Anna's House, LLC

Auditory Processing Remediation

Anna's House ( provides Auditory Processing Remediation through the use of a Listening Fitness progrm (  Children  benefit from better learning, language, communication and motor skills.  This Program also improves reading, attention span, balance and coordination, speech and social skills.

The Listening Fitness Program provides the opportunity for children to remediate listening difficulties in extraordinary ways. I have witnessed amazing developmental changes as I have incorporated LIFT with Neuro-Developmental remediation.

Because the LIFT program is based on the developmental progress of the auditory system, it allows changes to be incorporated into the overall development of the central nervous system, and stability results. I have found that most children who have Neuro-Developmental Delay also show auditory delay, and so the LIFT program usually becomes part of the overall program in my practice. These children tend to require more than the typical 60-hour program; however, I have also observed those given extra hours, such as in a boost session, the changes are permanent and growth continues.

Some children begin to stabilize within their vestibular system, and are less prone to hyperactivity; some are less overloaded with sound input, some are better able to discriminate between sounds and so reading and spelling improve. For those who need to settle ear dominance to the right ear, once this has occurred, I have observed that overall laterality begins to stabilize. Speech tells us how a person listens, and so as the LIFT feedback system is introduced and the children incorporate their own voices through the microphone, I observe tone of voice changes, pitch changes, volume changes, and articulation changes (articulation and vocabulary improvements have been quite amazing). Verb tense usages in writing have been observed as well. As a result, communication skills, oral reading and vocabulary usage improve. Parents tell me they notice happier, calmer, more confident children.

Several children I work with have experienced other listening programs without success; yet when I implemented the LIFT program at a certain phase in the Neuro-Developmental remediation program, success was achieved. It is the only Listening program I use because I believe the developmental progression of the program is vital, along with the feedback system implemented through use of the microphone.