Corporate Social Responsibility News

Learn about companies that are doing good while turning a profit. This section features news on company and employee initiatives, corporate donations, activities and announcements that benefit the environment, under-represented groups and the community at large.

COPS Monitoring Donates Laptops to Help Reunite Quarantined Veterans with Their Families & Loved Ones

COPS Monitoring Donates Laptops to Help Reunite Quarantined Veterans with Their Families & Loved Ones

Laptops are shared amongst Veterans Memorial residents so they can reconnect and video chat with loved ones from across the globe in a time when they need it most. - April 09, 2020 - COPS Monitoring

Hutton Broadcasting Announces "Band Together Santa Fe to Feed Those in Need"

The Hutton Broadcasting family of radio stations, their website, their associated platforms and employees, along with the community of Santa Fe are banding together to help local food distributors The Food Depot, Kitchen Angels and raise money during this unprecedented time. Band Together Santa Fe to feed those in need. - April 07, 2020 - Hutton Broadcasting

iGrad Launches Free “Coronavirus and Your Financial Health” for Employers

iGrad Launches Free “Coronavirus and Your Financial Health” for Employers

iGrad has launched a free Enrich Financial Wellness resource for employers to help their employees manage financial challenges caused by the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. - April 07, 2020 - iGrad

Kelly Ford & INFINITI of Melbourne Offers Support for Active Healthcare Workers, First Responders and Military Personnel

Kelly Ford & INFINITI of Melbourne Offers Support for Active Healthcare Workers, First Responders and Military Personnel

As a way of supporting our local heroes, the Kelly Automotive Group, including Kelly Ford and INFINITI of Melbourne is announcing a discount off automotive service, for anyone actively employed as a healthcare worker, first responder or member of the military. - April 06, 2020 - Kelly Automotive Group

Talos Engineered Products Protecting and Appreciating Their Workforce

Talos Engineered Products Protecting and Appreciating Their Workforce

Talos Engineered Products announces COVID-19 workplace countermeasures to protect their workforce and a $200 a week show of appreciation for their manufacturing team during these troubled times. - April 05, 2020 - Talos Engineered Products

Broadmoor Storage Solutions Partners with Boys & Girls Clubs of Benton and Franklin Counties

The two organizations are partnering to provide critical services during the Coronavirus outbreak. - April 05, 2020 - West Coast Self-Storage

Vital Essentials Launches Vital Relief Challenge with $100,000 Donation

To kick off the Challenge, Vital Essentials announced it’s donating $100,000 to Green Bay area nonprofits including food pantries, shelters and other community outreach organizations. “As an essential manufacturer of pet food, we’re blessed to be able to continue to successfully operate with a safe and healthy team,” says Carnivore Meat Company CEO and Owner Lanny Viegut. “Unfortunately, others have landed in some pretty tough spots.” - April 04, 2020 - Vital Essentials

Roland Parrish to be Honored at 5th Annual Equanimity Awards Gala Benefitting JB Dondolo, Inc

Roland Parrish, CEO and Owner of Parrish Restaurants, Ltd. and founder of Parrish Charitable Foundation will receive the Global Change Legend Award at the 5th Annual Equanimity Awards in Irving, Texas on Saturday, November 14, 2020. He is being recognized for his contributions to global change and youth welfare. - April 04, 2020 - JB Dondolo

Froggy's Fog Makes Huge Impact by Changing Focus to Hand Sanitizer

Froggy's Fog Makes Huge Impact by Changing Focus to Hand Sanitizer

Froggy's Fog shut down production of Theatrical Effects Fluids to manufacture Hand Sanitizer for essential workers. By tripling output over a weekend, Froggy's Fog has been able to offer jobs to the local community impacted by COVID-19 layoffs and business closures. Froggy's Fog has donated thousands of dollars worth of hand sanitizer to local communities, organizations and essential workers. - April 03, 2020 - Froggy's Fog

Now Available, "The Quarantine Handbook," the Relief You Have Been Waiting for

Now Available, "The Quarantine Handbook," the Relief You Have Been Waiting for

Now ranked #1 on Amazon New Releases in Psychology of Creativity & Genius - April 03, 2020 - The Quarantine Handbook

Axiom Medical Successfully Impacts Thousands of Lives with Expansion of Workplace Coronavirus Management Program

Axiom Medical Successfully Impacts Thousands of Lives with Expansion of Workplace Coronavirus Management Program

Axiom Medical, a leading incident case management and occupational health services provider in North America, announced today the tremendous impact their Rapid Response Contagious Respiratory Illness Assessment (CRIA) Program is making in the battle against coronavirus (COVID-19) in the workplace. - April 01, 2020 - Axiom Medical

iGrad Launches Free “Coronavirus and Your Financial Health” for Colleges

iGrad Launches Free “Coronavirus and Your Financial Health” for Colleges

iGrad has launched a free online financial wellness resource for colleges to help their students manage financial challenges caused by the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. - April 01, 2020 - iGrad Empowering America's Gardeners Respond to COVID-19 Crisis Empowering America's Gardeners Respond to COVID-19 Crisis

Home Gardeners Can Assist Food Pantries Experiencing a Surge of Need Due to Crisis. - April 01, 2020 -

Live Online Proctoring Coming for All NABCEP Exams

Due to concerns about the COVID-19 emergency and the need to reduce our exposure to viral threats, NABCEP decided to offer all Board Certification and Associate level exams through live online proctoring (LOP). You will soon be able to take NABCEP Board Certification and Associate credential exams from the comfort and safety of your own home. - April 01, 2020 - North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners

Local Pressure Washing Business Dedicated to Sanitizing Our Cities During COVID-19 Quarantine

For Troy Glandon and his Denver companies, Signature Window Washing and Signature Pressure Washing, springtime is the busiest season. However, after the coronavirus pandemic hit, he decided to devote his cleaning and sanitation services in his hometown to sanitizing the local playgrounds, schools,... - April 01, 2020 - Signature Window Washing

GEICO Military Supports Young Marines National Foundation Rose Campaign

GEICO Military Supports Young Marines National Foundation Rose Campaign

Since 2018, GEICO Military has been a leading corporate sponsor of the Young Marines National Foundation. Like Young Marines, GEICO Military cares deeply about building strong communities by supporting our heroes. In fact, last year, GEICO Military helped the Young Marines National Foundation... - March 29, 2020 - Young Marines National Foundation

ZyDoc Offering Free COVID-19 Clinical Documentation Services

ZyDoc Offering Free COVID-19 Clinical Documentation Services

ZyDoc, a leading medical documentation company, is offering help for all clinicians affected by the COVID-19 pandemic by providing its services for related problems at no cost. During this unprecedented crisis, ZyDoc’s data collection service will allow physicians to focus on the task at hand by enabling them to work more efficiently and free them from the burden of tedious documentation. It can be implemented immediately nationwide so we can benefit from our collective wisdom. - March 28, 2020 - ZyDoc

Equiant Responds to COVID-19 Outbreak; Business Continuity Plan in Place; Social-Distancing Solutions for Clients

Equiant Responds to COVID-19 Outbreak; Business Continuity Plan in Place; Social-Distancing Solutions for Clients

In light of the recent coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, Equiant has activated its Business Continuity Plans to support the general health of its employees and maximize productivity in its workforce. The financial services and technology provider’s clients can rest assured that systemic... - March 27, 2020 - Equiant

Superior Grocers Installing Plexiglass Guards at All Check-Stands

Superior Grocers Installing Plexiglass Guards at All Check-Stands

Superior Grocers’ first priority is always the health and safety of their customers and employees and they are taking additional steps to protect you. -Plexiglass Guards are being installed at each Check-Stand at every location. -Social Distancing is being adhered to and signs are posted... - March 27, 2020 - Superior Grocers

Stealth-ISS Group® Inc. Offers Clients Free Protection for Their Employee’s Personal Devices to Address COVID-19 Risks

Cybersecurity Company has launched a new SOC-as-a-Service offering, targeted towards the organizations who’ve had to resort to remote working. - March 26, 2020 - Stealth - ISS Group Inc.

CROC and WWF-Russia Join Efforts to Preserve Siberian Forests

CROC, a leading Russian IT company, and its partners are working together to support the WWF-Russia Forest Guards project dedicated to the conservation of intact Russian forests. To celebrate International Forest Day, CROC and WWF-Russia funded the protection and reforestation of 250 ha of Siberian wilderness in the Irkutsk region. - March 25, 2020 - CROC

E I Games Launches Emotional Intelligent Diversity Inclusion and Equity Course in Breakthrough Online Format

E I Games Launches Emotional Intelligent Diversity Inclusion and Equity Course in Breakthrough Online Format

E I Games LLC, makers of award-winning game-based business simulation training has launched a new course and simulation in Diversity, Inclusion and Equity now offering companies an uplifting and contemporary approach to the subject in a highly engaging on-line format. - March 24, 2020 - E.I. Games LLC

Choice Home Warranty Will Provide Enhanced Coverage During COVID-19 Crisis

Choice Home Warranty Will Provide Enhanced Coverage During COVID-19 Crisis

Effective March 23, 2020, Choice Home Warranty will provide its existing and new home warranty service contract customers with broader protection for their vital home systems and appliances by temporarily suspending certain exclusions from coverage. - March 24, 2020 - Choice Home Warranty

Complimentary Steam Sanitize of Vehicles to Prevent the Spread of COVID-19; Complimentary Concierge Pick Up and Drop Off, Public Service by Provided by Sands Chevrolet

Kash Imprints Announces School and Non Profit Give Back Program, Kash for Causes

Today Kash Imprints, a print and marketing company, specializing in screen printing & promotional products announces their new give back program, Kash for Causes. The new program, Kash for Causes enables non profits and schools to earn cash when they or someone else, orders decorated apparel... - March 21, 2020 - Kash Imprints

Game Based Course Reduces Freshman Drop-Out Potential in a Ball State University Study

Game Based Course Reduces Freshman Drop-Out Potential in a Ball State University Study

A new study at Ball State University reveals how an online game can help first-year students stay enrolled and achieve their academic goals. - March 20, 2020 - E.I. Games LLC

United Federation of Special Police & Security Officers: COVID-19 Legislation Must Include All American Workers, Too Many Are Being Left Out

United Federation of Special Police & Security Officers: COVID-19 Legislation Must Include All American Workers, Too Many Are Being Left Out

Administration Officials and Legislators have promised no workers will lose a paycheck, yet millions are being left out of current legislation. - March 20, 2020 - United Federation of Special Police & Security Officers, Inc.

TINYpulse Offers Free WFH (Work from Home) Essentials to Businesses Disrupted by Coronavirus / COVID-19

TINYpulse Offers Free WFH (Work from Home) Essentials to Businesses Disrupted by Coronavirus / COVID-19

WFH Essentials Tailored to Help Organizations Maintain Engagement, Motivation, and Coaching during Remote / WFH Environment - March 18, 2020 - TINYpulse

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Business Workaround Using KryptAll

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Business Workaround Using KryptAll

The outbreak of the Coronavirus is impacting face-to-face business and public communication around the world and citizens are being advised by the CDC to decrease the spread of this horrific virus by decreasing physical contact. KryptAll ensures callers keep their privacy when communicating over the phone, while protecting themselves from the Coronavirus. - March 17, 2020 - KryptAll

Zito Media to Provide Its 20x2 Megabit Internet Service Available Free of Charge for Two Months to Low Income Residents

Zito Media to Provide Its 20x2 Megabit Internet Service Available Free of Charge for Two Months to Low Income Residents

In response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, Zito Media is making its 20x2 megabit internet service available free of charge for two months to low income residents. As schools close and businesses move to work-at-home solutions in order to slow the spread of the virus, internet service for... - March 17, 2020 - Zito Media

Sheri Hinish, Supply Chain Queen®, Named a 2020 Supply & Demand Chain Executive Pro to Know for Leadership in Supply Chain, Sustainability, and Innovation

Sheri Hinish, Supply Chain Queen®, Named a 2020 Supply & Demand Chain Executive Pro to Know for Leadership in Supply Chain, Sustainability, and Innovation

The supply chain profession is the most exciting it’s ever been. In its 20th annual listing of the 2020 Pros to Know in the supply chain industry, Supply & Demand Chain Executive awarded Sheri Hinish the coveted Pro to Know Award for the 2nd year in a row. - March 17, 2020 - Supply Chain Queen®

Visibility Design Launched Corporate Sustainable Responsibility Department

Sustainable Packaging, Designs and CSR are a big trend in the industry today. - March 16, 2020 - Visibility Design Pte. Ltd.

SolarCraft Completes Solar Power  Installation at Gary Farrell Vineyards & Winery - Celebrated Healdsburg Winery Toasts Energy Savings

SolarCraft Completes Solar Power Installation at Gary Farrell Vineyards & Winery - Celebrated Healdsburg Winery Toasts Energy Savings

Novato and Sonoma based SolarCraft recently completed the installation of a 193.2 kW DC solar electric system at Gary Farrell Vineyards & Winery in Healdsburg, CA. This large solar power system demonstrates Gary Farrell’s commitment to reduce their energy consumption and enhance the social and environmental sustainability of its operations. Also looking to reduce operating costs, installing solar power will save them, on average, $64,000. - March 12, 2020 - SolarCraft

J.C. Restoration, Inc. Selected as Annual Award for Business Excellence (AABE) Recipient

J.C. Restoration, Inc. Selected as Annual Award for Business Excellence (AABE) Recipient

J.C. Restoration, Inc. (JCR) has been selected as one of twenty suburban based companies honored with an Annual Award for Business Excellence (AABE) from the Daily Herald Business Ledger. JCR is being honored in the category of Minority-Owned Business. The AABEs are presented in recognition of... - March 12, 2020 - J.C. Restoration, Inc.

HealthLynked Corp. Tracks Worldwide Spread of Corona Virus and Keeps Users Informed with Novel Interactive App

HealthLynked Corp. (OTCQB: HLYK), a global healthcare network focused on care management of its members and a provider of healthcare technologies that connects doctors, patients and medical data, today announced that is has developed technology to help track the spread of COVID-19 with its patient... - March 11, 2020 - HealthLynked Corp.

Kennedy Berg LLP Wins the Appointment of a Receiver Over the Business and Property of The Law Offices of Jonathan S. Resnick & Perry A. Resnick

Kennedy Berg LLP secured the appointment of a receiver to take possession of the businesses and property of three Maryland-based law firms, The Law Offices of Jonathan S. Resnick, LLC, The Law Offices of Jonathan S. Resnick, PLLC and The Law Offices of Perry A. Resnick, LLC on behalf of specialty funder KrunchCash, LLC. - March 11, 2020 - Kennedy Berg LLP

Nashville Aid Provided by Absolute Storage Management

Nashville area properties, managed by Absolute Storage Management, are offering tornado aid. - March 11, 2020 - Absolute Storage Management

Radeya Global’s Free Career Resource Package Hope for Employees of Flybe and Other Failed Businesses Hard Hit by Coronavirus

With the world suffering an economic downturn because of the Coronavirus and people losing their jobs, it’s important to support each other. Radeya Global offers its Career Resources, including a Resume Template, free to help jobless individuals get back on their feet. - March 10, 2020 - Radeya Global

Momma Lynn Entertainment Rejects Coronavirus (COVID-19) Partnerships

Momma Lynn Entertainment Rejects Coronavirus (COVID-19) Partnerships

Momma Lynn Entertainment (MLE) announced that it will reject partnerships with any entertainment production companies seeking to exploit the outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) for financial gain. - March 09, 2020 - Momma Lynn Entertainment

Dubai Tourism Department Awards Dr. Mahaveer Mehta Medical Center with Al Safeer Congress Ambassador Award in Dubai Last Week

Dubai Tourism Department Awards Dr. Mahaveer Mehta Medical Center with Al Safeer Congress Ambassador Award in Dubai Last Week

Dubai Congress Ambassador Award Event, JAFZA, March 2, 2020, Dubai - March 07, 2020 - Dr. Mahaveer Mehta Medical Center

Kelley Buick GMC Donates $100,000 to the Polk County Youth Fair

Kelley Buick GMC has kicked off their charitable giving for 2020 with a bang with a $100,000 check given to the Polk County Youth Fair. The company also donated to youth participating in the Hardee County Youth Fair, and they donated a brand new, custom GMC Sierra to Warrior Beach Retreat, Inc. to... - March 07, 2020 - Kelley Automotive Group

Christine McKay Joins Board of Directors for Motivating Our Students Through Experience (MOSTe)

Christine McKay, CEO of Venn Negotiation, has been invited to join the Board of Directors for MOSTe (Motivating Our Students Through Experience), a 501(c)(3). Both McKay’s personal and professional background gives her valuable insight into the obstacles and opportunities facing MOSTe... - March 06, 2020 - Venn Negotiation

United Energy Trading Teams Up with the Magic Yarn Project

United Energy Trading Teams Up with the Magic Yarn Project

Energy company helps a charity supporting childhood cancer victims. - March 06, 2020 - United Energy Trading

Lorraine Stone Appears as Harriet Tubman at Black History Month Celebration

United Methodist Communities (UMC) at The Wesleyan celebrates Black History month annually. - March 04, 2020 - United Methodist Communities

Acquire Shows a “One Team, One Heartbeat” Culture

Acquire Shows a “One Team, One Heartbeat” Culture

Acquire knows it has a group that is filled with hard-working, driven, young professionals who “give it their all.” So how do they approach the “play hard” area of life with this energetic crew? When asked in a recent sit down, Grant Gulledge, Sr. Director of Operations at... - March 03, 2020 - Acquire

America's Top Coolsculpting Clinic in Las Vegas Secret Body Medical Spa, Now Offers Virus & Bacteria Free Air with Vollara's ActivePure Technology

America's Top Coolsculpting Clinic in Las Vegas Secret Body Medical Spa, Now Offers Virus & Bacteria Free Air with Vollara's ActivePure Technology

Vollara’s ActivePure technology is proven in university studies done at Kansas State University, for Vollara (Ecoquest at the time), shows that this technology has a 99.9% kill rate for bacteria and viruses. With the flu virus on the rise and the Corona virus spreading Secret Body Medical Spa is happy to ensure healthier air while you are at their Spa. "We want our patients and employees to know they can breathe in clean uncontaminated air at Secret Body Medical Spa," says Kate Robertson. - March 02, 2020 - Secret Body Las Vegas Coolsculpting Clinic

United Methodist Communities Partners with Synzi to Support Home Health Clients

Synzi, a leading virtual care company, has announced that United Methodist Communities (UMC), a faith-based, nonprofit organization with a 112+ year history in New Jersey, is using Synzi’s virtual care platform in HomeWorks, its home care division. Synzi will strengthen engagement between... - February 28, 2020 - United Methodist Communities

Simply Organic Beauty Launches Self Love Box to Promote Mental Health Awareness in Beauty Salons

Simply Organic Beauty Launches Self Love Box to Promote Mental Health Awareness in Beauty Salons

Simply Organic Beauty has partnered with non-profit movement To Write Love On Her Arms to spark thoughtful conversation and awareness around mental health in beauty salons through the launch of their new Self Love Charity Box. Hair Stylists get the reputation of being therapists -- even jokingly... - February 27, 2020 - Simply Organic Beauty

SureFire Digital Media Recognizes Brian Kutayiah

SureFire Digital Media Recognizes Brian Kutayiah

Brian Kutayiah is in the top 5% of Allstate Agents and one of the top performers on the SureFire Digital Media Roster of clients. SureFire Digital Media is host to some of the nation's top-performing insurance agents and Brian Kutayiah has been in the top 1% of Agents for the last 5 years running. - February 26, 2020 - SureFire Digital Media

Patriot Mobile Revs Up Support of Veterans at NASCAR Race

Patriot Mobile Revs Up Support of Veterans at NASCAR Race

Patriot Mobile Military Appreciation Pit Lane Walk at Texas Motor Speedway prior to NASCAR Cup Series Race, Sunday, March 29, 2020. Ron Montgomery, CEO of Patriot Mobile said, "Patriot Mobile believes that we must care for the servicemen and women who sacrifice to keep us safe and free. While we can never fully repay those who give so much to protect our way of life, we are offering these special discounts and supporting our veterans and active military as a token of our appreciation." - February 21, 2020 - Patriot Mobile

Press Releases 1,101 - 1,150 of 4,312