Bio-Synthesis Inc.

Custom LNA

Custom LNA (Lock Nucleic Acid Synthesis) Locked Nucleic Acid (LNA) was first described by Wengel and co-workers in 1998 as a novel class of conformationally restricted oligonucleotide analogues. LNA is a bicyclic nucleic acid where a ribonucleoside is linked between the 2'-oxygen and the 4'-carbon atoms via a methylene unit.

Oligonucleotides containing LNA exhibit unprecedented thermal stability towards complementary DNA and RNA2, which allows excellent mismatch discrimination. In fact the high binding affinity of LNA oligos is recommended for use in any hybridization assay that requires high specificity and/or reproducibility such as
-Dual labeled probes
-In situ hybridization probe
-SNP genotyping
-DNA MicroArray expression analysis
-Allele Specific PNA
-mRNA sample preparation
-Molecular Beacons and PCR primers

BSI offers LNA synthesis great flexibility. For more information on custom LNA synthesis, contact us.