Saibot Technologies can expose clients to multiple search engine marketing channels, as well as 3rd party technology solutions to execute, manage, and analyze all aspects of their search engine marketing efforts. Strategies can be scaled to meet a client's budget.
SEM Services:
* Campaign structure
* Search Engine account creation (Google, Yahoo and Bing)
* Keyword development Ad copy writing/optimization
* Landing Page optimization
* 3rd party tracking integration
* Bid management
* Budget planning
* Web-based access to reporting Goals assessment
* Competitive analysis & Reporting
* Staff Training
* E-commerce sites- Comparison Engines & Shopping Portals- (,, etc.)
SEM Services:
* Campaign structure
* Search Engine account creation (Google, Yahoo and Bing)
* Keyword development Ad copy writing/optimization
* Landing Page optimization
* 3rd party tracking integration
* Bid management
* Budget planning
* Web-based access to reporting Goals assessment
* Competitive analysis & Reporting
* Staff Training
* E-commerce sites- Comparison Engines & Shopping Portals- (,, etc.)