Career & Technical Education News

Become a lifelong learner with information about career and technical education aimed at students of all ages. This section features news on skilled trades, applied sciences, modern technologies and career preparation as well as apps, staff, companies, partnerships, events, products, services and data pertaining to the vocational education industry.

Build a Better Business in 30 Days with PHOENIX,  a Comprehensive, Self-Implementing Operating System

Build a Better Business in 30 Days with PHOENIX, a Comprehensive, Self-Implementing Operating System

Gyolai Consulting, a leader in business system implementation for small businesses, launches PHOENIX, a comprehensive, self-implementing operating system for your business and your life with the first cohort kicking off August 4, 2020. PHOENIX is a business operating system built on six core... - June 20, 2020 - Gyolai Consulting

Join the Millions of Meditating Hearts on International Day of Yoga to Make Compassion Contagious

Long Island Construction Attorney, John Caravella, Esq., Will be Co-Presenter of Stafford’s AIA Webinar on June 24, 2020

Long Island Construction Attorney, John Caravella, Esq., will be co-presenting for Stafford’s AIA Webinar on June 24, 2020. Along with Steven Nudelman and Warren F. Jacoby, Mr. Caravella and his other co-presenters will discuss the fine details of AIA Contract Documents: 2017 Modifications,... - June 05, 2020 - The Law Offices of John Caravella P.C.

STARR Portal by Employee Support Services, LLC Reduces Risk and Improves Patient Outcomes in the Home Care Industry with Improved Training, Communication and Feedback

STARR Portal by Employee Support Services, LLC Reduces Risk and Improves Patient Outcomes in the Home Care Industry with Improved Training, Communication and Feedback

The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed how fragile our senior population is to viruses and infection. This unforeseen catastrophe has forced all sectors of the health care industry to reexamine their training protocols. Many families are turning to home care as an alternative to nursing homes and... - June 03, 2020 - Employee Support Services, LLC

NABCEP Credential Approved by Veterans Administration for GI Bill Reimbursement

NABCEP Photovoltaic Associate (PVA) Program was recently approved by the US Department of Veteran Affairs to receive benefits under the GI Bill. - June 02, 2020 - North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners

Metro Safety’s First Aid Courses Help Save Lives During COVID-19 Outbreak as Healthcare Workers Are Pressed for Time & Resources

Metro Safety’s First Aid Courses Help Save Lives During COVID-19 Outbreak as Healthcare Workers Are Pressed for Time & Resources

Canadian first aid educator becomes a vital resource during COVID medical crisis. - May 30, 2020 - Metro Safety Training

ChatterHigh Communications Inc. Launches "Home Version" of Their College and Career Exploration Resource,

ChatterHigh Communications Inc. Launches "Home Version" of Their College and Career Exploration Resource,

Chatterhigh is a research-proven college and career exploration resource used in thousands of schools across North America. Named EdTech of the year in 2017, they are excited to announce a "home version" optimized for parents and independent college counselors to use with teens. - May 29, 2020 - ChatterHigh Communications Inc.

Digital Defynd Launches 1000 Free Courses to Help Professionals Beat Corona Career Crisis

E-learning platform, Digital Defynd, having enabled 1.2 million learners worldwide, has recently launched over 1,000 free courses to help working professionals and students beat the Corona Career Crisis. With mounting job losses and salary cuts, it becomes imperative for employees to look for... - May 23, 2020 - Digital Defynd

The Lonely Entrepreneur Launches Free Survival Guide for Entrepreneurs

The Lonely Entrepreneur Launches Free Survival Guide for Entrepreneurs

Built on Founder's experience of living through the 2008 financial crisis, TLE has created a free survival guide to help entrepreneurs and SMB's survive (and thrive) through the COVID-19 recession. The Entrepreneur Survival Guide includes access to special learning modules, tools, support via online community, and weekly fireside coaching chats. The Guide is offered entirely for free. - May 20, 2020 - The Lonely Entrepreneur

Seattle Clinical Massage School - New Seattle Massage School

Seattle Clinical Massage School - New Seattle Massage School

Seattle Clinical Massage School is the newest massage school in the Seattle area. The Seattle Clinical Massage School program is focused on musculoskeletal assessment and rehabilitation. Seattle Clinical Massage School offers class sizes that are limited to a small number of students so that each massage school student is provided with near-private instruction. - May 19, 2020 - Seattle Clinical Massage School

Christian Buck Accepted Into Forbes Coaches Council

Christian Buck Accepted Into Forbes Coaches Council

Christian Buck, esteemed performance coach and author of The Sport of School, has been accepted into the Forbes Coaches Council for business and executive coaching. - May 19, 2020 - Christian Buck Consulting

Lancaster Theological Seminary Appoints Dr. David Rowe to be  Interim President

Lancaster Theological Seminary Appoints Dr. David Rowe to be Interim President

Lancaster Theological Seminary's Board of Trustees appoints Dr. David Rowe of Windermere, FL, to be interim president following the retirement of the Rev. Dr. Carol E. Lytch who has served nine years as the graduate school's president. - May 18, 2020 - Lancaster Theological Seminary

GreyCampus Collaborates with IBM to Launch Certificate Programs in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

Global online training provider GreyCampus today announced a collaboration with IBM (NYSE: IBM) to launch Certificate Program in Data Science and Certificate Program in Artificial Intelligence. Designed for working professionals and graduates, these programs combine IBM’s advanced online... - May 10, 2020 - GreyCampus Inc.

Platinum Educational Group Continues to Support Health Professional Students

Online Testing, Scheduling, and Competency Tracking Industry Leader to Continue Supporting Health Professional Students via Scholarships for EMS, Nursing, and Allied Health Students in 2020. - May 07, 2020 - Platinum Educational Group

North Orange County ROP Announces Partnership with University Lab Partners

North Orange County Regional Occupational Program is partnering with local non-profit University Lab Partners to bring biotechnology educational opportunities to Orange County. The biotechnology field is rapidly growing and The Beall Family Foundation, in collaboration with UCI Beall Applied... - May 06, 2020 - North Orange County ROP

edHelper Salutes Teachers - Teacher Appreciation Week

edHelper Salutes Teachers - Teacher Appreciation Week

COVID-19 has taken a toll on everyone. With schools shut down, the role of teachers in our lives has become even more important. Teachers are trying to help students work through their online classes and Zoom sessions by providing online and free resources to parents and doing their best even when... - May 05, 2020 - edHelper

RMK Consulting, LLC Offers Free Cybersecurity Training to Help Organizations Educate Their Remote Workforces

RMK Consulting, LLC Offers Free Cybersecurity Training to Help Organizations Educate Their Remote Workforces Amid Coronavirus Pandemic Work from Home Environments Creating New Opportunities for Cybercriminals - April 21, 2020 - RMK Consulting, LLC

Cinestudy Helps Teach Filmmaking During COVID-19 Pandemic for Free

Due to the COVID-19 crisis, filmmaking classes like all other in-person classes were cancelled. Struggling to find new content, teachers found a resource with Cinestudy’s free filmmaking projects. - April 19, 2020 -

Cyber and STEM Nonprofit Works to Create Career and Educational Opportunities for Women and Minorities

Cyber Institute is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit and international NGO that advises government and industry on matters related to cyber policy, pathways into the workforce, and cyber education curriculum. The nonprofit executives moved to Appleton in Dececember 2018 to be closer to family. They have since... - April 11, 2020 - Cyber Institute

IDEA Illinois & eLuma Partner to Assist Educators

IDEA Illinois & eLuma Partner to Assist Educators

With schools facing prolonged closures, educators are struggling to provide adequate online instruction, IDEA Illinois & eLuma have partnered and will provide a series of training webinars to ensure that special education administrators, teachers and clinicians can optimize the remote learning experience. - April 06, 2020 - eLuma Online Therapy

Metro Safety Offers Discounts on Occupational First Aid Level 2 Courses in British Columbia

Metro Safety Offers Discounts on Occupational First Aid Level 2 Courses in British Columbia

The first aid training school’s discount is promoting workplace wellbeing. - April 03, 2020 - Metro Safety Training

iGrad Launches Free “Coronavirus and Your Financial Health” for Colleges

iGrad Launches Free “Coronavirus and Your Financial Health” for Colleges

iGrad has launched a free online financial wellness resource for colleges to help their students manage financial challenges caused by the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. - April 01, 2020 - iGrad

Live Online Proctoring Coming for All NABCEP Exams

Due to concerns about the COVID-19 emergency and the need to reduce our exposure to viral threats, NABCEP decided to offer all Board Certification and Associate level exams through live online proctoring (LOP). You will soon be able to take NABCEP Board Certification and Associate credential exams from the comfort and safety of your own home. - April 01, 2020 - North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners

Dotnik Studio Launching Free Design Education with DotnikStudio.Academy

Dotnik Studio is all set to launch its free UI/UX & product design & development education with its academy which has Adobe Campus Leader & Certified Instructors. - April 01, 2020 - Dotnik Studio Pvt. Ltd.

Resume Pilots Launches Affiliate Program for Recruiters and Career Coaches

Resume Pilots, an award-winning executive resume writing company, has launched its affiliate program, which provides partners with commission for successful client referrals. - March 28, 2020 - Resume Pilots

Tulix to Offer Complementary CDN Services to K-12 Schools During CONVID-19 Crisis

Tulix to Offer Complementary CDN Services to K-12 Schools During CONVID-19 Crisis

Tulix Systems Inc. (Atlanta, Georgia) have announced today that they will be offering complementary live streaming and CDN services to K-12 schools to assist with online learning during the likely school shutdown in the coming weeks. The initiative will be available to schools nationally. The... - March 19, 2020 - Tulix Systems

Civil Service Success Prepares Candidates for the NYC Sanitation Worker Exam Anticipated for Late 2020

Civil Service Success Prepares Candidates for the NYC Sanitation Worker Exam Anticipated for Late 2020

Landing a job in the NYC Sanitation Department gets even more difficult with 90,000 people appearing in each exam session. - March 17, 2020 - Civil Service Success

Best Education Websites to be Named by Web Marketing Association in 24th Annual WebAward Competition

Best Education Websites to be Named by Web Marketing Association in 24th Annual WebAward Competition

The Web Marketing Association is looking for the best education Websites in the world as part of their 24th annual international WebAward Competition for Web site development at The WebAwards is the standards-defining competition that sets benchmarks for 96 industries, including... - March 17, 2020 - Web Marketing Association

VoDaVi Technologies Awarded Multi-Year MHEC MC01-S03 IT Project Services, Business and Technical Services Contract

VoDaVi Technologies Awarded Multi-Year MHEC MC01-S03 IT Project Services, Business and Technical Services Contract

VoDaVi Technologies, LLC (VoDaVi) has been awarded a multi-year contract with the Massachusetts Higher Education Consortium (MHEC). As of March 1, VoDaVi has become an official supplier on the MC01-S03 Contract for IT Project Services, Business and Technical Services. This opportunity will enable... - March 12, 2020 - VoDaVi Technologies LLC

Microverse Raises $3.2 Million in Seed Round Led by General Catalyst

Microverse Raises $3.2 Million in Seed Round Led by General Catalyst

The first online school to offer an income share agreement to students in 200+ countries, Microverse’s peer-to-peer education model provides a path to remote work for talented software developers everywhere. - March 12, 2020 - Microverse

Medical Assistant, EKG & Phlebotomy Now Being Offered as a Combo Program at Phlebotomy Career Training

Medical Assistant, EKG & Phlebotomy Now Being Offered as a Combo Program at Phlebotomy Career Training

Phlebotomy Career Training has been training students both in class and online in the medical field for over 11 years. To celebrate their longevity, Phlebotomy Career Training announces a new program for students all over the United States. The program includes three certifications. The... - March 04, 2020 - Phlebotomy Career Training

Landscape New Jersey Trade Show & Conference Breaks Records and Makes History

Landscape New Jersey Trade Show & Conference Breaks Records and Makes History

NJLCA has record attendance, an historic meeting and meet and greet with award winning actor Kelsey Grammer at their 43rd annual trade show. - February 28, 2020 - New Jersey Landscape Contractors Association

First General Purpose Robot to be Manufactured in Regional Australia

First General Purpose Robot to be Manufactured in Regional Australia

Haddington Dynamics, a Las Vegas based R&D company, will be opening the first licenced and certified robot manufacturing facility with DCISIV Technologies. The new Industry 4.0, 3D Print farm, micro-factory will be opened in Toowoomba, Queensland Australia with the help of the Queensland Business Growth Fund. - February 26, 2020 - Haddington Dynamics Inc.

Craig D. Butler Scholarship Foundation Establishes the 2020-2021 Application Process for Philadelphia High Schools

Craig D. Butler Scholarship Foundation Establishes the 2020-2021 Application Process for Philadelphia High Schools

Recognizing the need to aid young adults from undeserved populations pursue higher education, the Craig D. Butler Scholarship Foundation opened it’s 2020-21 scholarship process. - February 26, 2020 - Craig D. Butler Scholarship Foundation

St. Charles Community College Named Best "Return on Investment" in Missouri Among Two-Year Colleges

St. Charles Community College Named Best "Return on Investment" in Missouri Among Two-Year Colleges

According to a recent Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce report, a degree from SCC is worth more over time than any other community college in Missouri. - February 21, 2020 - St. Charles Community College

NACCE Celebrates National Entrepreneurship Week with Special Events, Workshops

The National Association for Community College Entrepreneurship (NACCE) will host a series of special events in observance of National Entrepreneurship Week (Feb. 15-22). - February 18, 2020 - National Association for Community College Entrepreneurship

Webtivity Launches New Website for Manatee Technical College

Created with Manatee Tech’s educational mission firmly in mind, this brand new state of the art website has been designed using the latest technology, so the site is compatible with today's browsers & mobile devices. The website focuses on the students and programs that make Manatee Tech the academic nurturing environment it is. - February 16, 2020 - Webtivity Marketing & Design

How Thoughts Become Things Announcements and Release Dates

How Thoughts Become Things Announcements and Release Dates

Thoughts become things - at least that what has been proclaimed in film like The Secret and in other law of attraction teachings. But how do our thoughts become things? What is the process to follow and how can one use this information with any certainty of result? An upcoming film is ready to... - February 14, 2020 - How Thoughts Become Things

Literary Activist, Dr. Gjeke Marinaj, Awarded for Nurturing Peace

Literary Activist, Dr. Gjeke Marinaj, Awarded for Nurturing Peace

Writer, publisher and literary activist Gjeke Marinaj has received a new award abroad for facilitating global peace through literature and philosophy. The International Society for Intercultural Studies and Research (ISISAR) honored Marinaj at its World Thinkers’ and Writers’ Peace... - February 14, 2020 - Mundus Artium Press

Nabil Adam Selected as Healthcare Co-Chair for the 2020 IEEE 6th World Forum on Internet of Things

Nabil Adam Selected as Healthcare Co-Chair for the 2020 IEEE 6th World Forum on Internet of Things

Dr. Nabil Adam to Serve as Co-Chair of the Healthcare Track at Prestigious Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Conference - February 12, 2020 - Nabil Adam

EA Certs Announces New Promotional Offer to Students Who Purchase Any ACLS Course

EA Certs Announces New Promotional Offer to Students Who Purchase Any ACLS Course

Thanks to this new offer, anyone who purchases an ACLS course will be eligible to receive a free BLS course as well. - February 03, 2020 - EA Certs

Novovu Lets Teens Create Video Games to Turn Into a Career - Headed by 17 Year-Old CEO

Novovu Lets Teens Create Video Games to Turn Into a Career - Headed by 17 Year-Old CEO is revolutionizing the gaming industry with a platform that lets teens create their own full featured social games for free. Created by 17 year-old Founder and CEO Zach Davis, the site has the additional goal of helping teens turn their love of gaming and technology into a professional... - January 31, 2020 - Novovu

TechLatino Hosts Emerging Latino Tech Leaders Summit Insights from Industry and Policymaker Leaders

TechLatino Hosts Emerging Latino Tech Leaders Summit Insights from Industry and Policymaker Leaders

TechLatino today convened industry, nonprofits policymakers and tech leaders as part of its 11th annual Emerging Tech Leadership Legislative Summit. TechLatino holds the Emerging Tech Leaders’ Summit series throughout various regions of the country to discuss the State of the Latino Vote,... - January 26, 2020 - TechLatino: Latinos in Information Sciences and Technology Association

The Honors of Inequality: Why Colleges Work for Some and Not for Others

The Honors of Inequality: Why Colleges Work for Some and Not for Others

Honors of Inequality: How Colleges Work for Some, the latest work from historian Joseph H. Wycoff, Ph.D, delves into the origins and key contributions to the scholarship about American higher education during the last half of the twentieth century. - January 24, 2020 - Historia|Research

Marine Tech Educator Event Announced

Marine service businesses continue to struggle to fill many open jobs and the focus is on how the industry can recruit the next generation. The Educator Training Conference aims to give high school and post-secondary instructors all the tools needed to implement standards-based curriculum into their programs. - January 24, 2020 - ABYC

International Peeling Society-USA Announces Peeling Around the World Course Agenda and Faculty

International Peeling Society-USA Announces Peeling Around the World Course Agenda and Faculty

Session held March 19, 2020 at the Colorado Convention Center in Denver. - January 15, 2020 - International Peeling Society-USA

FormaVision and ABA Technologies, Inc. Form an Alliance  to Disseminate Behavior Analysis in France

FormaVision and ABA Technologies, Inc. Form an Alliance to Disseminate Behavior Analysis in France

FormaVision has started their alliance with ABA Technologies by working on the translation and adaptation of ABA Technologies’ OBM education and training material. FormaVision and ABA Technologies are excited to support each other in their efforts to make meaningful impacts through the science of behavior. - January 12, 2020 - ABA Technologies, Inc.

Boost Your Technical Know-How with HBM’s 2020 Courses

Test and measurement expert’s training courses now available for booking. - January 09, 2020 - Bruel & Kjær UK

Suzie Dault, CDA, RDAEF, OMSAA, BS Honored with a Lifetime Achievement Award by P.O.W.E.R. (Professional Organization of Women of Excellence Recognized)

Suzie Dault, CDA, RDAEF, OMSAA, BS Honored with a Lifetime Achievement Award by P.O.W.E.R. (Professional Organization of Women of Excellence Recognized)

Suzie Dault of San Jose, California has been honored with a Lifetime Achievement Award by P.O.W.E.R. (Professional Organization of Women of Excellence Recognized) for her outstanding contributions and achievements in the fields of dentistry and dental education. Lifetime Achievement awardees are... - January 08, 2020 - P.O.W.E.R. Professional Organization of Women of Excellence Recognized

Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts - Over 110 Former Brightwood College Students Graduate From X-Ray Technician Program Without Losing Time or Increasing Tuition Costs

Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts - Over 110 Former Brightwood College Students Graduate From X-Ray Technician Program Without Losing Time or Increasing Tuition Costs

On December 5, 2018, it came as a great shock to hundreds of students and dozens of faculty and staff who learned that Brightwood College (formerly Kaplan College) would be closing down and 75 campuses would shutter without warning, including their Los Angeles campus. With growing angst about... - January 07, 2020 - Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts

Press Releases 401 - 450 of 2,354