Infected Books

Autumn: The Human Condition

Price: $15.00
Part #:

ISBN 0-9550051-3-2

The human race is finished. Mankind is all but dead and only a handful of frightened individuals remain. Experience the end of the world from thirty-five different perspectives.

These people have survived through chance, not skill, and they are a desperate bunch; cheating lovers, work-shy civil servants, permanently drunk publicans, teenage rebels, obsessive accountants, failed husbands, first-time cross-dressers, disrobed priests and more…

Part-companion, part-guide book and part-sequel, AUTUMN: THE HUMAN CONDITION follows the individual stories of these desperate survivors through the early days of the nightmare and beyond.

Paperback, 328 pages
ISBN 0-9550051-3-2
ISBN 0-9550051-3-2
Pages 328
eBook formats Adobe, Microsoft Reader, Word, Hiebook, Palm, Mobipocket
eBook price $5.00
Paperback price $15.00