Price: $9.99
Legacy Plan for Online Accounts: An easy to use, patent-pending, RUFADAA (Revised Uniform Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act) compliant online tool that establishes your estate plan for online accounts in seconds. Clocr is the only company that offers Estate Plan for Digital Assets.
Your Benefits:
* 3-click onboarding creates over 150 of the most used online accounts
* Easily track, organize and update all your accounts and nominees.
* Alerts you if your estate becomes incomplete, or if your beneficiaries deny your request or if any of your beneficiary’s account is disbursed due to incapacity or death
* Unique feature – ‘Shared with me’ allows you to track who has assigned you as their beneficiary
Your Benefits:
* 3-click onboarding creates over 150 of the most used online accounts
* Easily track, organize and update all your accounts and nominees.
* Alerts you if your estate becomes incomplete, or if your beneficiaries deny your request or if any of your beneficiary’s account is disbursed due to incapacity or death
* Unique feature – ‘Shared with me’ allows you to track who has assigned you as their beneficiary