Entrepreneurial Development News

Want to know how to succeed in business? Access entrepreneurial development news about leadership, launching side hustles, creating perfect pitches, developing a business mindset, managing projects and more. This section highlights influencers, seminars, events and opportunities that enhance an entrepreneurs’ ability to achieve success.

New How to Start a Bookkeeping Business Video Series is a Complete How to Guide for Freelance Bookkeepers

New How to Start a Bookkeeping Business Video Series is a Complete How to Guide for Freelance Bookkeepers

A newly published video is helping aspiring bookkeepers and accountants from across the globe with the requirements, instructions and responsibilities on starting a bookkeeping business. - August 08, 2018 - JA Publications, Ltd.

The Founder of Lotus Training Has Just Released Turning Tables

"Real Leadership is about actually doing it, not just having studied it. Too many people are studying and think they can coach and train others on how to do it. Not anymore." - Rachel Sinanan 2018 - July 20, 2018 - Lotus Training

Expert Reflections on Procurement Transformation Published in New eBook

The Procurement optimization team at Source One release new eBook capturing Procurement Transformation insights from a number of Supply Management leaders. - July 17, 2018 - Source One, a Corcentric Company

Genius! Marketing Book Released

Genius! Marketing Book Released

Stephen L. Eckert, owner of Eckert Marketing and GeniusMarketing.com, released "Genius! Marketing, How to Brand, Target, and Market Like a Genius." The new book lays out the key principles for business owners and managers to organize and maximize their marketing from the seven-step process from which Eckert consults. - July 11, 2018 - Eckert Marketing

New Book Offers Guidance on How to Brand a Company as a Force for Good

New Book Offers Guidance on How to Brand a Company as a Force for Good

More and more, organizations are judged not just for the quality and price of their products but for who they are. Many customers now expect a business to be a force for good. "Beyond Sizzle: The Next Evolution of Branding" is a playbook for building a brand that matters. Brands that... - July 02, 2018 - Maven House Press

"Get Off Your Assets," Written by Bill McCleskey

"Get Off Your Assets," Written by Bill McCleskey

More than ever people want to leave their jobs and become full-time entrepreneurs, especially sales people. And it makes sense. If you’re a great sales professional, why not do the work for yourself and get paid more money? This is exactly what Bill McCleskey did. And his compelling journey from employee to entrepreneur is detailed in his new book, "GOYA, GET OFF YOUR ASSETS: Before You Leave Your Day Job." - June 30, 2018 - Mitech Partners, LLC

Big Data Company Nakunj's Pramod Kunju ("Data Guru") Provides World Cup Soccer 2018 Predictions

Big Data Company Nakunj's Pramod Kunju ("Data Guru") Provides World Cup Soccer 2018 Predictions

Nakunj Inc's Founder and President, Pramod Kunju ("Data Guru") predicts the winners of World Cup soccer 2018 knock out phase. - June 29, 2018 - Nakunj Inc.

The Lonely Entrepreneur to Help 1 Million Entrepreneurs Worldwide

The Lonely Entrepreneur to Help 1 Million Entrepreneurs Worldwide

Launches Crowdfunding Campaign to Provide Popular Learning Platform Free to 1 Million Entrepreneurs Worldwide; The Lonely Entrepreneur, known for its top-rated book (http://goo.gl/Xevm8C) and popular online learning platform for entrepreneurs, is determined to help 1 million entrepreneurs have a better chance of success. To do so, it is providing its online learning platform for free to 1 million entrepreneurs worldwide and is launching a crowdfunding campaign to support the worldwide effort. - June 20, 2018 - The Lonely Entrepreneur

401 Confidential by Michael J. Marini Released for Worldwide Distribution

401 Confidential is a Consumer-Empowerment Book for People in 401(k), 403(b) and 457(b) Plans. - June 08, 2018 - 401 Confidential

"The Soulstealer War: Splintering Realm" at Book Expo and Book Con

"The Soulstealer War: Splintering Realm" at Book Expo and Book Con

"The Soulstealer War: The Splintering Realm" continues author W.L. Hoffman's fantasy and sci-fi novels, chronicling the adventures of his reluctant wizard - Kenneth McNary - across the magical Realm of Weir. Hoffman is excited to once again appear at Book Expo and Book Con in New York City, and to interact with fans at Booth 1343 throughout the 4-day event. - May 30, 2018 - Hoffman Creations, Inc.

New Book "Sidehustle Millionaire" Teaches How a Part-Time Business Can Create Financial Freedom

New Book "Sidehustle Millionaire" Teaches How a Part-Time Business Can Create Financial Freedom

Turn your passions into profit. Fuel your desire to be in control of your own destiny. Starting a business may seem an overwhelming task for a busy professional, but it doesn’t have to be. With proper guidance and execution, your side business income may exceed your career salary. Within his debut book, "Sidehustle Millionaire," Author / Entrepreneur Tony Whatley shares the mindset, strategies and steps that helped him create a side hustle business, which earned millions. - May 24, 2018 - 365 Driven

"Sweet Success," a New Picture Book by Liz & Jimmy Reed, Releases July 3

"Sweet Success," a New Picture Book by Liz & Jimmy Reed, Releases July 3

In their latest picture book, "Sweet Success," authors & illustrators Liz and Jimmy Reed introduce young readers to Scoops. Nothing makes Scoops happier than starting a sweet new project, but she just isn’t the best at completing them. Readers will find out whether her latest... - May 18, 2018 - Gold Standard PR

Winter 2018 Pinnacle Book Achievement Awards

Winter 2018 Pinnacle Book Achievement Awards

Announcing the Winter 2018 Pinnacle Book Achievement Awards - May 18, 2018 - NABE (North American Bookdealers Exchange)

Coupon Gumbo: 13th Annual Industry Coupon Conference Held Recently in New Orleans, La.

The Only National Conference in 2018 Dedicated Exclusively to the Overall Coupon Industry; Explored trending issues including ecommerce, Omnichannel, the shopper path to purchase, and universal digital coupon updates - May 10, 2018 - Association of Coupon Professionals

Clement Kwegyir-Afful Shares Secrets to Success, Based on Handling Multi-Billion Dollar Projects

Clement Kwegyir-Afful Shares Secrets to Success, Based on Handling Multi-Billion Dollar Projects

Successful management of billion dollar engineering projects requires more than a basic understanding of tools of the trade, according to Clement Kwegyir-Afful, a veteran project manager and new author. In his new book, "Delivering Successful Megaprojects, Key Factors and Toolkit for the... - May 01, 2018 - Clement Kwegyir-Afful

Alan Roger Currie Named Best Dating Coach for Men on YouTube

Alan Roger Currie Named Best Dating Coach for Men on YouTube

Author and Professional Dating Coach Alan Roger Currie recently earned three awards sponsored by NegroManosphere.com for the 2017 calendar year including Best Dating Coach for Men on YouTube, Best Black Male YouTube Personality, and the website's 2017 Columnist of the Year. NegroManosphere.com, a website dedicated to serving the needs of heterosexual Black men both in the United States and internationally, began providing self-help oriented articles for their readers in December 2016. - April 23, 2018 - Mode One Multimedia, Inc.

Best-Selling Author Tab Edwards Releases New Book on Job-Success

Tab Edwards, best known as a thought-leader on performance improvement, strategy, and sales, has released his 11th book entitled "Doing Your Job: Successfully" through The Water Performance Academy. - April 16, 2018 - Water Group LLC

CIMdata Publishes eBook: "ROI for PLM Deployments in the Food and Beverage Industry"

Strong ROI secures executive support. - April 14, 2018 - CIMdata

Automakers Can Find New Profits and Workforce in Africa, Says New Book by Edward T. Hightower, Managing Director of Motoring Ventures LLC

"Motoring Africa," a new book by veteran auto executive Edward T. Hightower, reveals how the world's soon-to-be largest workforce can help automakers profitably and sustainably build more cars. - April 13, 2018 - Motoring Ventures

Absolute Pitch Releases the Secrets to Dramatically Improve Business Performance

Absolute Pitch Releases the Secrets to Dramatically Improve Business Performance

What if every member of your organization worked together in perfect harmony? Absolute Pitch distills the secrets of creating a world-class improvement system in the form of a surprising and engaging story. Robert Blaha and Bruce Thompson uncover the secrets of improving and harmonizing systems and... - April 12, 2018 - Absolute Pitch Book

Sydney Segen Writes from the Depths of PTSD to Offer True Stories, Self-Help, and Hope

Sydney Segen Writes from the Depths of PTSD to Offer True Stories, Self-Help, and Hope

"Hope After Trauma and PTSD: Making Sense of the Pain," a new book by St. Louis author Sydney Segen offers hope for people with PTSD and the people who love them. The book includes first-person true stories, insights and strategies that can help, and prompts to write your own story - an important step in recovering. Segen understands PTSD because she has PTSD. - April 10, 2018 - Sydney Segen

Free Demo of The Academy, the Leading Course for Mastering Stocks, Released by Peter Leeds

Free Demo of The Academy, the Leading Course for Mastering Stocks, Released by Peter Leeds

World-renowned investment guru Peter Leeds is proud to announce the launch of the free demo of the Peter Leeds Academy - an intensive online course aimed at helping investors to master the volatile world of stocks. - April 03, 2018 - Modern Strategies, Inc.

StoryTime Me Helps Individuals Turn Their Personal Stories Into Illustrated Children's Books

StoryTime Me Helps Individuals Turn Their Personal Stories Into Illustrated Children's Books

No longer do children sit by fires listening to the tales and reflective insights of elders. We’re so preoccupied with the daily business of living that we’re forgetting the most important thing we can share with the world - ourselves. Enter StoryTime Me, which transforms individuals' stories into professionally written and illustrated children's books. In a world that needs more wisdom, and in which not enough is being passed down, StoryTime Me offers a fun, easy way to to teach and be taught. - April 02, 2018 - CG Communication & Design

Douglas Vermeeren's Personal Power Mastery Program Rated Among the Top 3 Self Development Programs Worldwide

Douglas Vermeeren's Personal Power Mastery Program Rated Among the Top 3 Self Development Programs Worldwide

Douglas Vermeeren conducted research and first hand interviews with more than 400 of the world's top achievers. It looks like all of the hard hard paid off. - March 15, 2018 - Personal Power Mastery

Kirk Jaffe Enterprises, Inc. Busts the Myths About Buying a Home in 2018

Kirk Jaffe Enterprises, Inc. Busts the Myths About Buying a Home in 2018

With home inventory at a record low and buyers having more trouble than ever winning bids to buy a home, Kirk Jaffe explains how the new 2018 Tax Reform will impact purchasing power. - March 15, 2018 - KJE Inc

The Association of Coupon Professionals Presents Its 13th Annual Coupon Conference in New Orleans, LA., April 24-26, “Coupon Gumbo: Content, Conversations, Activation”

The Association of Coupon Professionals (ACP) is presenting its 13th Annual Industry Coupon Conference “Coupon Gumbo: Content, Conversations, Activation,” on April 24-26, 2018 in New Orleans, LA. at the Astor Crowne Plaza. This will be the only conference dedicated exclusively to... - March 09, 2018 - Association of Coupon Professionals

John Maxwell and His Team Deliver Strategic Leadership Development Tools for Costa Rican Transformation at Request of Costa Rican President

John Maxwell and His Team Deliver Strategic Leadership Development Tools for Costa Rican Transformation at Request of Costa Rican President

John C. Maxwell and his team of certified international coaches, volunteers and leaders, including Walter Finnigan local certified coach and founder of LEAF Advising, are converging on San Jose, Costa Rica at the invitation of President Luis Guillermo Solis. This special delegation will conduct a... - March 08, 2018 - LEAF Advising

Who Was Christopher Columbus? Experts Near Astonishing Consensus

Who Was Christopher Columbus? Experts Near Astonishing Consensus

Twenty specialists from Europe and America will gather in Lisbon this week. They believe it's time to conclusively validate their decades of research into the origins and the role of history's most famous navigator. Though important questions remain unanswered, the wide-ranging body of facts and inferences that's been assembled appears sufficient to demolish a long-established mythology surrounding Columbus. - March 06, 2018 - Association Cristovao Colon

5th Annual Tampa Bay Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) Conference

5th Annual Tampa Bay Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) Conference

The ISACA West Florida Chapter is proud to host the 5th annual Tampa Bay Governance Risk and Compliance (GRC) Conference at The Westshore Grand Hotel, set in the Westshore Business District. The event will kick-off with a key note speaker Kevin McCarthy, Inspirational Speaker, Best-selling Author, Trainer, Coach and author of Amazon #1 Best-Selling book in Financial Risk Management and Business Ethics - Blind Spots. The day will continue with concurrent sessions focused on various GRC topics. - February 28, 2018 - West Florida ISACA Chapter

Windsor Care Centers Unveil New Video Series, “Windsor Stars, Shining a Spotlight on Caring”

Windsor skilled nursing and rehabilitation centers announced today the release of a new video series entitled, “Windsor Stars: Shining a Spotlight on Caring.” The series highlights exceptional caregivers who exemplify Windsor’s mission to enrich every life they touch by... - February 28, 2018 - Windsor Healthcare

Playing the Game: Create Your Legacy and Preserve Your Estate for Future Generations

In "Playing the Game," Paul Remack applies his years of financial experience to questions that haunt anyone planning to retire with significant assets. The most important thing to understand is that you are playing a game whether you realize it or not. Remack explains why Wealth Transfer and Distribution is a game, and he shows you how that game is played. He lays out the necessary steps for planning retirement and how to avoid unnecessary conflict with the IRS. - February 23, 2018 - Remack Associates, Inc.

You Can Now Find Your TRUE PATH on Amazon

You Can Now Find Your TRUE PATH on Amazon

TRUE PATH daily planner, journal is now available on Amazon. - February 15, 2018 - TRUE PATH

The Professional Organization of Women of Excellence Recognized Honors Claudette Betty, RN as an Outstanding Author

The Professional Organization of Women of Excellence Recognized Honors Claudette Betty, RN as an Outstanding Author

Claudette Betty, RN of Fort Pierce, Florida has been honored as an Outstanding Author by P.O.W.E.R. (Professional Organization of Women of Excellence Recognized) for her outstanding contributions and achievements in the fields of publishing and healthcare. About Claudette Betty, RN Claudette Betty... - February 10, 2018 - P.O.W.E.R. Professional Organization of Women of Excellence Recognized

Official Launch of Scribbler

Scribbler, the first subscription box company created exclusively for writers, has launched and are taking online orders at www.goscribbler.com. Consumers have the opportunity to subscribe to a monthly Scribbler box, which contains: * A Monthly Writing Theme (ex. Plot, Characters, Dialogue) * A... - February 10, 2018 - Scribbler

New eBook Sheds Light on Hollywood’s Unknown Secrets of Independent Film

New eBook Sheds Light on Hollywood’s Unknown Secrets of Independent Film

Multi Emmy Award-winning filmmaker Shane Stanley (Gridiron Gang) is releasing "What You Don't Learn in Film School: A Complete Guide to (Independent) Filmmaking,” a no holds barred, transparent look at making movies from concept to delivery, a compilation of his 30 plus years producing films at both the studio and independent levels. The book touches on every aspect of filmmaking including various distribution platforms to open the reader's eyes to walk a maze of sales traps and vague promises. - January 23, 2018 - Industry Insider

PONTE HEALTH Unveils VERTICAL MEDICAL CITY and Seeks Equity Partner in Development

PONTE HEALTH Unveils VERTICAL MEDICAL CITY and Seeks Equity Partner in Development

PONTE HEALTH PROPERTIES, LLC have unveiled their first High Rise Development Project: VERTICAL MEDICAL CITY, a striking self-sustaining, patient-focused, advanced technology-driven facility; a three-tower complex, overlaid with a smart photo/wind cells skin, working in synchronicity to deliver from Critical to Preventive Care throughout over 4 million square feet and 70 stories of interactive environments. - January 19, 2018 - PONTE HEALTH GLOBAL CORP.

Ghetto Bastard, a Memoir by Russell Vann, Released October 11, 2017

Ghetto Bastard is a story of survival. Malik was born into these circumstances, with no father to teach him how to be a man, and to a mother who didn't want him. Malik must navigate his way to adulthood with only the streets as his guide. One wonders, would Malik become the next dope fiend? The next dope dealer? The next one to go to prison? The next unwed teenage parent? - January 18, 2018 - Russell Dynasty, LLC

New Book Release for Business and Life Success

New Book Release for Business and Life Success

Speaker and Author Marc Demetriou Receives Praise for Newest Book "Lessons From My Grandfather." - January 16, 2018 - Marc Demetriou

Pennypacker and Associates, Editors Launches New Website: Targets Authors, Publishers, Marketers, Business Leaders, and Association Execs

Pennypacker and Associates, Editors Launches New Website: Targets Authors, Publishers, Marketers, Business Leaders, and Association Execs

Pennypacker and Associates has just launched a new website targeting authors, publishers, marketers, business leaders, and association execs. The company specializes in editing business, technology, marketing, and other nonfiction writing. - January 11, 2018 - Pennypacker & Associates

January is National Human Trafficking Awareness Month;  A.L. Smith Tackles the Issue in Her Novel, Behind Closed Doors 2: Dana's Story

January is National Human Trafficking Awareness Month; A.L. Smith Tackles the Issue in Her Novel, Behind Closed Doors 2: Dana's Story

Indy author A.L. Smith tackles human trafficking in the critically acclaimed, Behind Closed Doors 2: Dana's Story. "Smith's voice is both sturdy and elegant, delivering blunt, edgy prose that's never lurid." -Kirkus Reviews, 14 Recommended Indie Books 2017 - January 11, 2018 - ALS Creations, LLC

Marc Demetriou to Speak at Lakeland High School

Marc Demetriou to Speak at Lakeland High School

On January 19, 2018, Marc Demetriou will return to his alma mater Lakeland High School to speak to the school’s chapter of Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA), DECA members and business education staff on what it takes to be truly successful and to lead their best life. He will be... - January 10, 2018 - Marc Demetriou

Visness Card Digital Business Cards Offers Best Practices for Business Networking eBook

This guide provides 23 tips to enhance your face-to-face networking. - January 10, 2018 - Visness Card Digital Business Cards

Paramount Business Development Business Coach Writes Book That Could Double the Conversion Rate of All Salespeople

"Sales Magic: 12 Steps to Achieve Massive Sales Growth" is a new sales book based on years of success with clients, written by Stroudsburg business owner, Bill Skinner and its focus is helping salespeople from all industries close more sales. - December 14, 2017 - Paramount Business Development, Inc.

Future Culture and Community of the Living Earth

Future Culture and Community of the Living Earth

Avenya, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, has spent two years researching the effects of reawakening the human connection to the spiritual dimension of the Earth and they recently launched a Kickstarter campaign for a short documentary film about this connection. - December 12, 2017 - Avenya

Announcement of Global Distribution Agreement Between LMBPN™ Publishing and Bookwire GmbH

Announcement of Global Distribution Agreement Between LMBPN™ Publishing and Bookwire GmbH

Deal Includes Global Sales and Distribution of Digital Editions in German, Spanish and Portuguese. - November 28, 2017 - LMBPN Publishing

Unplug This Holiday; Enter to Win Madison & Mulholland's Bedside Reading Books of 2017

Unplug This Holiday; Enter to Win Madison & Mulholland's Bedside Reading Books of 2017

Madison & Mulholland's Holiday Gift Giveaway Enter to Win 2017 Best Books of the Season - November 28, 2017 - Madison & Mulholland, Inc.

Shevirah Announces New Version of Dagah Mobile and IoT Pen Testing and Phishing Tool and Personnel Additions

Shevirah Announces New Version of Dagah Mobile and IoT Pen Testing and Phishing Tool and Personnel Additions

Shevirah, a cybersecurity startup offering mobile and IoT device penetration testing and simulated phishing solutions, today announced the availability of a new and improved version of its popular Dagah tool. The new version is available immediately from the company website, as an update for... - November 21, 2017 - Shevirah

New Book "101 Costly Hr Mistakes... And How to Fix Them" by Vanessa Nelson Released to Help Employers Avoid Costly HR Mistakes and Save Millions

New Book "101 Costly Hr Mistakes... And How to Fix Them" by Vanessa Nelson Released to Help Employers Avoid Costly HR Mistakes and Save Millions

Human Resources Expert, Vanessa Nelson, announces the release of her new book, "101 Costly HR Mistakes... and How to Fix Them." Nelson wrote her book due to her concerns regarding a constant rise in workplace lawsuits. “My goal has always been to protect organizations from expensive... - November 20, 2017 - Expert Human Resources

Best Online Video Advertising Campaigns to be Named by Web Marketing Association

Best Online Video Advertising Campaigns to be Named by Web Marketing Association

The Web Marketing Association judges will select the best online video advertising in 86 industries as part of their 16th annual Internet Advertising Competition (IAC) Awards. Companies or agencies wishing to nominate their work for consideration may do so at www.IACAward.org before the deadline of January 31, 2018. - November 15, 2017 - Web Marketing Association

Learn Day Trading To Win - New Class Date Added November 21, 2017

Learn Day Trading To Win - New Class Date Added November 21, 2017

A new eight-week All Inclusive Trading Mentorship Program begins. Mentorship is an online trading school allowing the average person to attend lessons from the privacy of their home. Once logged in, they can see the teacher's charts, listen and interact live as he explains all the trading strategies. Classes are designed for new and advanced traders. John Paul, the founder of DayTradeToWin.com, personally teaches each class with lifetime support. - November 15, 2017 - Day Trade To Win

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