E-Commerce News

Fill your shopping cart with news about commercial transactions conducted electronically on the Internet. Information includes news about companies providing e-commerce services, online shopping sites and apps, strategic partnerships and online shopping research.

Equiant Achieves Double-Digit Gains in Growth and Profitability

Equiant Achieves Double-Digit Gains in Growth and Profitability

Clients Responding to New Business Model: Lower Costs and Added Control - February 12, 2016 - Equiant

Filing 1095-C Forms with ez1095 Software Desktop Version with Peace of Mind

Filing 1095-C Forms with ez1095 Software Desktop Version with Peace of Mind

ez1095 ACA form software comes as a desktop application for higher security to businesses. Download and file 1095C and 1094C forms today by visiting www.halfpricesoft.com - February 12, 2016 - Halfpricesoft

Just Released: Home and Garden America’s Heirloom Vegetable Seeds Pack Exceeds 400 Amazon Reviews

A representative from HAGA officially confirmed today that the seed company now has over 400 customer reviews on the famous retail website Amazon.com. - February 12, 2016 - Home and Garden America

yStats.com’s Report: Emerging Markets in Asia Outpacing Advanced Markets in the Adoption of New Online Payment Methods

A new report about the developments in online payments market in Asia-Pacific has been released by Hamburg-based secondary market research firm yStats.com. The publication, “Asia-Pacific Online Payment Methods: Second Half 2015,” reveals that emerging markets in this region are ahead of advanced economies when it comes to the adoption of new online and mobile payment methods. - February 10, 2016 - yStats.com GmbH & Co. KG

PowerVision Robot Unveils Their First Consumer Drone

PowerVision Robot Unveils Their First Consumer Drone

PowerEgg drone features innovative “egg” design for compactness and stability. - February 09, 2016 - PowerVision Robot Corp

BTO Sports Launches New Website

BTO Sports, a top source of motocross, motorcycle and sport gear for men, women and children, launched its new interactive website to the public. - February 08, 2016 - BTO Sports

Noah’s Park and Playgrounds Introducing a New Fun and Interactive Product, Gaga Ball Pits, Dubbed "America’s Fastest Growing Dodgeball Alternative," on Their Website

Noah’s Park and Playgrounds Introducing a New Fun and Interactive Product, Gaga Ball Pits, Dubbed "America’s Fastest Growing Dodgeball Alternative," on Their Website

Noah’s Park & Playgrounds, is excited to announce the addition of a new product- Gaga Ball. This fun, action packed game has become known as “America’s Fastest Growing Dodgeball Alternative.” Noah’s is pleased to offer two Gaga Ball Pit sizes for schools, churches, HOA’s, city parks, camp grounds as well as numerous other customers throughout the U.S. - February 08, 2016 - Noah's Park & Playgrounds

Teezily, the European Crowdfunding Platform, Expands to Australia and New Zealand

Teezily has announced its expansion in Australia and New Zealand, showing major growth in the creation of "a fully borderless e-commerce platform," as Charles Dilasser Co-Founder and CEO says. The fast-growing, European, custom-made, apparel start-up is today making a move to globally... - February 06, 2016 - Teezily

PRO-TEC Autocare Announces Auction of Its eCommerce Business

PRO-TEC Autocare, a global leader in professional chemical tools, today announced the sale of its fully automated eCommerce business. The sale is open to the public and available on Ebay now through Wednesday, February 10, 2016. Interested buyers may view the auction... - February 06, 2016 - PRO-TEC Autocare

Sporting Event Secondary Market Reinvented

Sporting Event Secondary Market Reinvented

Richard Nelson, President and CEO of Ticket Holders Club, LLC, has launched a website. The club style website will revolutionize the resale market of professional sporting event tickets because Club members are never charged excessive fees. Full, half and partial season ticket holders and consumers looking to buy single event tickets will benefit from the pricing structure Ticket Holders Club is offering. Please visit at www.Ticketholdersclub.com. - February 05, 2016 - Ticket Holders Club

Casa Dorada Launches New Website to Enhance User Experience

Casa Dorada Launches New Website to Enhance User Experience

Casa Dorada Los Cabos Resort & Spa, a five-star Cabo San Lucas resort, today announced the launch of its redesigned website www.casadorada.com The fresh platform allows users to get a comprehensive overview of the Cabo San Lucas resort and book their stay easily with just a few... - February 02, 2016 - Casa Dorada Los Cabos Resort & Spa

Dana Yvette Launches Online Boutique Based Out of Atlanta GA

Dana Yvette Launches Online Boutique Based Out of Atlanta GA

Dana Yvette Online Boutique, LLC launches women's fine apparel and accessories online boutique. - February 02, 2016 - Dana Yvette Boutique

Fanatic Sports Powered by BoostMySale Bags Exclusive Rights for Selling Rio Olympic Tickets in India

Happy news for fans of Indian sports! Tickets for the Rio Olympic 2016 will be available online. In an event held on last Friday (16th of January) the official announcement was made, where the Indian Olympic Association entrusted the job of ticket selling to an experiential and travel company... - January 31, 2016 - BoostMySale

Minneapolis Boutique Tile Shop Introduces, "Savvy Saver Tile" for Kitchen and Bathroom Projects

Minneapolis Boutique Tile Shop Introduces, "Savvy Saver Tile" for Kitchen and Bathroom Projects

Fantasia Tile & Stone, is thrilled to re-introduce Savvy Saver Tile to designers and homeowners. Every tile in the collection is priced under $15 per square foot. The collection includes glass mosaic tile, natural marble and limestone, porcelain and ceramic tile. In 2015, Fantasia Tile &... - January 30, 2016 - Fantasia Tile & Stone

AGS Selects GemFind to Help Members with Online Marketing

AGS Selects GemFind to Help Members with Online Marketing

The American Gem Society (AGS) has announced a new strategic partnership with GemFind. As part of this agreement, AGS members now receive special pricing on GemFind’s web technology services, such as websites, social media marketing, web apps, and more. - January 29, 2016 - GemFind

SwarmJam is Back … Revitalized, Bigger and More Comprehensive Than Ever

Canada's premier discount e-commerce platform engages new management - January 29, 2016 - SwarmJam

Engraved Bitcoin Offered to CoinrReverse Customers

Coin Reverse Inc. is now offering an engraved Bitcoin to their customers. - January 28, 2016 - Coin Reverse Inc.

B2C E-Commerce in CIS Markets to Grow Despite Economic Downturn, According to yStats.com

A new report by Hamburg-based secondary market research company yStats.com highlights the development of online retail in the CIS countries. The publication, titled “CIS B2C E-Commerce Market 2015,” covers the major markets of the country group, including Russia, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine, as well as smaller emerging markets such as Belarus, Azerbaijan, Armenia and Uzbekistan. - January 28, 2016 - yStats.com GmbH & Co. KG

topcreditcardprocessors.com Partnered with Kinetic Events to Announce: Less Than One Month to Go to the eCommerce Africa Confex

Tasking themselves with paving the way for eCommerce growth in Africa; Global eCommerce solution providers and the industry’s most visionary individuals are gearing up to exchange inspired and innovative ideas, discuss emerging trends and make lasting connections at the eCommerce Africa Confex in February 2016. - January 27, 2016 - topseos.com

Mobius Payments Website Undergoes Facelift

Mobius Payments, Inc., your premier business partner in facilitating the acceptance of electronic payments for your products and services, announced today the debut of their new and improved website; intended to provide an enhanced user experience with easier navigation and a more intuitive and... - January 26, 2016 - Mobius Payments

CoinReverse Provides Online and Automatic Instant Payment Platform for Bitcoin Traders

CoinReverse Provides Online and Automatic Instant Payment Platform for Bitcoin Traders

Coin Reverse Inc. is now providing to their customers an automatic platform and a market break-through offer - January 25, 2016 - Coin Reverse Inc.

BidOnFusion to Hold Grand Opening Live Auction at New Warehouse in Tennessee

One of the Country's Largest Wholesale Liquidation Auctions Arrives in Tennesee with 200 pallets of Brand Name General Merchandise from Major Retailers Auctioned Live and Online. - January 24, 2016 - BidOnFusion Tennessee

Consumers Interstate Corporation Names Ivan Owen 2015 Salesperson of the Year

Consumers Interstate Corporation Names Ivan Owen 2015 Salesperson of the Year

Consumers Interstate Corporation (CIC) of Norwich, Connecticut is pleased to announce that Ivan Owen has been named the recipient of the esteemed Salesperson of the Year award, for the second year in a row. The announcement was made by Kenn Fischburg, CIC’s CEO and Owner, at a company-wide... - January 22, 2016 - Consumers Interstate Corporation

Promo Direct Wins Prestigious PPAI Award for the Best eCommerce Website

Promo Direct, one of America's leading promotional product companies, has won the prestigious PPAI Technology Award for the best eCommerce Website. Promo Direct shares the Silver Award with Motivators. This award is the second recognition received by Promo Direct in January 2016. Earlier, Promo... - January 21, 2016 - Promo Direct

BoostMySale Co-Founder Priyanka Rungta Attends the Startup India Event at Delhi

The Indian government launched an ambitious new scheme, Startup India Standup India on Saturday in New Delhi. The event was aimed at giving a push to the entrepreneurship in the country. The event was attended by 40 top start up founders, CEO’s and investors from the Silicon Valley. Some of... - January 21, 2016 - BoostMySale

Yext Selects Mr. Marketing as an Exceptional Story for Its Prestigious Partner Showcase

Yext Selects Mr. Marketing as an Exceptional Story for Its Prestigious Partner Showcase

Mr. Marketing has been featured in Yext’s prestigious Partner Showcase, where the company will serve as an example of how best to utilize the industry-leading tools and services Yext provides. Mr. Marketing was selected for this recognition as a result of the SEO and marketing company’s intelligent, optimized use of the Yext platform, in addition to its passion for helping clients succeed in their local markets. - January 18, 2016 - Mr. Marketing

Qondado LLC Innovates Beyond Second Factor Authentication with KodeKey Username and Password Replacement User Auth System

Qondado LLC Innovates Beyond Second Factor Authentication with KodeKey Username and Password Replacement User Auth System

Sites and their users now have the option to login or authenticate by swiping their fingerprint on their mobile device. - January 18, 2016 - Qondado, LLC

Internationalisation with WeGlobalize. New Service Provider Helps Companies with Successful Expansion Abroad.

Founded in autumn 2015 by Jens Reichhart and Philipp Klüpfel, WeGlobalize is an International Business Development Agency with offices in Berlin, Germany and Anglet, France. WeGlobalize supports e-commerce companies and companies with a more traditional trading background with the... - January 16, 2016 - WeGlobalize

800Razors Launches New Website, Begins Offering Gillette, Schick Razors

In addition to its Ultimate Shave® brand, 800Razors has added popular products from Gillette and Schick. - January 15, 2016 - 800Razors

Samdam Retail Grows Its Business and Launches New Webshop in Belgium

Samdam Retail is proud to announce the launch of its new webshop, samdamretail.be, a platform aimed at offering bags and luggage from internationally renowned brands, at competitive prices. - January 15, 2016 - Samdam Retail

Coupon Counterfeiter Sentenced to Prison, Financial Penalties

Convicted coupon counterfeiter Beau Wattigney a/k/a “Purple Lotus” has been sentenced to 41 months imprisonment; 3 years of supervised release, ordered to pay $74,855 in restitution and two special assessments of $100 each. Wattigney was immediately remanded and taken into custody by US... - January 14, 2016 - Coupon Information Center

E-Business Predictions 2016 Published by Leading Expert

E-Business Predictions 2016 Published by Leading Expert

A leading global e-business expert Deborah Collier CEO Echo E-Business Global Group, Editor-in-Chief and Founder of Learnebusiness.com, has delivered her annual e-business predictions 2016. - January 13, 2016 - Echo E-Business

Bang It Ammo is Now the Southeastern Distributor for EEZOX

Bang It Ammo is Now the Southeastern Distributor for EEZOX

BangItAmmo.com, an online retail supplier of firearms, ammunition and gun related accessories, is pleased to announce they are now the United State’s southeastern distributor for EEZOX gun care products. Since 1984, EEZOX has become a leader in the field of all-purpose penetrating and... - January 12, 2016 - BangItAmmo.com

A New Pit-Stop for Krish Technolabs in the Indian Market - Mumbai

Krish TechnoLabs is delighted to announce the inauguration of its new office in Mumbai from January 1, 2016 to cope with the increasing demand of eCommerce in India. - January 11, 2016 - Krish Technolabs Pvt. Ltd.

A New Report by yStats.com: B2C E-Commerce Market in Poland is the Third Largest in Eastern Europe

Germany-based secondary market research specialist yStats.com has published a new market report, titled “Poland B2C E-Commerce Market 2015.” According to the company’s CEO and Founder, Yücel Yelken, “Online retail in Poland is on the rise, driven by consumer confidence and increasing online shopper penetration.” Furthermore, important market trends in Poland include the expansion of M-Commerce and growth of cross-border online shopping. - January 10, 2016 - yStats.com GmbH & Co. KG

BoostMySale Helps Borosil Digitize Its Pioneer Glassware Brand Resulting in a Colossal Surge in Online Traffic

BoostMySale, a multichannel ecommerce platform has helped one of their key clients – Borosil achieve a stupendous growth in online traffic and generate huge revenue in 2 years. - January 10, 2016 - BoostMySale

miummium Launches to Connect Foodies to Personal Chefs for Haute Cuisine Feasts at Home

miummium Launches to Connect Foodies to Personal Chefs for Haute Cuisine Feasts at Home

Award-winning chef, Chloë St-Cyr, launched a new platform in the US today that will connect food-loving customers with personal chefs for haute cuisine feasts at home. St-Cyr announced the launch of miummium.com following her recent victory in the Middle East's most prestigious culinary... - January 08, 2016 - miummium

BidOnFusion 2016 Kickoff Live Auctions

BidOnFusion to hold live auctions at all five warehouse locations this Saturday, January 9th, 2016. - January 07, 2016 - BidOnFusion

Web Decisions, Marketing Database and Customer Insight Leader, Hires President

Web Decisions, Marketing Database and Customer Insight Leader, Hires President

Web Decisions, a leading marketing database and customer insight services leader, hires George Bardenheier as company President. This enhanced senior management leadership will help Web Decisions’ clients leverage real-time data driven customer engagement to increase revenue and profits. - January 05, 2016 - Web Decisions

TAG Announces New Director of NetSuite Professional Services

Donna Sandsmark brings more than 20 years of software operations management to the team. - January 05, 2016 - TAG

Negotiations Are Finished. EU General Data Protection Regulation is Coming. Prepare Yourself Now.

After four years of intense wrangling for a uniform level of data protection in Europe, binding for each Member State, the chief negotiators of the European Parliament, the EU Commission, and the Council of Ministers came to an agreement on 12/15/2015 on the exact wording of the EU General Data Protection Regulation. The law firm of Kazemi & Lennartz Rechtsanwälte PartG is offering a range of training opportunities to companies already dealing with the new regulations at this time. - January 03, 2016 - Kazemi & Lennartz Rechtsanwälte PartG

Yepme Has Launched Top Quality Ethnic Wear Collection

Yepme has become one of India's largest online fashion brands. It has been providing its services to more than 1000 cities on a monthly basis. - December 31, 2015 - Yepme

QUAKECART-Disaster Survival Carts

QUAKECART-Disaster Survival Carts

In any disaster, like earthquakes and storms, it's vital to have a QUAKECART on hand to be able to sustain yourselves until assistance becomes available. - December 30, 2015 - Matel Manufacturing Inc

Entrepreneurs Can Now Leverage FBA on Boostmysale

Multichannel ecommerce platform boostmysale.com is now offering the service of fulfillment by Amazon to all its customers. - December 30, 2015 - BoostMySale

Amaryllo Revolutionary Light-Bulb Security Robots Receive 2016 CES Innovation Award

Amaryllo Revolutionary Light-Bulb Security Robots Receive 2016 CES Innovation Award

iCamPRO Deluxe, a cordless WebRTC home security robot with face detection and 360-degree auto-tracking, is selected as a 2016 CES Innovation winner. - December 25, 2015 - Amaryllo Inc.

SunFrog Shirts and Payoneer Offer Innovative Payment Solutions to Affiliates

SunFrog Shirts and Payoneer Offer Innovative Payment Solutions to Affiliates

SunFrog Shirts and Payoneer recently announced that SunFrog affiliates now have a better way to receive funds. SunFrog is the original, DTG based, T-shirt sales and fulfillment platform. SunFrog Shirts is the fastest paying t-shirt platform and they are continuing to take steps to stay ahead of... - December 24, 2015 - SunFrogShirts.com

New Report by yStats.com: Russia’s B2C E-Commerce Market Grows Despite the Economic Turmoil

Germany-based secondary market research firm yStats.com, specializing in B2C E-Commerce and Online Payment market intelligence, has published a new report about the online retail development in Russia. “Russia B2C E-Commerce Market 2015” reveals that despite the overall economic downturn, online retail in the country continues to grow at double-digit rates due to its untapped potential. - December 24, 2015 - yStats.com GmbH & Co. KG

“Twelve – My Age of Reason” Uses Laughter to Show a Real Coming of Age Story

“Twelve – My Age of Reason” Uses Laughter to Show a Real Coming of Age Story

“Twelve – My Age of Reason,” a new, humorous, coming of age book based on actual events is released. In a comical eight-day period in 1964, 12-year-old Tommy Stohlgren turns from a sweet Catholic school kid to a skeptical smart-ass. He finally notices girls, and gets tossed from religion class for claiming, “If God is all-loving and all-merciful, there could be no Hell!" Needless to say, the nuns were not pleased. - December 23, 2015 - Tom Stohlgren, Author, LLC

Syncky Launches an Open Marketplace Exclusively for 3D Printed Products

A Korean startup by the name of Syncky has launched a global marketplace platform syncky.com. Syncky welcomes products of all categories as long as the 3D printer was used during the production process. - December 23, 2015 - Syncky

Author Believes XOXY.com Will Revolutionize Polyamorous Dating

Author Believes XOXY.com Will Revolutionize Polyamorous Dating

Are you extremely bashful about discussing sexual health with a new potential lover? Singles can now use XOXY.com to make those conversations easier. Men's Dating Coach and Professional Dominant Sir & BDSM enthusiast, Alan Roger Currie, recently interviewed XOXY.com CEO and Founder Jo Lynn Clemens about why she started her new company, and how she expects her company to impact today's dating rituals between single men and women. - December 21, 2015 - Mode One Multimedia, Inc.

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