Government News

Get political with news about politicians and government, including government contractors; conferences; government-funded research; local, state and federal initiatives; and products and services aimed at government officials and employees.

Capita Announce Details of Their Integrating Services for Disabled Children from 0-25 Years Conference

This Conference addresses the changes presented in the Children and Families Bill and provides practical insight to help you prepare for the implementation of these key reforms. - September 22, 2013 - Capita Conferences

Capita Announce Details of Their National Supported Housing Conference

The National Supported Housing Conference is ideally scheduled to give guidance on the future of the sector. In July, successful bids for the first round of the Housing and Communities Agency’s Care and Support Specialised Housing Fund were announced. Housing related support payment by... - September 22, 2013 - Capita Conferences

Capita Announce Details of Their Tackling Child Exploitation Conference

The Tackling Child Exploitation Conference will equip you with strategic direction to ensure your setting can deliver timely interventions in complex sexual abuse cases and embed effective protection and support practices. - September 22, 2013 - Capita Conferences

Capita Announce Details of Their National Implementing Community Budgets Conference

The Government’s Community Budgets agenda is gaining momentum following the announcement in July 2013 that 18 new Whole-Place and 100 Our Place! areas will be rolled out. The Implementing Community Budgets Conference is specifically tailored to provide guidance for both existing and... - September 22, 2013 - Capita Conferences

Capita Announce Details of Their National Delivering Personal Budgets Conference

The National Delivering Personal Budgets Conference is well-timed to address the challenges and future progress of implementing personal budgets in health and social care services. - September 22, 2013 - Capita Conferences

Dr. Pawel Woelke Attends Prestigious NAE Frontiers of Engineering Symposium

Dr. Pawel Woelke Attends Prestigious NAE Frontiers of Engineering Symposium

Eighty-one of the nation's brightest young engineers were chosen to attend this year’s National Academy of Engineering event. Woelke leads a Weidlinger team set to launch unprecedented fracture-quantification software. - September 21, 2013 - Weidlinger Associates, Inc.

The Board of Trustees Announce That The National Judicial College Has Selected a New President

The Honorable Chad Schmucker of Michigan has been selected to be the College's 8th President. - September 18, 2013 - National Judicial College

TAC SHIELD Black Tactical Nylon Products Are Introduced to the Law Enforcement Teams. Proven in the Battlefields by Marines, TAC SHIELD Nylon is Made by Proud Americans.

TAC SHIELD Black Tactical Nylon Products Are Introduced to the Law Enforcement Teams. Proven in the Battlefields by Marines, TAC SHIELD Nylon is Made by Proud Americans.

TAC SHIELD brand of American Made Tactical Nylon Gear is now offered to the Law Enforcement community in black. After years of proven support of our Warfighters in battlefields across the world, TAC SHIELD is now supporting our American Law Enforcement at the Federal, State and Local level. TAC SHIELD nylon is Made by Proud Americans. - September 14, 2013 - Military Products Inc

Bill Calling for First Ever Public-Private Earthquake Warning System Goes to Governor's Desk

SB135 now goes to CA Governor Brown for signing by October 13. It calls for coordinated public-private earthquake alert system plan by 2016. - September 14, 2013 - Seismic Warning Systems

Radio Talk Show Host's New Book, "The ABC's of Barack Obama," Makes the Case That Barack Obama is the Greatest Thing That Ever Happened to America

Radio talk show host, attorney and dangerous thinker Teri O’Brien gives the American public the information they need to fight the smears by the hating haters who say he is an unqualified, narcissistic empty suit illegally occupying the Oval Office. - September 10, 2013 - The Teri OBrien Show

Bethlehem Authority Partners with Rentricity to Finance In-Pipe Hydropower Projects

Bethlehem Authority Partners with Rentricity to Finance In-Pipe Hydropower Projects

Rentricity Inc., the in-pipe hydro energy recovery Company, executed a letter of agreement with the Bethlehem Authority in Pennsylvania to explore, finance and develop multiple small, in-pipe hydropower sites within the Authority’s water system. The agreement follows similar agreements with... - September 10, 2013 - Rentricity Inc.

BORDERPOL Launch Preliminary Programme for World BORDERPOL Congress

BORDERPOL, the World Border Organisation, has launched the preliminary programme of its 2nd World BORDERPOL Congress annual event being held in London, UK from 3rd to 4th December and includes many leading international organisations and active senior border agency speakers. - September 08, 2013 - BORDERPOL

Fall Courses with the Government Contracting Institute Starting in October

TargetGov and bwtech@UMBC, sponsors of the Government Contracting Institute, announce the second series of courses from October 2013 through April 2014. - September 05, 2013 - Government Contracting Institute

Odyne Systems Expands Team to Support Growth Opportunities

Odyne Systems Expands Team to Support Growth Opportunities

New Staff Appointments to Support Delivery of Odyne Hybrid Systems for Medium and Heavy-Duty Vehicles Through a $45 Million Department of Energy Award - September 04, 2013 - Odyne Systems, LLC

Website Compiles and Provides Information Needed to Navigate ObamaCare

Website Compiles and Provides Information Needed to Navigate ObamaCare is a website that provides all of the information that people will need to ensure that they are prepared for the law when it fully kicks into effect. The website provides reliable insurance information for every state and is a veritable library of true information pertaining to the... - August 19, 2013 -

King George Selected as a Prime Contractor for Major Army Logistics Program, EAGLE

King & George, LLC selected to provide maintenance operations, supply support and transportation services through the Enhanced Army Global Logistics Enterprise (EAGLE) program. - August 16, 2013 - King George, LLC

New Security System Announced

New Security System Announced

Geometrics Inc. and Sierra Romeo announce the availability of a new IED and weapon monitoring system, the Rogue Detection System for person-borne weapon interdiction. - August 14, 2013 - Geometrics, Inc.

iBeta Completes DEA EPCS Biometric Certification for Lumidigm’s V-Series Fingerprint Devices

iBeta Completes DEA EPCS Biometric Certification for Lumidigm’s V-Series Fingerprint Devices

iBeta Quality Assurance (“iBeta”), a National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) accredited Biometrics Testing Laboratory, and DEA-approved EPCS Biometric Certification Lab has completed one of the first DEA EPCS biometric certifications for a series of fingerprint... - August 13, 2013 - iBeta Quality Assurance

Capita Conferences Announce Details of Their Channel Shift in the Welsh Public Sector Event – 18th Oct 2013, Cardiff

This conference comes at a time when public services across Wales are tasked with keeping pace with the rapidly developing digitalisation agenda. - August 09, 2013 - Capita Conferences

Capita Announce Details of Their Latest Preventing Deaths in Police Care Conference

Capita's well established Preventing Deaths in Police Care Conference will provide the essential skills and knowledge for addressing the current issues facing the custodial setting. - August 07, 2013 - Capita Conferences

Help Stop Texting While Driving

Help Stop Texting While Driving

A Texting while driving blocker has been invented by XText Technologies. Currently there is an outdated radio signal law that is preventing this very practical invention from being made available in the U.S. They need your help to get this product legal for use in the United State to help stop texting and driving. More information can be found here: - August 05, 2013 - X Text Technologies

DSI to Lead Discussions on Military Tactical Communications with Senior Leaders in Military, Government, and Industry in Alexandria, VA

Defense Strategies Institute announces their Military Tactical Communications Summit that will bring together stakeholders across Military, Government, Academic, and Industry in a Town Hall forum benefiting the Wounded Warrior Project. - August 05, 2013 - Defense Strategies Institute

Joe Dalum, President and CEO of Odyne Systems, Elected to the Electric Drive Transportation Association Board

Joe Dalum, President and CEO of Odyne Systems, Elected to the Electric Drive Transportation Association Board

Dalum Looks Forward to Assisting EDTA in Shaping Green Transportation Technology Growth - August 04, 2013 - Odyne Systems, LLC

Odyne Systems, LLC Showcasing Hybrid Power Truck System Selected for Nationwide Deployment by the DOE at ICUEE 2013

Odyne Systems, LLC Showcasing Hybrid Power Truck System Selected for Nationwide Deployment by the DOE at ICUEE 2013

Odyne’s Advanced Hybrid Propulsion System Featured in Booth 4324 Provides All Day Power, Reducing Fuel Consumption by Up to 50%. - August 02, 2013 - Odyne Systems, LLC

Soilworks’® Durasoil® - Synthetic Dust Control Fluid, Certified for Superiority Through BNQ

Soilworks’® Durasoil® - Synthetic Dust Control Fluid, Certified for Superiority Through BNQ

Soilworks®, LLC is the innovator and manufacturer of Durasoil® dust control agent. Durasoil® is a revolutionary state-of-the-art innovation; engineered for today's challenging dust control needs. This colorless and odorless, ultra-pure synthetic fluid, which is formulated to meet the highest standards of environmental efficacy, is now proudly verified for superior quality by BNQ (Bureau de normalisation du Québec) as of June 21st, 2013. - August 01, 2013 - Soilworks, LLC

Bruno Neal Appointed Examiner for 2013 Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award

Bruno Neal Appointed Examiner for 2013 Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award

Bruno Neal of Indiana Health University – Learning Solutions located in Indianapolis, IN, has been appointed by Dr. Patrick Gallagher, Director of the U.S. Commerce Department’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), to the 2013 Board of Examiners for the Malcolm... - July 31, 2013 - B. Neal

Capita Conferences Announce Their Police and Crime Commissioners Conference – 15th October 2013, Manchester

One year on from the elections of the first Police and Crime Commissioners, the conference addresses the learning so far and the key challenges in delivering police and crime plans. - July 31, 2013 - Capita Conferences

NaturalGas.US to be Sold to U.S. Natural Gas Company or Advocacy Group

NaturalGas.US to be Sold to U.S. Natural Gas Company or Advocacy Group

The NaturalGas.US domain name will be made available for purchase in 2013 to one natural gas company or organization operating in the U.S. Energy sector. Natural gas in the United States has emerged as the country's most promising energy alternative to oil. - July 22, 2013 - Menius Enterprises, Inc.

Capita Conferences Announce Details of Their Tackling Unemployment Event - Pathways to Work for Vulnerable Groups - Wednesday 23rd October 2013 - Central London

Capita’s timely Tackling Unemployment Conference investigates how the government’s programmes can be used to overcome the barriers to employment for some of the most disadvantaged and hard to reach job seekers. - July 21, 2013 - Capita Conferences

IT Partners, Inc. Certified as a Top 20% Performer by Open Ratings

IT Partners, Inc. Certified as a Top 20% Performer by Open Ratings

IT Partners, Inc. has been certified as a Top 20% Performer based on the Past Performance Evaluation survey responses of its reference customers. IT Partners, Inc.'s PPE score of 97/100 demonstrates outstanding overall customer satisfaction relative to similar companies. Each year, Open Ratings... - July 20, 2013 - IT Partners, Inc

Belkin Builds on Cyber Security Strategy with the Introduction of New Secure DisplayPort KVM Switch for Federal and Defense Agencies

New KVM Switch Helps Create a More Unified, Intuitive and Secure Work Environment for Organizations Handling Confidential Data on Separate Networks - July 19, 2013 - Belkin

National Trial Lawyers Association Names William Pfeifer to Alabama Top 100 List

National Trial Lawyers Association Names William Pfeifer to Alabama Top 100 List

Alabama attorney William L. Pfeifer, Jr., has been selected as one of the Top 100 Trial Lawyers by the National Trial Lawyers Association for his work in the area of criminal defense law. The National Trial Lawyers: Top 100 is an invitation-only organization composed of premier trial lawyers who... - July 18, 2013 - Pfeifer Law Offices

Estenda Solutions Achieves ISO 9001 Quality Management and ISO 13485 Medical Device Certification

Estenda announced today that the company has achieved both ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 13485:2003 certification. This independent certification validates Estenda’s long standing commitment to quality and affirms that Estenda’s Quality Management System (QMS) provides a solid foundation for... - July 18, 2013 - Estenda Solutions

iBeta Completes Biometric Testing for Sandia

iBeta Completes Biometric Testing for Sandia

iBeta Quality Assurance (“iBeta”), a National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) accredited Biometrics Testing Laboratory, has completed the first task order that consisted of Conformance Testing of Mobile Biometric Products under a Testing Contract awarded by Sandia... - July 18, 2013 - iBeta Quality Assurance

Pro Fund Accounting Suite Version 7000 Released

Pro Fund Accounting Suite Version 7000 Released

Cogitate Inc. today announced the release of Version 7000 for its Pro Fund Accounting software suite. Cogitate’s development team has made major changes to all previous versions of Pro Fund Accounting so that it will work properly with Windows 8, touch screen tablets, and... - July 17, 2013 - Cogitate Inc

AutoWeb Technologies Completes Redesign of U.S. Department of Interior T.I.P.S. Training Web Site

AutoWeb Technologies completes redesign of the Technical Innovation and Professional Services web site, a national program under the U.S. Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement. - July 12, 2013 - AutoWeb Technologies

Positive Promotions CEO Joins Congressman Steve Israel to Discuss Legislation to Require "Made in the USA" Products in National Parks

Positive Promotions CEO Joins Congressman Steve Israel to Discuss Legislation to Require "Made in the USA" Products in National Parks

Nelson Taxel, CEO of Positive Promotions and Congressman Steve Israel met at Sagamore Hill National Historic Site, the former home of President Teddy Roosevelt, to advocate proposed legislation to put American made products in official gift shops at the National Parks, monuments, and historic sites... - July 12, 2013 - Positive Promotions

Burris Announces New Drug Test Chain of Custody Forms

Burris Computer Forms® has announced the introduction of a stock Chain of Custody forms. The form meets Federal chain of custody drug testing specifications. The five-part, continuous form includes two specimen labels, numbered and barcoded to match the form itself. Sets can be printed on pin... - July 10, 2013 - Burris Computer Forms

Positive Promotions Announces the Winners of Its Annual Black History Month Contest

Positive Promotions Announces the Winners of Its Annual Black History Month Contest

Positive Promotions is proud to recognize the outstanding efforts of the schools, churches, and organizations that celebrated the achievements of African American’s during Black History Month and participated in their annual Black History Month Contest. Out of dozens of entries, the winners have been chosen. - July 03, 2013 - Positive Promotions

Capita Announce Details of Their National Serious Case Reviews Conference

Capita’s Serious Case Reviews Conference is designed to explore the elements contained in the recently released Working Together to Safeguard Children (2013) guidance, following on from the recommendations featured in the Munro Review. This event will bring together serious case review... - June 30, 2013 - Capita Conferences

Capita Announce Details of Their Improving Outcomes for Looked After Children Conference

Capita’s Improving Outcomes for Looked After Children Conference prepares you for the Children and Families Bill, which brings far-reaching reforms to services for children looked after by local authorities and to adoption processes. This conference is a vital opportunity to ensure you are... - June 30, 2013 - Capita Conferences

Capita Announce Details of Their Implementing the Pupil Premium Regional Conference - Bristol

Capita’s Implementing the Pupil Premium Regional Conference is perfectly timed toaddress the implementation challenges facing schools and local authorities as they decide how the pupil premium grant should best be spent. Ofsted’s recent report published in February 2013, The Pupil... - June 30, 2013 - Capita Conferences

Capita Announce Details of Their Transforming Rehabilitation - Integrated Offender Management Conference

Capita’s National Transforming Rehabilitation Conference looks at the Government’s response to the Transforming Rehabilitation consultation and its impact on the criminal justice sector. The Ministry of Justice proposes redesigning approaches to offender management, increasing the... - June 30, 2013 - Capita Conferences

Coalition to Salute America’s Heroes Awards $7,500 in Grants to VA Hospitals Across Western U.S.

Coalition to Salute America’s Heroes Awards $7,500 in Grants to VA Hospitals Across Western U.S.

Multi-state grants will fund variety of services for wounded veterans. - June 27, 2013 - Coalition to Salute America's Heroes

New Book Has Good News for Governments

This new book by a municipal marketing expert reveals how all kinds of governments can painlessly raise new public revenue. No new taxes, fees or borrowing are necessary, just new business partnerships. - June 27, 2013 - Books of Destiny

Storage Made Easy and Eleco PLC Collaborate to Create Secure File Sharing for the Construction Industry

Storage Made Easy and Eleco PLC Collaborate to Create Secure File Sharing for the Construction Industry

Eleco PLC signs a 5-year deal for use of Storage Made Easy’s Cloud Appliance, which will be customized to support the construction industry by Eleco. - June 26, 2013 - Storage Made Easy

Five Boro Mold Specialist: "Over 100 Million in Red Cross Hurricane Sandy Relief Funds Still Available, Where's the Relief?"

Five Boro Mold Specialist: "Over 100 Million in Red Cross Hurricane Sandy Relief Funds Still Available, Where's the Relief?"

NYC mold removal company reports on the increase of denied applications for the many types of Hurricane Sandy claims- FEMA claims, insurance claims, and other emergency relief claims and assistance. - June 25, 2013 - Five Boro Mold Specialist

Revelations About PRISM Have Businesses Seeking Data Storage Alternatives

Revelations About PRISM Have Businesses Seeking Data Storage Alternatives

Revelations about the once-secret government data collection program known as PRISM, which was exposed as a major source of National Security Agency raw intelligence from 2007-present, have American businesses on edge regarding data security. With privacy concerns reaching an all-time high,... - June 25, 2013 - d2 Business Solutions

Senior Military, DoD, Academic, and Industry Leaders to Convene to Discuss and Debate the Next Advancements in Military Tactical Communications

On Sept. 9 -10, 2013, Defense Strategies Institute will bring together stakeholders across the U.S. Military, Government, Academic, and Industry to discuss and debate some of the most challenging subjects involved in successfully deploying military tactical communications in an efficient and effective manner. - June 24, 2013 - Defense Strategies Institute

Capita Conferences Announce Their Police Integrity Conference – 25th September 2013, Central London

Join expert speakers and leading practitioners from across the policing sector and learn about the importance of conducting a force-wide integrity "healthcheck," ways to identify and manage potential integrity risks and how to achieve a culture change in your organisation. - June 22, 2013 - Capita Conferences

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