Neurology News

Expand your brainpower with neurology news focused on the diagnosis and treatment of nervous system disorders. Find the latest research in brain development and advancements in the treatment of tumors, seizure and spinal cord disorders, muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s and infections of the nervous system, such as meningitis.

Mariel Hemingway to Speak About Epilepsy at Old Town Club on March 29, 2012 at 1:00pm

Dr. J. Christine Dean and the Board of Directors of the Epilepsy Institute of North Carolina invite you to an afternoon with Mariel Hemingway. Luncheon; Thursday, March, 29 2012; 1:00 p.m. Old Town Country Club, 2875 Old Town Club Road, Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Dr. J. Christine Dean, MD; Mrs. Florence Corpening; Mrs. Lynn B. Eisenberg; Mrs. Claudette Weston; Mr. Lawrence D. Smith. - February 15, 2012 - Epilepsy Institute of North Carolina

Blog Parents Chime in About New York Students with Tourette Syndrome-Like Symptoms

TSParentsOnline asks parents from all over the country for their opinion on this hot-button case, and they have responded. - February 08, 2012 - New Jersey Center for Tourette Syndrome

Botanolution® Skin Care Company to Raise Funds for Autism Care and Research at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital

Raise Funds For Autism Research - Botanolution skin care company announces its plans to raise funds for Stanford's autism care and research at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital. You can help too. - January 20, 2012 - Botanolution, LLC

Social Navigator: Groundbreaking Social Skills App Challenges Conventional Parenting and Teaching Practices

Social Navigator: Groundbreaking Social Skills App Challenges Conventional Parenting and Teaching Practices

Special needs mom and behavioral management specialist creates new app that focuses on the root causes of child social challenges and calls for new alternatives to discipline and contingency management models for Apsperger's syndrome, ADD, and neurotypical kids. - January 11, 2012 - Seven Minds, LLC

The Profectum Foundation's Website Networking Abilities Was Brought Into the 21st Century by New Web Design

The Profectum Foundation's Website Networking Abilities Was Brought Into the 21st Century by New Web Design

The Profectum Foundation uses its philosophy of personal advancement in support of the DIR model. This combination makes the treatment of autism a personalized plan instead of a group categorization. New Web Design took that model, in which they take a similar mentality for their customer service, and created a site that is easy for families to connect to share and support each other. - January 11, 2012 -

Songs for Horse Lovers ... CD by Northwest Singer-Songwriter

Songs for Horse Lovers ... CD by Northwest Singer-Songwriter

Through horses and music, Laurie Lee Lewis found medicine to heal from a brain injury... "ears ringing and all!" - January 05, 2012 - Under The Rainbow Creations

Attention Talk Radio Presents "Audio Stimulation – Neuroplasticity: Helping ADHD and Autism," with Dr. Ron Minson and Rebecca Goniwich of Integrated Listening Systems

Host Jeff Copper interviews Dr. Ron Minson of Integrated Listening Systems about how the ILS program impacts neuroplasticity, often overlooked as a form of treatment, and Rebecca Goniwich on how the program helps her manage her own ADHD, as well as her two sons with ADHD and autism. - November 22, 2011 - Attention Talk Radio

New Jersey Center for Tourette Syndrome Rolls Out Second Blog in a Week

Center's latest venture, Teens4TS, a blog for teenagers with TS by teenagers with TS, comes on the heels of last week's successful launch of TSParentsOnline. - November 16, 2011 - New Jersey Center for Tourette Syndrome

Michael Woodcock Joins AcuteCare Telemedicine as Sales Executive

AcuteCare Telemedicine (ACT) continues to expand its team by adding Michael Woodcock as Sales Executive. In this new position, Michael is responsible for executing ACT’s growth strategy to acquire new accounts while maintaining its existing client base. “Michael is an excellent fit for... - November 03, 2011 - AcuteCare Telemedicine

Tourette's Syndrome Patients Educate Physicians at Saint Peter's University Hospital

Grand rounds presentation, sponsored by the New Jersey Center for Tourette Syndrome, is first of its kind for patient-centered training. - October 22, 2011 - New Jersey Center for Tourette Syndrome

Annette Funicello Celebrates 69th Birthday with Launch of

Annette Funicello Celebrates 69th Birthday with Launch of

New Annette Funicello website is officially launched on her 69th birthday on October 22, 2011 - October 21, 2011 - The Annette Funicello Research Fund for Neurological Diseases

Georgia Teleneurology Rebrands as AcuteCare Telemedicine

AcuteCare Telemedicine (ACT), an Atlanta-based healthcare provider specializing in treatment of acute strokes in underserved hospitals, launched a new brand as it gains market share in the industry. AcuteCare, formerly Georgia Teleneurology (GTN), has pursued its mission of providing high-quality... - October 13, 2011 - AcuteCare Telemedicine

University of Hawaii: Cause of Homosexuality and Dyslexia Discovered

According to University of Hawaii neuroscientist, Bruce E. Morton, “Failures of midline crossings of the developing nervous system occur in utero within hybrid Familial Polarity offspring. These developmental failures result in reversed wiring for a number of behavioral outcomes, including homosexuality and dyslexia.” - September 13, 2011 - Bruce Eldine Morton

Junction Client Atlanta Based AcuteCare Telemedicine Launches New Online Presence

AcuteCare Telemedicine (AcuteCare), led by 4 expert neurologists, launches its new online presence. AcuteCare, an emerging telemedicine provider, offers hospitals 24/7 high quality neurological emergency support, accreditation support, and programs for the advancement of healthcare... - September 08, 2011 - Junction Creative Solutions

Going Crazy? Or Just Visually Impaired? Free Video Explains Hallucinations Brought on by Low Vision

Going Crazy? Or Just Visually Impaired? Free Video Explains Hallucinations Brought on by Low Vision

What many psychiatrists, psychologists, and neurologists don't know, but many low vision patients do, is that hallucinations are not all psychotic. Identified over 250 years ago, Charles Bonnet Syndrome (CBS) remains virtually unknown by most physicians. It is characterized by visual... - August 31, 2011 - Macular Degeneration Foundation

Telemedicine Carries MUMC’s Stroke Expertise to Rural Areas

Utilizing real-time audio and video conferencing, a new telestroke program at Memorial University Medical Center (MUMC) is providing life-saving stroke assistance in rural regions of Georgia. Neurologists at MUMC can now assess a patient and communicate treatment plans with doctors in regions that do not have a neurologist available. - August 25, 2011 - Memorial Health

Two Lupus Research Institute Scientists Deliver Breakthrough Research

The Lupus Research Institute (LRI) today announced findings of two studies demonstrating the power of its focus on innovation to drive discovery in lupus by backing potentially groundbreaking ideas that are typically too early or too novel for mainstream support. - August 17, 2011 - Lupus Research Institute

MoBiTec GmbH, Germany, is Offering Nuclear Receptor Fusion Proteins That Are of Importance to the Pharmaceutical Industry for FRET Interaction Studies

MoBiTec GmbH, Germany, is Offering Nuclear Receptor Fusion Proteins That Are of Importance to the Pharmaceutical Industry for FRET Interaction Studies

MoBiTec GmbH, Germany, supplier of research tools, introduces a collection of Nuclear Receptor-Ligand Binding Domain fusion proteins, carrying a GST tag, capable to bind a Europium-anti-GST antibody. With this the influence of fluorophore-labeled peptides on the ligand binding characteristics can be studied. E.g. the addition of a particular peptide might prevent the receptor from binding a ligand, thereby eliminating a response of a cell to a given stimulus. - August 17, 2011 - MoBiTec GmbH

Macular Degeneration Foundation Produces Video Explaining a Common Cause of Visual Hallucinations Among the Visually Impaired?

Macular Degeneration Foundation Produces Video Explaining a Common Cause of Visual Hallucinations Among the Visually Impaired?

Often misdiagnosed as a psychiatric disorder, Charles Bonnet Syndrome is characterized by visual hallucinations ranging from simple patterns, faces and landscapes to complex motion pictures of strange and sometimes disturbing scenes. Identified over 250 years ago by lawyer and naturalist Charles... - August 10, 2011 - Macular Degeneration Foundation

HealthSaaS Licenses Connected Outcomes Framework to OHSU for International Educational and Clinical Outreach Project in Vietnam

HealthSaaS Licenses Connected Outcomes Framework to OHSU for International Educational and Clinical Outreach Project in Vietnam

HealthSaaS today announced licensing of their Connected Outcomes Framework to Dr. Beth Darnall of Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU) for an international educational and clinical outreach project in Vietnam. This project is supported by an education grant from the International Association for the Study of Pain® (IASP®) - August 03, 2011 - HealthSaaS, Inc

OrthoNeuro Opens Orthopedic Urgent Care in New Albany

OrthoNeuro Opens Orthopedic Urgent Care in New Albany

OrthoNeuro opens Central Ohio’s first Orthopedic Urgent Care Center. This new service is offered at OrthoNeuro’s New Albany location where area residents have access to specialized care when they need it. OrthoNeuro Physicians and PAs provide state-of-the-art evaluation and treatment for a broad range of Orthopedic and Musculoskeletal conditions. Common disorders treated at the Orthopedic Urgent Care include sports injuries, sprains, strains, fractures, and back & neck pain. - July 25, 2011 - OrthoNeuro

Migraine Treatment Innovator Dr. Ken Reed to Speak in Oklahoma City

Migraine Treatment Innovator Dr. Ken Reed to Speak in Oklahoma City

Dr. Ken Reed will be discussing the new migraine treatment called the StimPath Procedure. Joining the discussion will be Dr. Buckley in Oklahoma City on July 14. - July 12, 2011 - Envision Interactive

The NeuroG Development Team Announces the First Publication of the Methods for Using the Consumer EEG Device for Recognizing Imagined Visual Images

The paper titled “Brain-Computer Interface Based on Generation of Visual Images” published in PloS One, a popular open access peer-reviewed scientific journal ( Hyperlink ""... - July 12, 2011 - NeuroG

NJCTS and Atlantic Health Present the 2011 Statewide Symposium on Tourette Syndrome

If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with Tourette Syndrome, or if you think your child is showing signs of TS, register today for the 2011 Statewide Symposium on Tourette Syndrome at Overlook Medical Center. - June 21, 2011 - New Jersey Center for Tourette Syndrome

New Endowment for Future NEI Center at Florida International University

New Endowment for Future NEI Center at Florida International University

The future NEI Center(TM) has found a home at the Department of Molecular Microbiology and Infectious Diseases at the Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine at the Florida International University. - May 25, 2011 - PANDORA Org

Steven M. Nash, MD, Board Certified Neurologist, Joins OrthoNeuro

OrthoNeuro announced today that Steven Nash, MD has joined their multi-specialty physician group practice. Dr. Nash is a graduate of the Indiana University School of Medicine and is board certified in Neurology, Clinical Neurophysiology, and Electrodiagnostic Medicine. He completed his residency at... - May 18, 2011 - OrthoNeuro

A Neurologist with ADHD Shares His Insight in Diagnosing and Treating ADHD on Attention Talk Radio, Produced by DIG Coaching Practice

Attention Talk Radio host Jeff Copper interviews child neurology specialist Dr. Jose Foradada around three topics: ADHD and neurology, what we know about ADHD and the physical brain, and what it is like to be a neurologist who diagnoses and treats ADHD having ADHD himself. - March 30, 2011 - DIG Coaching Practice LLC

Fisher Scientists Discover New Ways to Rid Cells of Alzheimer Protein

Identifying a cure for Alzheimer’s disease remains a major challenge. Few drugs are currently approved by the Food and Drug Administration to treat Alzheimer’s patients. Unfortunately none of these drugs halt progression of the disease and their impact on cognitive defects is minimal. - March 26, 2011 - Fisher Center for Alzheimer's Research Foundation

Drug-Free Treatment for Chronic Neurological or Metabolic Conditions Now Available in Riverton, UT from the Office of Dr. Erik Schlobohm DC

Latest evidence based treatments using functional manual therapies, functional neurology, and clinical nutrition. - March 24, 2011 - Erik Schlobohm DC

Medical Journal Using QR Codes to Link Print and Digital Video

Medical Journal Using QR Codes to Link Print and Digital Video

NEUROSURGERY® Readers can now watch surgical videos from their smartphone without ever putting down an issue. - March 15, 2011 - Congress of Neurological Surgeons

NJ Center for Tourette Syndrome Invites You to ‘Team Up with Tim Howard’

Proceeds from “Team Up with Tim Howard” raffle to benefit children and families with Tourette Syndrome. - March 12, 2011 - New Jersey Center for Tourette Syndrome

PANDORA, a NeuroEndocrineImmune Disorders Organization, Will Organize a May 12 Awareness and Lobby Day

PANDORA hires Michelle Lonchar to organize May 12 ME/CFS & FM Awareness and Lobby Day activities. - March 02, 2011 - PANDORA Org

Mind Media Launches the New NeXus-10 Mark II - a Big Step Forward for Biofeedback and Neurofeedback Technology

Mind Media launches the new NeXus-10 mark II a revolutionary step in the world of Biofeedback and Neurofeedback - February 23, 2011 - Mind Media BV

PANDORA, a NeuroEndocrineImmune Disorders Organization, is Vying for $5,000 Giveaway

PANDORA, a NeuroEndocrineImmune Disorders Organization, is Vying for $5,000 Giveaway

PANDORA has a chance of getting $5,000 from GuideStar and GreatNonProfits to help people with NeuroEndocrineImmune Disorders. - February 10, 2011 - PANDORA Org

Dr. Faith E. Leuschen, Doctor of Chiropractic (DC), Master Trainer of Neurologic Relief Center Technique™, Retains MAYO Communications for Nat'l Publicity

Dr. Leuschen, master trainer of NRC technique currently trains doctors nationwide and is scheduled to be featured on Discovery Channel, CNN and others. - February 02, 2011 - MAYO Communications

North American Seminars Inc Releases Its 2011 Physical Therapy Continuing Education Course Schedule

North American Seminars Inc Releases Its 2011 Physical Therapy Continuing Education Course Schedule

Looking for evidence based physical therapy continuing education courses? North American Seminars Inc has released its 2011 Live Course Dates. New Courses and approvals in Illinois, California, New York and twenty other states. The courses are offered in conjunction with the top medical facilities in the United States. - December 09, 2010 - North American Seminars

Mendham Teen Hosts “New Jersey Walks for TS” to Raise Awareness of Tourette Syndrome

Inspired by her cousin, Emily Carrara joins NJCTS to launch awareness walks. - November 03, 2010 - New Jersey Center for Tourette Syndrome

Autism Services Group Appoints Dr. Mark Mintz Medical Director

Autism Services Group (ASG) is pleased to announce the appointment of Mark Mintz, M.D., as its new Medical Director. A pediatric neurologist, Dr. Mintz comes to ASG with more than 25 years of experience in the medical field. Dr. Mintz attended medical school at the University of Medicine and... - October 27, 2010 - Eden Autism Services

Vision Localization Systems Launch Keruve 2010+, GPS Bracelet Watch to Improve Alzheimer’s Quality of Life

Vision Localization Systems Launch Keruve 2010+, GPS Bracelet Watch to Improve Alzheimer’s Quality of Life

This specialized GPS locator allows families and caregivers to know where the person wearing the watch is at anytime and anywhere. - September 21, 2010 - Vision Localization Systems

P.A.N.D.O.R.A. NeuroEndocrineImmune (NEI) Center Resolution Approved by the New Jersey State Senate

P.A.N.D.O.R.A. NeuroEndocrineImmune (NEI) Center Resolution Approved by the New Jersey State Senate

Resolution SR-20 supporting the establishment of the NeuroEndocrineImmune (NEI) Center™, the first research center in the state of New Jersey and in the U.S., dedicated to understanding and treating chronic neuroendocrineimmune (NEI) illnesses which includes chronic fatigue syndrome,... - July 17, 2010 - PANDORA Org

Tourette Syndrome and Difficulty with Sensory Processing and Integration Webinar July 21st

NJCTS presents no-cost presentation for parents, educators and health professionals. - July 16, 2010 - New Jersey Center for Tourette Syndrome

NEUROSURGERY® Launches International Podcast Series

NEUROSURGERY®, the official journal of the Congress of Neurological Surgeons is pleased to announce the launch of the NEUROSURGERY® International Podcast Series, a collection of podcast channels featuring NEUROSURGERY® content translated into 6 languages and recorded by a panel of... - May 23, 2010 - Congress of Neurological Surgeons

Recent Study Reports Long Term Survival Improved Using Brain Monitor - Dementia After Anesthesia Now More Likely Avoidable Claims Goldilocks Anesthesia Foundation

Fewer strokes after anesthesia using brain monitor reported. "Going under anesthesia for surgery without a brain monitor demonstrates a flagrant disregard for the value one’s own brain," says Dr. Barry Friedberg, founder of the non-profit Goldilocks Anesthesia Foundation. "Demanding a brain monitor is a no-brainer." - May 04, 2010 - Goldilocks Anesthesia Foundation

Parkinson's Patient to Donate Book Proceeds to PD Research

Parkinson's Patient to Donate Book Proceeds to PD Research

Bill Schmalfeldt was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease at age 45 in 2000. In 2007 he underwent experimental brain surgery as part of a clinical trial at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. He wrote a book about the experience and will donate the author's proceeds to PD research efforts. - April 28, 2010 - My Parkinson's Diary

Alzheimer’s Association Reaching Out to Hispanic Community

The Alzheimer Spouse Website, announces a project to reach out and raise awareness among the Hispanic community of early detection of Alzheimer’s Disease. - April 28, 2010 -

Naturopathic Treatment Can be Safely Combined with TMS for Treatment of Depression

Psychiatrist practicing at South Shore Neuropsychiatric Center located in Hewlett, Long Island, New York, offers TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation) treatment of Depression, which can be successfully combined with naturopathic remedies prescribed by naturopathic practitioners. Patients no longer are forced to choose between Naturopathic and Allopathic treatment. - April 18, 2010 - South Shore Neuropsychiatric

Macular Degeneration Foundation Reports on Little Known Syndrome that Produces Strange Halluncinations in People with Good Mental Health

Macular Degeneration Foundation Reports on Little Known Syndrome that Produces Strange Halluncinations in People with Good Mental Health

93 year old woman with Macular Degeneration sees "Grayhaired Bearded Lady" - April 07, 2010 - Macular Degeneration Foundation

Henry Ford Hospital Study: Vitamin B3 Shows Early Promise in Treatment of Stroke

An early study suggests that vitamin B3 or niacin, a common water-soluble vitamin, may help improve neurological function after stroke, according to Henry Ford Hospital researchers. When rats with ischemic stroke were given niacin, their brains showed growth of new blood vessels, and sprouting of... - February 26, 2010 - Henry Ford Health System

Founder of Macular Degeneration Foundation Dies at 94

Founder of Macular Degeneration Foundation Dies at 94

After dedicating his life to public awareness of ARMD (Age-Related Macular Degeneration, Edmund J. Aleksandrovich (Ed Aleks) dies at the age of 94. - December 22, 2009 - Macular Degeneration Foundation

DonnaInk Publications (dp) Presents Jamie's Real-Time TBI Survival Blog

The Real-time TBI Survival Blog is a fresh professional blog sharing the straight scoop of recovery in the moment with laughter, tears and informed presentations - written by Jamie R. Hatcher TBI Survivor...and budding author... - December 15, 2009 - DonnaInk Publications, L.L.C.

Press Releases 551 - 600 of 653