enlightening Discussion of the True Meaning of the Word of God

Recent release “The Voice of the Sword,” from Covenant Books author Joseph Sinkfield, gives Christians an opportunity to consider the author’s findings discovered through studying the Bible and compare them with their conclusions, unlocking the mysteries of the Bible. - March 17, 2023

Author Plammoottil V. Cherian’s New Book, "Democracy in America: Is It in Peril?" Offers Socio-Theological Reasons Why Democracies Fail or Are in Danger

Author Plammoottil V. Cherian’s New Book, "Democracy in America: Is It in Peril?" Offers Socio-Theological Reasons Why Democracies Fail or Are in Danger

Recent release “Democracy in America: Is It in Peril?” from Covenant Books author Plammoottil V. Cherian, discusses how policies without God will shatter the foundation of democracy. - March 17, 2023

Author Rosa Amnery's Casado’s New Book, "They Profess to Know God, but Their Actions Deny Him," Tells of the Spiritual Abuse Church Members Sometimes Commit in God's Name

Author Rosa Amnery's Casado’s New Book, "They Profess to Know God, but Their Actions Deny Him," Tells of the Spiritual Abuse Church Members Sometimes Commit in God's Name

Recent release “They Profess to Know God, but Their Actions Deny Him,” from Covenant Books author Rosa Amnery's Casado, reveals how church communities can sometimes turn people away from God through hate and lies. Inspired by an incident involving her sister, Casado discusses how to recognize when others appear to be an agent of the Lord but end up spreading falsehoods to hurt and damage others. - March 17, 2023

Author Flo Dunn Bunting’s New Book, "The Clearing at Portree Bend," is the Story of Five Unlikely Heroes Who Must Band Together to Protect Their Hometown from Evil

Author Flo Dunn Bunting’s New Book, "The Clearing at Portree Bend," is the Story of Five Unlikely Heroes Who Must Band Together to Protect Their Hometown from Evil

Recent release “The Clearing at Portree Bend,” from Covenant Books author Flo Dunn Bunting, is the story of a twelve-year-old boy and four others who are given unusual powers that are put to the test almost immediately when they have to defend their home town from wickedness in the hot, humid summer of 1958. - March 17, 2023

L. Richardson’s New Book, "The Marine's Wife: The Picture Frames We Hang on the Wall," is an Inspiring Work Helping Women Remove Societal Masks and Embrace a Godly Life

L. Richardson’s New Book, "The Marine's Wife: The Picture Frames We Hang on the Wall," is an Inspiring Work Helping Women Remove Societal Masks and Embrace a Godly Life

Recent release “The Marine's Wife: The Picture Frames We Hang on the Wall,” from Covenant Books author L. Richardson, is a revolutionary new perspective on Christian womanhood. Richardson teaches readers how to detach themselves from society’s expectations—the “mask” women must wear—and immerse themselves into life with God at their side. - March 17, 2023

Author M.E. Magalousis’s New Book, "Simply Your Money," is an Easily Digestible Guide to Understanding and Making Moves Within the World of Finance and Investing

Author M.E. Magalousis’s New Book, "Simply Your Money," is an Easily Digestible Guide to Understanding and Making Moves Within the World of Finance and Investing

Recent release “Simply Your Money,” from Covenant Books author M.E. Magalousis, is an easy-to-read and understandable general guidebook to financial investments that can benefit anyone, in any financial situation, or age group. By putting the ideas presented within Magalousis's work into action, readers will discover how easy it can be to invest and prepare for one's financial future. - March 16, 2023

Author Nek Lason’s New Book, "A Decade in a Year," is a Riveting Story Following the Residents of a Christian Men’s Home for Addicts at the Start of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Author Nek Lason’s New Book, "A Decade in a Year," is a Riveting Story Following the Residents of a Christian Men’s Home for Addicts at the Start of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Recent release “A Decade in a Year,” from Covenant Books author Nek Lason, is an eye-opening and engaging memoir covering the first two months of the COVID-19 pandemic and how it affected the residents of a faith-based recovery home for addicts. Along with the daily happenings within the home, Lason shares his observations of the shifting and chaotic world around him from his unique point of view. - March 10, 2023

M. Div. Author Clifford L Swanson’s New Nook “The Mystery of God’s Holiness” is a Poignant Tool Aimed at Helping Readers Grow in Their Relationship with God Through Jesus

M. Div. Author Clifford L Swanson’s New Nook “The Mystery of God’s Holiness” is a Poignant Tool Aimed at Helping Readers Grow in Their Relationship with God Through Jesus

The recent release of “The Mystery of God's Holiness: God's Good News for the Gentiles,” from Covenant Books by Clifford Swanson, is a powerful, faith-based read that takes a look at the different qualities of God's holiness and divinity while also providing a history of how Christ's church and teachings have spread globally. - March 10, 2023

Author Jennifer Turner’s New Book, "From the Psych Ward to the Sanctuary," is a Series of Scripture Passages That Brought Hope to the Author When She Needed It Most

Author Jennifer Turner’s New Book, "From the Psych Ward to the Sanctuary," is a Series of Scripture Passages That Brought Hope to the Author When She Needed It Most

Recent release “From the Psych Ward to the Sanctuary: A 100-Day Devotional to Restoration, Wholeness and Freedom,” from Covenant Books author Jennifer Turner is a profound series of Scripture passages and a reflection on how each one helped the author through a moment of crisis. Turner bares her soul in this personal journey of faith to help others who find themselves struggling as she once was. - March 10, 2023

Author Kay Andersen Zaugg and Illustrator Sally Bigelow Rydalch’s New Book, "Christ's Jerusalem Appearance," Explores Two Stories from Scripture That Mark Christ's Return

Author Kay Andersen Zaugg and Illustrator Sally Bigelow Rydalch’s New Book, "Christ's Jerusalem Appearance," Explores Two Stories from Scripture That Mark Christ's Return

Recent release “Christ's Jerusalem Appearance,” from Covenant Books author Kay Andersen Zaugg and illustrator Sally Bigelow Rydalch, is an adaptation of the promised events found within the Bible that announce the return of Christ, brought to life through Zaugg's gift of prose and Rydalch's eye-catching - March 10, 2023

Author Mary K. Battista, RN’s New Book, “ABCs of Pain Management Non-Pharmacological,” is a Tool That Offers Alternative Solutions for Mild to Moderate Pain

Author Mary K. Battista, RN’s New Book, “ABCs of Pain Management Non-Pharmacological,” is a Tool That Offers Alternative Solutions for Mild to Moderate Pain

Recent release “ABCs of Pain Management Non-Pharmacological,” from Covenant Books author Mary K. Battista, RN, is an easy-to-use book of ideas to give options for pain control, which will lead to better pain management. - March 09, 2023

Author Charlene Murray’s New Book, "God Is Willing," Explores How God's Followers Hold the Ability to Reject Satan's Works & Follow the Path to Accepting the Lord's Love

Author Charlene Murray’s New Book, "God Is Willing," Explores How God's Followers Hold the Ability to Reject Satan's Works & Follow the Path to Accepting the Lord's Love

Recent release “God Is Willing,” from Covenant Books author Charlene Murray, is an enthralling look at how readers can work to reject harmful thoughts that are the works of Satan's temptation to allow heavenly and divine acts into one's lives. Through Murray's writings, readers will be able to further open their souls to God's will, allowing his blessings and messages to fill their lives. - March 09, 2023

Author Adelle Penn-Brown’s New Book, "63 Days +/- to Your Healing and Miracle," Reveals How One Can Experience Healing Through Daily Prayer and God's Holy Word

Author Adelle Penn-Brown’s New Book, "63 Days +/- to Your Healing and Miracle," Reveals How One Can Experience Healing Through Daily Prayer and God's Holy Word

Recent release “63 Days +/- to Your Healing and Miracle,” from Covenant Books author Adelle Penn-Brown, is a stirring faith-based guide to help readers access God's healing power by building up a daily routine of prayer and meditation. Adelle leads readers through each daily reflection in order to create a habit of prayer and study of the Word of God that will release the power of God that already dwells within each believer. - March 09, 2023

Author Barbara Ann Perkins’s New Book, "Spirits and Secrets," Follows a Woman's Choice to Engage in a Thrilling Affair or Return to the Safety & Security of Her Marriage

Author Barbara Ann Perkins’s New Book, "Spirits and Secrets," Follows a Woman's Choice to Engage in a Thrilling Affair or Return to the Safety & Security of Her Marriage

Recent release “Spirits and Secrets,” from Covenant Books author Barbara Ann Perkins, centers around a woman who realizes her marriage is completely devoid of romance and passion. To help reignite that spark, she takes her children away on a trip to gain space from her husband but finds herself embroiled in an affair that makes her feel something she hasn't felt in quite a while. - March 09, 2023

Author Kathryn Tassinari Claywell’s New Book, "This Is Who I Am," Explores the Fears Young Children Often Feel of Not Being Accepted by People on the First Day of School

Author Kathryn Tassinari Claywell’s New Book, "This Is Who I Am," Explores the Fears Young Children Often Feel of Not Being Accepted by People on the First Day of School

Recent release “This Is Who I Am,” from Covenant Books author Kathryn Tassinari Claywell, follows a young boy on his first day of school who wonders if people will dislike him just for being who he is. Drawing on her years of experience as an educator, Claywell discusses common anxieties students have on their first day of school to encourage young readers to be themselves and always try their best. - March 09, 2023

Author Susan Awe-Odigie’s New Book, "Beating Breast Cancer with an Attitude," Reveals the Key Element That, Along with Treatment, Aided in Her Battle with Breast Cancer

Author Susan Awe-Odigie’s New Book, "Beating Breast Cancer with an Attitude," Reveals the Key Element That, Along with Treatment, Aided in Her Battle with Breast Cancer

Recent release “Beating Breast Cancer with an Attitude,” from Covenant Books author Susan Awe-Odigie, follows the author's fight against breast cancer and how she kept a positive mindset through it all to help her in her battle. From her diagnosis to every round of treatment and surgeries, Awe-Odigie shows how focusing on the positive was an instrumental part in her survival. - March 08, 2023

Sami Senger’s New Book, "Taken Captive: Da Rosa Diaries," is a Powerful Novel That Tells the Extreme Story of a Young Girl Who Gets Kidnapped While on Summer Vacation

Sami Senger’s New Book, "Taken Captive: Da Rosa Diaries," is a Powerful Novel That Tells the Extreme Story of a Young Girl Who Gets Kidnapped While on Summer Vacation

Recent release “Taken Captive: Da Rosa Diaries,” from Covenant Books author Sami Senger, is a powerful new book that follows a wealthy heiress who is kidnapped by human traffickers while on vacation and must fight to survive. - March 07, 2023

Author Ron Bunal’s New Book, "Calming the Storm," is a Coming-of-Age Adventure About One Young Boy Who Must Confront the Violence That Brews Inside Him

Author Ron Bunal’s New Book, "Calming the Storm," is a Coming-of-Age Adventure About One Young Boy Who Must Confront the Violence That Brews Inside Him

Recent release “Calming the Storm,” from Covenant Books author Ron Bunal, is the story of young Marcus living on the island of Malta in the first century. Marcus hates snakes with a passion, but when his ire spirals out of control causing him to lose friendships, an unlikely mentor shows him how to calm the storm within himself. - March 07, 2023

Author Kendall D. Gott’s New Book "Gone to Kansas 1856 Fire and Tribulation" is a Gripping Historical Fiction of One Man's Epic Journey to Survive the Kansas Territories

Author Kendall D. Gott’s New Book "Gone to Kansas 1856 Fire and Tribulation" is a Gripping Historical Fiction of One Man's Epic Journey to Survive the Kansas Territories

Recent release “Gone to Kansas 1856 Fire and Tribulation: The Sequel to Gone to Kansas 1855 A Historical Novel,” from Covenant Books author Kendall D. Gott, is a thrilling novel of a young man who leaves a broken home in search of a better life, taking him to the wild Kansas Territories during the mid-19th century. - March 06, 2023

Author Gregory Kincaide’s New Book, "LGBTQ and Same Sex Marriage: A Biblical Perspective," Discusses How God Views the LGBTQ Lifestyle Through the Authors of His Bible

Author Gregory Kincaide’s New Book, "LGBTQ and Same Sex Marriage: A Biblical Perspective," Discusses How God Views the LGBTQ Lifestyle Through the Authors of His Bible

Recent release “LGBTQ and Same Sex Marriage: A Biblical Perspective,” from Covenant Books author Gregory Kincaide, explores different topics surrounding the LGBTQ community and how they are referenced by the Bible. - March 06, 2023

Margaret Pogin’s New Book, "Faith Hope and... Joy! The Weapons on Our Belt of Truth," is an Inspirational Selection of Stories from the Author’s Walk with God

Margaret Pogin’s New Book, "Faith Hope and... Joy! The Weapons on Our Belt of Truth," is an Inspirational Selection of Stories from the Author’s Walk with God

Recent release “Faith Hope and... Joy! The Weapons on Our Belt of Truth,” from Covenant Books author Margaret Pogin, is an honest collection of writings showing that God is always looking out for those who are seeking guidance. - March 02, 2023

Author Debra Jackson Pope-Lewis’s New Book, "Innocence to Entrepreneur," Reveals How the Author Survived Life's Challenges by Relying on Her Father's Teachings on Faith

Author Debra Jackson Pope-Lewis’s New Book, "Innocence to Entrepreneur," Reveals How the Author Survived Life's Challenges by Relying on Her Father's Teachings on Faith

Recent release “Innocence to Entrepreneur,” from Covenant Books author Debra Jackson Pope-Lewis, is a moving autobiographical account of how the author came to find success despite the hardships she experienced in life. Readers will come to know how the author's faith and important lessons taught to her by her father helped to carry Pope-Lewis through her darkest times to find a new lease on life. - March 02, 2023

Author Travis Pond’s New Book, "The Last Shepherd," is a Heartfelt Story of Two Siblings Willing to Overcome Their Struggles in Pursuit of Their Faith and to Know Christ

Author Travis Pond’s New Book, "The Last Shepherd," is a Heartfelt Story of Two Siblings Willing to Overcome Their Struggles in Pursuit of Their Faith and to Know Christ

Recent release “The Last Shepherd,” from Covenant Books author Travis Pond, is a captivating book that follows two siblings, named Nathanael and Bina, who are visited by an angel inviting them to see the Christ child with the rest of the shepherds. Despite their hesitations and Nathanael's difficulties walking, they vow to make the journey to witness the incredible sight of the newborn Savior. - March 02, 2023

Author Cassandra Taylor’s New Book, "Why I Serve," Highlights the Powerful and Impactful Stories of Women Veterans of the United States Military

Author Cassandra Taylor’s New Book, "Why I Serve," Highlights the Powerful and Impactful Stories of Women Veterans of the United States Military

Recent release “Why I Serve,” from Covenant Books author Cassandra Taylor, is a powerful introduction to sixty-eight of America’s most brave and beautiful women and their stories about why they serve. - March 02, 2023

Author Leslie Sandler’s New Book, "Jacob and Bunny," Follows a Magic Easter Bunny Who is Taught About Passover by His New Friend and Joins in His Family's Celebration

Author Leslie Sandler’s New Book, "Jacob and Bunny," Follows a Magic Easter Bunny Who is Taught About Passover by His New Friend and Joins in His Family's Celebration

Recent release “Jacob and Bunny: The Magic Easter Bunny Comes to Passover Seder,” from Covenant Books author Leslie Sandler, centers around a young boy named Jacob, who witnesses a Magic Easter bunny come to life on the way to celebrate Passover with his family. After inviting his new friend over to celebrate, Bunny learns all about different Passover traditions and celebrations. - March 02, 2023

Author Bryce E. Roberts’s New Book, "In the Hands of the Enemy," Reveals the Many Spiritual Enemies That Followers of Christ Must be Aware of

Author Bryce E. Roberts’s New Book, "In the Hands of the Enemy," Reveals the Many Spiritual Enemies That Followers of Christ Must be Aware of

Recent release “In the Hands of the Enemy,” from Covenant Books author Bryce E. Roberts, is a poignant faith-based read that explores how demonic forces exist within modern society, aiming to destroy one's spirituality and sever their connection with God. Through his writings, Roberts calls readers to action to stand against these dangerous enemies and prepare themselves to defend their faith. - March 02, 2023

Author Jimmy Campagna’s New Book, "The Cross and the Centurion," is a Thrilling Account of the Aftermath of the Crucifixion of Jesus Based on Biblical Facts

Author Jimmy Campagna’s New Book, "The Cross and the Centurion," is a Thrilling Account of the Aftermath of the Crucifixion of Jesus Based on Biblical Facts

Recent release “The Cross and the Centurion,” from Covenant Books author Jimmy Campagna, is based on facts as revealed in the Holy Bible and the imagined life-changing impact of the crucifixion of Jesus on Quantus, Marcus and his wife Maria. - March 02, 2023

Author James Earl Parker’s New Book "Ambushed!" is an Eye-Opening Discussion on Growing Old While Continuing to Live While Avoiding the Pitfalls That Old Age Often Holds

Author James Earl Parker’s New Book "Ambushed!" is an Eye-Opening Discussion on Growing Old While Continuing to Live While Avoiding the Pitfalls That Old Age Often Holds

Recent release “Ambushed! By Old Age - Growing Old Versus Getting Old,” from Covenant Books author James Earl Parker, is a remarkable guide to help readers view aging in a new light. Parker shares his experiences to provide the tools necessary for one to age with the purpose and health that will allow one's life to continue unimpeded in old age. - March 01, 2023

Author Gerald Fox’s New Book, "A Journey in Faith," is a Faith-Based Read That Chronicles the Author's Path Toward Living a Righteous Life in Accordance with God's Will

Author Gerald Fox’s New Book, "A Journey in Faith," is a Faith-Based Read That Chronicles the Author's Path Toward Living a Righteous Life in Accordance with God's Will

Recent release “A Journey in Faith,” from Covenant Books author Gerald Fox, is a thought-provoking tale of how the author was led by the Virgin Mary, leading him on a vital journey to discover his faith in the Lord and accept Christ into his life. Readers will discover how anyone can be called to serve the Lord if they keep their minds and hearts open to his divine intervention. - March 01, 2023

Author Henry Kruse Jr.’s New Book, "Stanley Searches for God," is an Impactful Children’s Story That Explores the True Meaning of Faith and Believing in God

Author Henry Kruse Jr.’s New Book, "Stanley Searches for God," is an Impactful Children’s Story That Explores the True Meaning of Faith and Believing in God

Recent release “Stanley Searches for God,” from Covenant Books author Henry Kruse Jr., introduces Stanley, who is determined to prove to himself once and for all that God exists. The only way he will believe in His existence is to see God. - March 01, 2023

Author Mike Gonzalez’s New Book, "PC Christian: Study Guide," is Designed to Accompany and Enhance the Study of the Parent Book, "PC Christian"

Author Mike Gonzalez’s New Book, "PC Christian: Study Guide," is Designed to Accompany and Enhance the Study of the Parent Book, "PC Christian"

Recent release “PC Christian: Study Guide,” from Covenant Books author Mike Gonzalez, is meant to be used to facilitate a Bible study by reading a chapter each week and completing each lesson for that chapter. - March 01, 2023

Author Ed Grover’s New Book, "Life's Ponderous Adventure: Musings of an Old Rancher," is a Collection of Poetry and Ruminations Written by the Author Over Many Years

Author Ed Grover’s New Book, "Life's Ponderous Adventure: Musings of an Old Rancher," is a Collection of Poetry and Ruminations Written by the Author Over Many Years

Recent release “Life's Ponderous Adventure: Musings of an Old Rancher,” from Covenant Books author Ed Grover, is a compilation of passages written on notes throughout the author's life. Through his writings, Grover encourages his readers to take a moment to reflect on their circumstances and appreciate all they have in abundance. - March 01, 2023

Author P J Maughan’s New Book, “Silent Legacy,” Explores a Fictional Scenario in Which the Earth's Citizens Must Sacrifice Their Freedoms to Survive a Global Epidemic

Author P J Maughan’s New Book, “Silent Legacy,” Explores a Fictional Scenario in Which the Earth's Citizens Must Sacrifice Their Freedoms to Survive a Global Epidemic

Recent release “Silent Legacy,” from Covenant Books author P J Maughan, is a stirring tale set in a future in which a dangerous new virus has ravaged the global population. Now forced to take a vaccine that tracks one's every movement to survive, the entire world is under the control of the new world order, with only three individuals who have traveled through time as their only hope for freedom. - March 01, 2023

Author Kory Koontz’s New Book, "Oracle; Emergence," Centers Around One Man Who Develops Oracle-Like Powers That He Uses to Save the Last of the Human Race

Author Kory Koontz’s New Book, "Oracle; Emergence," Centers Around One Man Who Develops Oracle-Like Powers That He Uses to Save the Last of the Human Race

Recent release “Oracle; Emergence,” from Covenant Books author Kory Koontz, is a captivating tale set in the aftermath of a catastrophic phenomenon that leads to the execution of most of the human race. As the survivors begin to rebuild the human race, supernatural abilities begin to manifest, leading to the birth of one known as the Oracle. - March 01, 2023

Author Vanessa Mayorga’s New Book, "Captive," Follows a Woman Who Lives on an Uncharted Island and Believes She is Completely Alone Until Her Life is Forever Changed

Author Vanessa Mayorga’s New Book, "Captive," Follows a Woman Who Lives on an Uncharted Island and Believes She is Completely Alone Until Her Life is Forever Changed

Recent release “Captive,” from Covenant Books author Vanessa Mayorga, is a thrilling tale that centers around a woman who lived on a deserted island and believed she was alone in the world. When a group of men wash ashore after getting caught in a storm while cruising, she'll discover all there is to know about the world, both the good and bad. - February 28, 2023

Author L. Dortch’s New Book, "Raymond and Friends: ‘Being Me,’" Follows a Young Caterpillar Who Learns the Importance of Being Oneself and Trusting in the Lord

Author L. Dortch’s New Book, "Raymond and Friends: ‘Being Me,’" Follows a Young Caterpillar Who Learns the Importance of Being Oneself and Trusting in the Lord

Recent release “Raymond and Friends: ‘Being Me,’” from Covenant Books author L. Dortch, is a beautiful story that centers around Raymond, a young caterpillar who struggles to keep up with his friends while playing. Despite being discouraged, Raymond's parents remind him that each person is unique and special, and God has a plan for Raymond that will be revealed in time. - February 27, 2023

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