Valley Networks

Network Security

Don’t be a victim

Everyone thinks it won’t happen to them until it does. We know because we talk to the victims every day.

First, know this: Aside from Ransomware, hackers don’t advertise that they have access to your network. Why would they? They just want your client and employee database information. They could have access for years and never let you know.

Second, 43% of all data loss is due to employee theft or error. Leaving your network security up to employee vigilance is both a gamble and an act of faith. Don’t do it.

Attacks take all shapes and sizes. Some are extremely targeted while others can just be a simple email with a malicious link. The results range from business disruptions, financial loss, to reputation damage. Our highly-effective security services and tools can be mixed and matched according to each business’s specific needs.

Don’t let hackers, phishers, and others compromise the security of your network. Hackers can access your network and steal information that could be damaging not only to your own business but also to the businesses of your customers and clients.

We will provide you with monitored firewalls, security services and total technology support that gives you the kind of peace of mind that comes from knowing that someone is always on guard for you and for your customers.