Social Media News

Connect with news about next generation social media websites and applications, enabling users to create and share content or participate in social networking. Discover social media marketing best practices, awards, and influencers as well as products and services aimed at social media users and marketers.

Dup-Dup -  Pre-Launching Artificial Intelligence Powered Buddy  Campaign at Kickstarter

Dup-Dup - Pre-Launching Artificial Intelligence Powered Buddy Campaign at Kickstarter

A revolutionary Artificial Intelligence powered Buddy pre-launched its crowdfunding campaign at Kickstarter. - April 23, 2018 - Dup-Dup

Royal Jay Launches New Marketing Agency

Royal Jay Launches New Marketing Agency

Royal Jay LLC, a Healthcare Technology Services company, based out of Boise, Idaho is excited to announce the launch of Virayo, a full-service digital marketing agency specializing in search engine marketing, content strategy, sales funnel development and website design. Virayo’s team of... - April 19, 2018 - Royal Jay

Judy Wolff Named a Constant Contact Certified Solution Provider

Judy Wolff, Consultant with Momentum Matters LLC of Acton, MA has been named a Certified Solution Provider by Constant Contact. As a Certified Solution Provider, Judy Wolff has demonstrated in-depth knowledge of the Constant Contact email marketing platform and best practices. This ensures program participants and the clients they serve will realize meaningful results from their investments in email marketing. - April 19, 2018 - Momentum Matters

Join the Hammond Police and Operation Kidsafe for Free Child Safety Days

Join the Hammond Police and Operation Kidsafe for Free Child Safety Days

Operation Kidsafe Free Child Safety Events are happening all across the U.S. and Canada. An event has been scheduled for your area. Parents get a free Amber Alert ready form. As a part of Bill Hood Ford Lincoln Safety Month, Operation Kidsafe will be in Hammond. - April 18, 2018 - Operation Kidsafe

WebShaboom Launches GoFundMe Campaign to Support Free Web Design for Nonprofit Organizations

GoFundMe campaign is raising money to support building free web sites for nonprofit organizations. A Tampa man used a combination of LinkedIn messages, Facebook ads and appeals to friends and family - his way of giving back to organizations that enrich our communities. - April 18, 2018 - WebShaboom

DailyMenus Launches Restaurant Tool for Digital and Print Menus

DailyMenus Launches Restaurant Tool for Digital and Print Menus

DailyMenus is an online software that assists restaurants with frequent digital and print menu changes. - April 17, 2018 - DailyMenus

Attorney Rehabilitation Group, LLC (ARG) Secures $5 Million in Funding

Attorney Rehabilitation Group, LLC (ARG) Secures $5 Million in Funding

Attorney Rehabilitation Group, LLC (ARG), an internet marketing company specifically for attorneys, has received substantial funding commitments. The funding validates the Company’s proprietary system for attorney online reputation management (ORM), and enables the company to expand IT resources. - April 16, 2018 - Attorney Rehabilitation Group, LLC

Forest Creatures Foundation to Bring International Public Television Conference to Brooklyn, NY

INPUT 2018 will take place in Brooklyn, NY, April 30 to May 4, 2018. INPUT is the International Public Television Conference. This conference of public media professionals takes place at a different location around the world each year. This will be the first time it will convene anyplace in New York State and the seventh time in its forty two year history that it will be in the United States. - April 13, 2018 - Forest Creatures Foundation

GoverMedia Plus Announces Listing on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange

GoverMedia Plus Canada Corp. (CSE: MPLS) (FWB: 48G) (WKN: A2JF6W) ("GoverMedia" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that as of April 10, 2018, the Company has been listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and has been issued the trading symbol: 48G. After achieving many... - April 12, 2018 - GoverMedia Plus Canada Corp.

GoLookUp Will Now Provide Users with an Advanced Background Check Service

GoLookUp Will Now Provide Users with an Advanced Background Check Service

Getting accurate information about people can help avoid dangerous situations, and GoLookUp's Background Check service allows to find such information quickly and easily. - April 10, 2018 - Lucky2Media, LLC

Allstate Brings Free Operation Kidsafe Event to San Diego

Allstate Brings Free Operation Kidsafe Event to San Diego

Join Allstate and Agent Doug Eisold for a fun filled family event with food, activities and first responders with tips on how to keep you and your family safe. Operation Kidsafe Free Child Safety Events are happening all across the U.S. and Canada. An event has been scheduled for your area. - April 06, 2018 - Operation Kidsafe

Asen Marketing Undergoes Big Changes

Asen Marketing Undergoes Big Changes

New Expansion Plans Have Asen Team Excited About Growth - April 04, 2018 - Asen Marketing & Advertising

Jamie Skylar’s "Lay Me Down" Delivers Haunting Love Song

The Fourth single from the new album Marmalade drops Tuesday, April 3rd. - April 01, 2018 - Prophet Records

Real Equity Films Announces DigiStreamTV

Real Equity Films Announces DigiStreamTV

Brian Sterling-Vete, Ph.D., award winning BBC documentarian has been named as president of DigiStreamTV, a division of Real Equity Films Associates. DigiStreamTV is a global streaming media channel featuring classic Science Fiction, Horror and other genres and original content. - March 30, 2018 - Real Equity Films Associates

Best Public Relations Web Sites to be Named by Web Marketing Association in 22nd Annual WebAward Competition

Best Public Relations Web Sites to be Named by Web Marketing Association in 22nd Annual WebAward Competition

The best PR Websites will be recognized as part of the 2018 WebAward Competition for Web site development at the WebAward Web site. The WebAwards is the standards-defining competition that sets benchmarks for 96 industries, including advertising, PR and marketing web sites, based on the seven criteria of a successful Web site. - March 22, 2018 - Web Marketing Association

Martha Wash Did What?!; 10 Minutes with Martha Wash Premieres Monday, March 26th

Martha Wash Did What?!; 10 Minutes with Martha Wash Premieres Monday, March 26th

Martha Wash, two time Grammy nominee and the voice behind such iconic pop and dance classics as “It’s Raining Men” (Weather Girls), “Strike It Up” (Black Box) and “Everybody Dance Now (Gonna Make You Sweat)” (C+C Music Factory), has done the unexpected...again. - March 19, 2018 - DO-KWA Productions

Internet Experts Needed to Judge 2018 WebAward Competition

Internet Experts Needed to Judge 2018 WebAward Competition

The Web Marketing Association is looking for experienced Internet professionals who can help judge the Websites that are entered into its 22nd annual international WebAward competition. Interested individuals can submit their names for consideration using the WebAward Judges Nomination Form. - March 19, 2018 - Web Marketing Association

How Solomobox is Making Changes to the Marketing Industry

How Solomobox is Making Changes to the Marketing Industry

Solomobox is changing the way marketing companies do business one client at a time. Providing a service that values the client and brand before their profits. Building the business of their client before their own. - March 14, 2018 - Solomobox Inc.

Continental Cut Stone's Computerized Equipment Helps Push Natural Stone Design to New Dimensions

Continental Cut Stone's Computerized Equipment Helps Push Natural Stone Design to New Dimensions

Nationally Recognized Tucker Design Award honors Page Architects, Austin Texas with exceptional use of natural stone through concept, design and construction. - March 14, 2018 - Continental Cut Stone

Best Advertising Web sites to be Named by Web Marketing Association in 22nd Annual WebAward Competition

Best Advertising Web sites to be Named by Web Marketing Association in 22nd Annual WebAward Competition

The best advertising Websites will be recognized as part of the 22nd annual international WebAward Competition for Web site development at The WebAwards is the standards-defining competition that sets benchmarks for 96 industries, including advertising, design and marketing web sites, based on the seven criteria of a successful Web site. - March 13, 2018 - Web Marketing Association

Innovation Has Finally Come to Disrupt the Job Board & Recruiting Industry

Innovation Has Finally Come to Disrupt the Job Board & Recruiting Industry

Through a crowd-sourcing platform that was founded on a vision to lead a global virtual social recruiting network movement, eJobXchange hopes to change the recruitment industry for employers and job seekers. - March 09, 2018 - eJobXchange

Female Founders Nina Frazier Hansen and Sonia Hendrix Announce Partnership Between Olive & Bones Consulting and Gallery PR

Female Founders Nina Frazier Hansen and Sonia Hendrix Announce Partnership Between Olive & Bones Consulting and Gallery PR

New York Communication Experts Join Forces to Shake Up How Brands Are Doing Business. - March 02, 2018 - Gallery PR

MavSocial Launches WeChat Integration

WeChat Automated Publishing Now Available on MavSocial Platform - March 02, 2018 - MavSocial

Modernizing and Revolutionizing Mead, Salt Point Meadery is on Kickstarter to Gain Backers for Canning Mead

Modernizing and Revolutionizing Mead, Salt Point Meadery is on Kickstarter to Gain Backers for Canning Mead

The Salt Point Meadery Kickstarter campaign has been launched for the project in canning mead, a honey-based alcoholic beverage produced by the meadery. - March 01, 2018 - Salt Point Meadery LLC

New Platform RiotHouse to Host and Encourage Digital Debates

New Platform RiotHouse to Host and Encourage Digital Debates

App designed specifically to empower discourse launching this spring. - March 01, 2018 - Outsider Labs Names One Hundred Best Social Media Marketing Companies for March 2018

The leading provider of reviews and ratings in digital marketing,, has named the one hundred best social media marketing companies for the month of March 2018. The companies featured in the rankings on are leadings and top contenders offering a service to manage and maintain... - March 01, 2018 -

Kevin Pustizzi to Lead Clearbridge Branding Agency

Kevin Pustizzi to Lead Clearbridge Branding Agency

ClearBridge Media Consulting, which recently became Clearbridge Branding Agency, announced that Kevin Pustizzi has been appointed President of the newly-formed company. ClearBridge Media Consulting recently formed an alliance with Wingspan Advertising, a 15-year old advertising agency in... - February 27, 2018 - Clearbridge Branding Agency

Sinova Solutions to Host Google Partners Connect Event on the Power of Video

Sinova Solutions to Host Google Partners Connect Event on the Power of Video

Sinova Solutions, a Google Certified Partner, is co-hosting a live-stream training event with Google on March 13, 2018, called "The Power of Video." This live-stream event will detail how Digital Marketing can help any business thrive on the Web. - February 27, 2018 - Sinova Solutions

Moms March Movement Takes Declaration of Mothers to Congress

Moms March Movement Takes Declaration of Mothers to Congress

Released May 2017, the Declaration of Mothers has been signed by thousands of women in over 4,000 cities and every state in America has signed the Declaration. Governors have issued proclamations recognizing the Declaration of Mothers and on February 2nd, Congresswoman Diane Black (Rep, TN) introduced the Declaration of Mothers into the Congressional record. So what is this document taking the nation by storm? - February 27, 2018 - Moms March Movement

Ostium Launch a Crowdfunding Campaign with IndieGoGo

Ostium Launch a Crowdfunding Campaign with IndieGoGo

Ostium makes it possible to detect illnesses at the stage of early functional disruptions, long before the onset of the first noticeable symptoms. Moreover, Ostium are able to predict, well in advance, many serious ailments, from asthma to tumors. Ostium Lab launch a crowdfunding campaign with IndieGoGo to continue their project, to improve the hardware and software complex, to process state registration and to launch mass production. - February 26, 2018 - Ostium

The 2nd Annual Desire to Inspire Awards Partners with KNEKT TV to Bring the Awards Show Live to the World

The 2nd Annual Desire to Inspire Awards Partners with KNEKT TV to Bring the Awards Show Live to the World

Focused on Social Good, the Award Winning KNEKT TV announces that the Second Annual Desire to Inspire Awards will be live on KNEKT Television on Saturday, February 24th at 6:30pm PST. - February 24, 2018 - KNEKT®tv

Artist Set to Unveil Campaign Poster

Artist Set to Unveil Campaign Poster

James Warhola Wants to Inject a Little Humor into Our Political Discourse. - February 22, 2018 - James Warhola

Investment Club Launches Women’s Empowerment Initiative to Celebrate 20th Anniversary

Investment Club Launches Women’s Empowerment Initiative to Celebrate 20th Anniversary

20/20 Investment Club has an all-female, African American membership and celebrates its 20th anniversary by launching “Campaign INSPIRE!”, a national women’s empowerment initiative designed to celebrate the power of unity at a critical time in our nation’s history. - February 14, 2018 - 20/20 Investment Club

Evulo, the New Platform for Corporate Communications

Due to the new Facebook guidelines, corporate communities are facing a turning point and looking for a new platform to communicate. Evulo is the alternative that offers a German platform solution for businesses reliably, promptly and with better opportunities. - February 11, 2018 - Evulo

Sitemorse: Extending Digital Governance to Social Media

Sitemorse has recently made a number of changes to the way that social alerts are managed and delivered for users monitoring Twitter, Facebook, and Google+. The new reports begin with results for Spelling, Function and Brand – custom checks against brand or style guidelines to ensure that... - February 09, 2018 -

Solomoto Releases Revolutionary Feature for Social Media Post Scheduling

Creating the First Social Media Visual Content Library - February 09, 2018 - Solomoto

Wikipedia Named Best Global Website of 2018 by Byte Level Research

Wikipedia Named Best Global Website of 2018 by Byte Level Research

Wikipedia unseats Google in in 2018 Web Globalization Report Card. New report recognizes leading global websites including Google, NIVEA, Adobe, and IKEA. - February 08, 2018 - Byte Level Research LLC

PromSocial Launches Mobile App Set to Change the Way Teens Plan, Organize and Share Their Prom Experience

PromSocial Launches Mobile App Set to Change the Way Teens Plan, Organize and Share Their Prom Experience

It’s no surprise that prom is wildly important to most high school students, as a rite of passage and a night they will likely remember for the rest of their lives. PromSocial, an exciting new startup, focused exclusively on the prom experience, aims to eliminate many of the common prom stresses teens face when planning for their big night. - February 04, 2018 - PromSocial

Creative Educational Products, Inc. Debuts Quiztory, as a Web-Based Trivia Game, and “This Day in Quiztory” Into Chicago Public Schools

Creative Educational Products, Inc. Debuts Quiztory, as a Web-Based Trivia Game, and “This Day in Quiztory” Into Chicago Public Schools

Creative Educational Products, Inc. and Chicago Public Schools have teamed up to introduce the Quiztory trivia game and “This Day in Quiztory” into CPS’s learning platform beginning February 2018. “This Day in Quiztory” is a weekday podcast that debuted in June 2014... - February 01, 2018 - Creative Educational Products, Inc.

MaassMedia Launches MaassIQ Digital Analytics Training – Custom Training for Organizations

MaassMedia Launches MaassIQ Digital Analytics Training – Custom Training for Organizations

MaassMedia announces the launch of its comprehensive analytics training program for organizations. MaassIQ Digital Analytics Training is a customizable program, offering course tracks in Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics, Data Visualization, and Strategy. - February 01, 2018 - MaassMedia

Co-Create a Sonic Healing Wave for Earth on February 14

Co-Create a Sonic Healing Wave for Earth on February 14

“Send a Healing 'AH' sound to the planet with your voice! Attend or plan a World Sound Healing Day event,” says Jonathan Goldman, founder. Visit for details. Tune in to a special 2-hour live radio show February 14, 11 am ET (US). The live show features a global sound healing, award winning music, top spiritual scientific guests, and a new 10-minute WSHD sound meditation from Goldman. Jonathan and Andi Goldman will host at Healing Sounds - January 29, 2018 - Joan Vann PR

Qounter - The New Social Network

Qounter - The New Social Network

Earn, Share and Give Cashbacks amongst your Friends for Shopping - January 27, 2018 - Qounter

The Landscape Architecture of Lawrence Halprin to Open in FORT WORTH COMMUNITY ART CENTER on JANUARY 26 2018

The Landscape Architecture of Lawrence Halprin to Open in FORT WORTH COMMUNITY ART CENTER on JANUARY 26 2018

Exhibition about influential San Francisco-based landscape architect features projects throughout the US, including Heritage Plaza in Downtown Fort Worth. - January 26, 2018 - Studio Outside

One Hundred Best Social Media Marketing Companies Named by for January 2018

The independent authority on Search vendors,, has named the one hundred best social media marketing companies for the month of January 2018. The rankings are released each month to account for new developments and achievements of top competing digital marketing agencies which assist... - January 26, 2018 -

Slibstream Officially Launches Instagram Digital Photo Frame Service

Slibstream Officially Launches Instagram Digital Photo Frame Service

Slibstream has launched it’s free to sign up Instagram digital photo frame service from it’s headquarters in London, United Kingdom. The Slibstream web app received permission approval from Instagram to use the Instagram API last week. Slibstream is an Instagram digital photo frame... - January 26, 2018 - Slibstream

Unelma Platforms Launches Social Networking Platform:

Unelma Platforms is a multinational technology company that designs, develops and sells consumer electronics, computer software and online services. Unelma Platforms has built several projects, software solutions and services across a diverse range of categories such as higher education,... - January 19, 2018 - Unelma Platforms

Global Agora Announces Launch of Maximus Live -  21st Century Media Buying Software

Global Agora Announces Launch of Maximus Live - 21st Century Media Buying Software

Global Agora, a venture capital fund founded and operated by entrepreneurs, is pleased to announce the rollout of Maximus, a 21st century media buying software that puts native advertising strategies on auto-pilot. Maximus interfaces with the major advertising platforms of Yahoo Gemini, Outbrain,... - January 17, 2018 - Global Agora

Fit Girl Festival at Retreat Malibu - Starting the New Year with the Ultimate Health & Wellness Lifestyle Experience

Fit Girl Festival at Retreat Malibu - Starting the New Year with the Ultimate Health & Wellness Lifestyle Experience

Start the new year at Fit Girl Festival at Retreat Malibu from 9am to 9pm on Saturday, January 13, 2018. Viewers around the globe will also be able to watch it live online thanks to KNEKT TV. - January 13, 2018 - KNEKT®tv

Elephant Social Website First in Kingdom of Bahrain to Integrate Facebook Live Chat

Customer Relationship Management is vital to any business. No matter the business model, consumers may want to reach out to companies at any time. Tech investment and development company, Elephant Media Network, has added the Live Chat for Facebook feature to the official website of Elephant... - January 13, 2018 - Elephant Media Network

One Heart Project-Kansas City Mentoring Initiative Partners with Jackson County to Help At-Risk Juveniles

One Heart Project-Kansas City Mentoring Initiative Partners with Jackson County to Help At-Risk Juveniles

Non-profit organization One Heart will provide mentoring and other services to youthful offenders in the Jackson County-Kansas City area to get them a second chance and reduce recidivism rates. e - January 12, 2018 - One Heart Project

Press Releases 551 - 600 of 2,425