JK Pavement Consulting

JK Pavement Consulting


John Kennedy is an independent pavement engineering consultant specializing in the use of hydraulic binders and pozzolans to produce environmentally, energy and cost efficient long life pavements.

Over the last 20 years, the consultancy has been active in the design, construction and maintenance of road, airfield and industrial pavements in the UK and overseas for a wide range of clients including; the UK Highways Agency, BAA (British Airports Authority), international contractors, D&B and DBFO consortia, trade organizations, material suppliers, consultants and local authorities.

John Kennedy is the author of many technical papers, reports and publications and is the UK expert for hydraulically treated materials on the BSI committee B510/4 and the European Standards Technical Committee CEN TC227/WG4 ‘Road materials’.

Expertise Independent: Independent and extensive design and construction experience

Cost Effective: Cost effective pavements through maximization of site resources

Stabilisation & Recycling: Lime, cement and foamed bitumen stabilisation, in-situ and ex-situ recycling and roller compacted concrete

Slag/Fly Ash Binders: Use of industrial by-products and lime/fly ash and lime/slag binder combinations for hydraulically bound mixtures

Pavement Design: UK and overseas pavement design systems including analytical methods and procedures used by motorway operators home and abroad

Contractor Experience: First-hand experience of paving construction in 1980's as joint managing director of Econopave, a UK specialist paving contractor

Flood Protction: Use of cementitious stabilization techniques for sea-defence work, erosion control, rip-rap and linings

Contacts: Wide network of contacts around the world