Mobile & Wireless News

Collect the latest information about wireless telecommunications and mobile technology. News highlights include mobile applications, business intelligence on mobile operating systems as well as other mobile and wireless products and services.

Womaster is Holding a Series of Free Educational Webinars "Master in IIoT World"

We are currently witnessing all the evidences of the rise of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT): the world is becoming more connected, cloud monitoring from any place/any time gives the unprecedented scope for industries to use data from connected devices to become more productive, efficient, and... - August 08, 2018 - WoMaster

Bertram Communications LLC Aquires Fast Bytes Wireless Inc.

Bertram Communications LLC. has completed the acquisition of Fast Bytes Wireless Inc. This will result in an upgrade of the entire network, expanded services for customers, and the backing of resources from the entire Bertram Communications LLC family of companies. Bertram and Fastbytes have a... - August 03, 2018 - Bertram Communications

Everest Networks Launches Quad Radio Indoor AP

Everest Networks Launches Quad Radio Indoor AP

AP1004WRi: Delivering Coverage, Capacity, and Speed - August 03, 2018 - Everest Networks

Swift Engineering Inc. Successfully Flies VTOL Drone Swift020 in Kobe, Japan

Swift Engineering Inc. Successfully Flies VTOL Drone Swift020 in Kobe, Japan

Swift Engineering, Inc. flew the first fully autonomous flight demonstration in the port city of Kobe, Japan on July 21, 2018. In attendance during the event was Governor of the Hyogo prefecture, Toshizo Ido, and Mayor of Kobe City, Kizo Hisamoto as well as other government officials and media. The... - August 01, 2018 - Swift Engineering Inc.

Layer Logic Continues to Broaden Channel Partner Program

Company signs on two new channel partners in support of national coverage - August 01, 2018 - Layer Logic, Inc.

WoMaster Held an IIoT Seminar Devoted to Industrial Automation Technology

On July 20, 2018 WoMaster and its partner Autech Technology organized an IIoT Seminar in GIS NTU Convention Center. The Seminar was devoted to “IIoT - Industrial Automation Technology” and included both theoretical and live demo parts. Seminar Agenda: - Trend of Industrial Internet of... - July 25, 2018 - WoMaster

RadixCloud Strengthens Managed Backup Services Powered by Asigra to Meet Security and Compliance Challenges

RadixCloud Strengthens Managed Backup Services Powered by Asigra to Meet Security and Compliance Challenges

Asigra Cloud Backup Evolved V14 Supports New Range of Issues, Including Ransomware Attack-Loops™, Data Sovereignty, and GDPR Compliance - July 24, 2018 - Asigra

Rush University Medical Center Selects MediNav to Solve Wayfinding Challenges and Enhance Patient Experience

Rush University Medical Center Selects MediNav to Solve Wayfinding Challenges and Enhance Patient Experience

Indoor GPS Helps Patients and Visitors Find Their Way Through Rush’s Large Academic Medical Center. - July 18, 2018 - Connexient

WoMaster Launched WR329P - Cellular Router and 24V Boost PoE Switch in One LTE/WiFi PoE Routing Switch for BUS/Vehicle

WoMaster has launched an innovative intelligent LTE routing switch WR329P series designed to combine functionalities of LTE/WiFi router and 8-Port power booster PoE+ switch for Smart Bus applications. It can also be used in roadside cabinets or other industrial applications for ultra-resilient... - July 15, 2018 - WoMaster

Mobile Sports Game Boxing Star Punching Out Globally Today

Mobile Sports Game Boxing Star Punching Out Globally Today

Publisher and mobile game developer Four Thirty Three Inc. (4:33) announced that its upcoming mobile sports game Boxing Star is now available on iOS and Android devices. Boxing Star features an immersive Story Mode in which players fight through challengers with unique fighting skills. Pitted in a... - July 13, 2018 - Four Thirty Three

LightPointe 20th Year Customer Appreciation Celebration Continues as It Rolls Out Limited Time Summer Savings on AireLink 60 GHz and 80 GHz Wireless Bridges

LightPointe 20th Year Customer Appreciation Celebration Continues as It Rolls Out Limited Time Summer Savings on AireLink 60 GHz and 80 GHz Wireless Bridges

LightPointe, a San Diego-based manufacturer of outdoor radios used to connect buildings and telecom towers, is offering special savings on many of its AireLink radios now through July 31st, 2018. - July 11, 2018 - LightPointe Communications, Inc.

IDMERIT Launches IDMvalidate for Fast and Accurate ID Authentication

IDMERIT Launches IDMvalidate for Fast and Accurate ID Authentication

App works in conjunction with IDMverify to add another level of fraud assessment to company’s global identity verification solutions. - July 11, 2018 - IDMERIT

ThynkWare Innovation Inc. Founder Duane Cash Granted USPTO Patent for Mind-Controlled Virtual Assistant on a Smartphone Device

ThynkWare Innovation Inc. Founder Duane Cash Granted USPTO Patent for Mind-Controlled Virtual Assistant on a Smartphone Device

The US Patent Office has granted a patent to brainWave technology company ThynkWare Innovation's founder, Duane Cash. The patent, titled, "a Mind-controlled Virtual Assistant on a Smartphone Device," allows the user to control a virtual assistant on a wide array of devices. The technology opens the doorway to enable persons with A.L.S. or autism to speak using their thoughts. The patent also enables mind-controlled smartphones, cars, drones, home automation systems, robots and other devices. - July 10, 2018 - ThynkWare Innovation, Inc.

Mobile Sports Game, Boxing Star; 1 Million Pre-Registered Players Already

Mobile Sports Game, Boxing Star; 1 Million Pre-Registered Players Already

Publisher and mobile game developer Four Thirty Three Inc. (4:33) announced that its upcoming mobile sports game Boxing Star, has reached over 1 million pre-registered players. Pre-registration has been opened in US, UK, Japan, Hong Kong and 136 countries around the world. Eager players who... - July 06, 2018 - Four Thirty Three

Global4PL Receives the Exporter of the Year Award from American Express and the President’s “E” Award

Global4PL Receives the Exporter of the Year Award from American Express and the President’s “E” Award

First Company to Have Been Awarded Both Distinguished International Honors - July 05, 2018 - Global4PL

EY Announces Christopher B. Munday of 2020 Companies as an  Entrepreneur Of The Year® 2018 Award Winner in the Southwest Region

EY Announces Christopher B. Munday of 2020 Companies as an Entrepreneur Of The Year® 2018 Award Winner in the Southwest Region

Christopher B. Munday Joins Ranks of Mold-Breaking Entrepreneurs in the Services Category. - July 03, 2018 - 2020 Companies

Chromebooks Powered by Intel Core Processors Could Save Students Time on Creative School Projects, Principled Technologies Study Shows

Chromebooks Powered by Intel Core Processors Could Save Students Time on Creative School Projects, Principled Technologies Study Shows

Chromebooks powered by the Intel Core i3-sdfs processor and the Intel Core m3-wfew processor performed tasks more quickly than a Chromebook powered by the Intel Celeron N4000 processor. - July 01, 2018 - Principled Technologies, Inc.

Warp United Release VLK-3R1 RFID Triage Tags for Mass Casualty Incident

Warp United Release VLK-3R1 RFID Triage Tags for Mass Casualty Incident

The VLK-3R1 RFID Triage Tag for Mass Casualty Incident brings Emergency Medical Services (EMS) to the Internet of Things era. - June 29, 2018 - Warp United Scientific Co., Ltd.

Speed to Contact Launches Ricochet Mobile CRM for Android

Speed to Contact Launches Ricochet Mobile CRM for Android

Speed to Contact, makers of the Ricochet cloud phone system and CRM, have announced the release of Ricochet Mobile CRM for Android. Ricochet is an all-in-one sales solution, including a fast dialer, cloud phone system, rich lead management system, and flexible marketing automation platform. - June 28, 2018 - Speed to Contact

Transfinder Releases Free All-In-One, In-Vehicle Wayfinder App

Transfinder Releases Free All-In-One, In-Vehicle Wayfinder App

Transfinder Corporation released its free all-in-one in-vehicle app Wayfinder to clients with Transfinder’s flagship Routefinder Pro product. The Wayfinder app allows users to build routes on either smart devices they already own or devices that are pre-installed on vehicles. The app is... - June 19, 2018 - Transfinder

VirtuAlarm Launches Its Product Line and False Alarm Reduction Platform in Canada.

VirtuAlarm Launches Its Product Line and False Alarm Reduction Platform in Canada.

VirtuAlarm announces the launch of its False Alarm Reduction Platform in Canada and welcomes LANVAC as its first Canadian Central Station partner. LANVAC offers monitoring of VirtuAlarm’s iP, Cellular, platform products and services to its dealers, through their 6 central stations across Canada. - June 19, 2018 - VirtuAlarm

Eanet, PC Client, IIG Wireless, Prevails on Appeal Brought by Former CEO Found Liable for Fraud and Breach of Fiduciary Duties

Eanet, PC Client, IIG Wireless, Prevails on Appeal Brought by Former CEO Found Liable for Fraud and Breach of Fiduciary Duties

IIG Wireless (, Inc. is a wireless management company, operating over one hundred retail stores in California, Georgia, and North Carolina. In the lawsuit, IIG Wireless alleged that Yi, its former CEO and Chairman of the Board, fraudulently obtained shares of stock that... - June 15, 2018 - Eanet, PC

HUDWAY Partners with Digilens and Young Optics to Produce an Augmented Reality Kit to Make Any Helmet Smart

HUDWAY Partners with Digilens and Young Optics to Produce an Augmented Reality Kit to Make Any Helmet Smart

Head-up display manufacturer HUDWAY has revealed a new waveguide HUD unit HUDWAY Sight, a smart kit that mounts on your helmet and brings the information in front of your eyes, creating a safer riding experience. The unit is thinner, lighter, easier to manufacture and notably cheaper than other... - June 12, 2018 - HUDWAY

FDA Clears First System to Combine Smartphone Controlled UVB Light with Occlusive Hydrating Gels to Treat Inflammatory Skin Disease

Luma Therapeutics, dedicated to eradicating suffering from inflammatory skin disease, is launching illuvinateTM, an innovative and modern twist on a safe and effective treatment called the Goeckerman regimen, invented over 100 years ago by a dermatologist at the Mayo Clinic. Backed by strong clinical trial data, this system enables those suffering from chronic skin conditions such as psoriasis or eczema, to experience clear skin after performing therapy in the comfort of their own homes. - June 11, 2018 - Luma Therapeutics

4ipnet Announces the Addition of Two WLAN Controllers Into Their Secure WLAN Controller Product Line, WHG713 and WHG803

4ipnet, a leading provider of secure Wi-Fi and guest access management solutions, today announced the launch of the newest Secure WLAN Controller model: WHG713 and WHG803. Both controllers provide cloud-based management over 4ipnet Access Points with deployment flexibility by supporting both local... - June 10, 2018 - 4ipnet, Inc.

New DSRC Antenna Solutions Featured at ITS America 2018

The SMW-313 DSRC, WiFi & GPS antenna is a part of Mobile Mark’s line of emerging Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) antenna solutions. - June 08, 2018 - Mobile Mark, Inc.

Mobile Advertising Innovation Increases Sales for CPG by 3x+

Mobile Advertising Innovation Increases Sales for CPG by 3x+

A new tool simplifies grocery shopping and planning for consumers; multiplies revenue for brands and retailers. - June 07, 2018 - AdAdapted

Layer Logic Announces Release of New Mobile App for CoreTouch Appliance

Layer Logic Announces Release of New Mobile App for CoreTouch Appliance

Through the app, which communicates with the CoreTouch appliance over Bluetooth Low Energy, users can control what content is displayed on a touchscreen, choosing between up to four devices that are connected to the appliance. - June 06, 2018 - Layer Logic, Inc.

Orange County Semiconductor Startup Rattles the RFIC Industry; Meet OctoTech, Inc.

Meet OctoTech Inc., an Orange County, California based startup semiconductor company that is shaking up the Radio Frequency Integrated Circuit (RFIC) industry by publicly unveiling its first products to the market. Only OctoTech has achieved the same, or better performance as GaAs RFICs, using... - June 05, 2018 - OctoTech, Inc.

Right and Left Studios Gets World Premiere of Horror Film, End Trip. A Film Mirroring the Real Life Horrors of Technology.

Right and Left Studios Gets World Premiere of Horror Film, End Trip. A Film Mirroring the Real Life Horrors of Technology.

An upcoming film is making waves with reviewers as it shares a common thread with recent breaking news; rideshare crimes. End Trip exploits the faith we put in algorithms written by multi-billion dollar companies, by realistically capturing the terrors that could happen, even on the most average of nights. End Trip forces viewers to beg the question, "Does technology account for trust?" - June 04, 2018 - Right and Left Studios

Origin Wireless Turns Popular Mesh Routers Into Smart Sensing Stations

Origin Wireless Turns Popular Mesh Routers Into Smart Sensing Stations

Origin Wireless™ today announced its collaboration with ASUS® to deliver artificial intelligence (AI) enabled Wi-Fi by porting its patented Time Reversal Machine™ (TRM) to the popular ASUS Lyra wireless mesh routers based on the Qualcomm® Mesh Networking Platform, as to be demonstrated at COMPUTEX 2018. - May 30, 2018 - Origin Wireless

Apps Complex Launches New Security App APPrehender

A new security app that not just helps you notify your friends and family in emergency situations, but it also lets them keep a track of you. - May 28, 2018 - Apps Complex

Saelig Introduces Reliable LoRa/FSK Smart Modem Transceiver

SLR-434M is a 434MHz embedded receiver with built-in LoRa protocol for reliable long-range industrial control applications. - May 27, 2018 - Saelig Co. Inc.

The Tennisdata App Reaches a Major Milestone

The tennisdata app now has a database containing over 60,000 men's pro tennis tour (tournaments, majors, and most Davis Cup) matches. This covers the full calendar of matches since 1998, plus earlier matches for recently retired pros. - May 25, 2018 - LLC

FusionLayer & Access Quality Announce New Strategic Partnership: Delivering Next Generation Network Solutions for Service Providers and Large Enterprises

FusionLayer & Access Quality Announce New Strategic Partnership: Delivering Next Generation Network Solutions for Service Providers and Large Enterprises

FusionLayer and Access Quality have today announced that Access Quality SA de CV. Company certified in ISO 20000, based in Mexico City will start representing FusionLayer in the Central and South America regions as a Value-Added reseller (VAR). With their dedication to outstanding customer... - May 21, 2018 - FusionLayer, Inc.

Korenix Introduces New Remote Monitoring Solution for Power Plant DCS

Korenix Technology has announced its latest Remote Monitoring Solution for Power Plant Distributed Control Systems. A large amount of Industrial Cellular Router/Gateway is applied to the network to provide high reliability for field data transmission. - May 16, 2018 - Korenix Technology Co. Ltd.

UAB Medicine Wayfinding App by Connexient Takes You from Parking Spot to Doctor’s Office, and Everything in Between

UAB Medicine Wayfinding App by Connexient Takes You from Parking Spot to Doctor’s Office, and Everything in Between

University of Alabama Medicine launches a New Mobile App in the hospital to help patients, visitors and staff find their way from the parking lot to the Doctor's office. MediNav by Connexient is the leading digital wayfinding solution for hospitals. - May 10, 2018 - Connexient

Travel App Solves Traveler Problems with Sustainable Solutions in Venice

Travel App Solves Traveler Problems with Sustainable Solutions in Venice

California Tech company launches innovative app in Venice, providing on-demand help in walkable cities. Prontopia’s vision for responsible travel and sustainable cities centers on a community model of people helping people. - May 10, 2018 - Prontopia

EY Announces Christopher B. Munday of 2020 Companies Entrepreneur Of The Year® 2018 Award Finalist in the Southwest Region

EY Announces Christopher B. Munday of 2020 Companies Entrepreneur Of The Year® 2018 Award Finalist in the Southwest Region

EY today announced that Christopher B. Munday, Chairman and CEO of 2020 Companies is a finalist for the Entrepreneur Of The Year® 2018 Award in the Southwest region. The awards program recognizes entrepreneurs who are excelling in areas such as innovation, financial performance and personal... - May 09, 2018 - 2020 Companies

Booksy Inc. Partners with Instagram

Booksy Inc. Partners with Instagram

Integration of mobile scheduling software with social media platform allows for immediate, seamless appointment booking experience benefitting clients and independent businesses. - May 08, 2018 - Booksy Inc.

Curatio on a Mission to End Stigma & Loneliness for World Thalassemia Day

Curatio on a Mission to End Stigma & Loneliness for World Thalassemia Day

No Patient Alone - Curatio uses the power of private social networks to make living with a health challenge less isolating - May 08, 2018 - Curatio

First Private, Social Network for Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Patients & Their Families Launched by Curatio & BioScript Solutions®

First Private, Social Network for Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Patients & Their Families Launched by Curatio & BioScript Solutions®

Private, mobile social network gives MS patients and their families a way to connect, learn and share as a way to reduce isolation, stigma and loneliness. - May 07, 2018 - Curatio

Futurum Research Releases 2018 Digital Transformation Index

Futurum Research Releases 2018 Digital Transformation Index

In this massive study with more than 1000 survey respondents, Futurum Research is offering the research and analysis from their first edition Digital Transformation Index. This study explores business readiness and performance as it relates to the adoption and utilization of new technology to drive business growth and transformation. - May 07, 2018 - Futurum Research

Principled Technologies Publishes Report Showing How Chromebooks Powered by the Intel Celeron Processor N3350 Can Affect Classroom Experiences

Principled Technologies Publishes Report Showing How Chromebooks Powered by the Intel Celeron Processor N3350 Can Affect Classroom Experiences

Through hands-on testing, Principled Technologies (PT) learned that the new Dell Chromebook 5190 with Intel Celeron processor N3350 was not only faster than a Dell Chromebook 11 with Intel Celeron processor N3060 in benchmark tests, it was more responsive on popular apps that kids use throughout their K-12 careers. - May 04, 2018 - Principled Technologies, Inc.

Principled Technologies Releases Study Comparing Database Performance Using Intel VROC to a Broadcom MegaRAID 9460-16i Adapter with Multiple Drive Types

Principled Technologies Releases Study Comparing Database Performance Using Intel VROC to a Broadcom MegaRAID 9460-16i Adapter with Multiple Drive Types

In hands-on testing, PT found that a server with Intel SSD P4510 Series drives using Intel VROC delivered up to 7.3 percent better performance on an IO-intensive workload vs. one using a Broadcom MegaRAID 9460-16i adapter, and that upgrading drives from SATA SSDs to PCIe NVMe SSDs nearly quadrupled performance. - May 01, 2018 - Principled Technologies, Inc.

AlertGPS Uses AT&T Connectivity to Help Keep Mobile Workers Safer

Supporting “World Day For Safety And Health At Work” and Bringing Awareness to the Risks Faced by Mobile Workers - April 30, 2018 - AlertGPS

Cyber Eyez Helps Visually Impaired Read and Video Chat with Smart Glasses Using Microsoft Cognitive Services

Cyber Eyez Helps Visually Impaired Read and Video Chat with Smart Glasses Using Microsoft Cognitive Services

Reading text and visual interpretation are two of the most successful use cases for smart glasses in the blind or low vision community. The latest version of Cyber Eyez now uses Microsoft Cognitive Services Computer Vision - the technology used by Seeing AI - to support instant text recognition. Additionally, Cyber Eyez 2.5 supports free live video calling with Skype running on Vuzix M300 smart glasses. - April 30, 2018 - Cyber Timez

Intuz Featured as Top Mobile App Development Company in India by AppFutura in 2018

Honoring Intuz' mobile app development superiority, AppFutura has featured the company as a top mobile app development firm in India for 2018. - April 27, 2018 - Intuz

eSports Pros and Fans Get Their Very Own Online News Network with Launch of Gamer World News, Debuting Today on Amazon Fire, Apple TV, Roku & Multiple Platforms

Gamers & eSports Pros & Fans Get Their Own News Network. Gamer World News Entertainment Debuts As First 24-Hour Fully-Independent #1 "Go-To-Source" for eSports, Global Gamer News, Entertainment & Original Programming. Available Now on Amazon Fire, Apple TV, Roku, Facebook Live, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube & Coming Soon to iOS, Android, Xbox, Playstation & More. GWNe to Feature News & Interviews, On-Air Team of Gaming Experts & New Series Inspired by Post-Apocalyptic Game Called "The Fall Out." - April 26, 2018 - Gamer World News Entertainment

TechRestore Announces New Advanced Care Service Solution for Technology Deployed in Education

TechRestore Announces New Advanced Care Service Solution for Technology Deployed in Education

TechRestore has just announced a new product for Education customers – TechRestore Advanced Care aka "TRAC." This is the first Advanced Care service solution designed to protect technology in the classroom. As an alternative to AppleCare Plus or other insurance coverage, the goal of... - April 26, 2018 - TechRestore

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