All Regions (Including International) News

Six Burns White Members Named to Pennsylvania Super Lawyers/Rising Stars Lists

Burns White Founding Member, David B. White in the Pittsburgh office and Member attorneys, Valerie H. Lieberman, William J. Mundy and Stuart T. O’Neal in the Philadelphia office were named to the 2012 Pennsylvania Super Lawyers list. - May 23, 2012 - Burns White LLC

Leading Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon Launches Innovative Website Platform

Dr. Robert Applebaum, a leading American Board of Plastic Surgery certified plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills for the last 15 years, on Monday, May 21, is relaunching his practice’s website, a platform that will allow him to further his position as an authority in the plastic surgery field and... - May 23, 2012 - Dr. Robert Applebaum

Open Minds Production Launches New Webseries Spacing Out! Exploring Space, Ufos and the Search for Extraterrestrial Life

Spacing Out! a weekly webseries airs every Friday on - May 23, 2012 - Open Minds Production

BANK W Holdings, LLC Honored as a 2012 “Business of the Year” by Business NH Magazine

BANK W Holdings, LLC, and its portfolio companies Alexander Technology Group, KBW Financial Staffing & Recruiting, and The Nagler Group, has been honored as a 2012 Business of the Year by Business NH Magazine. - May 23, 2012 - BANK W Holdings, LLC

Military Appreciation Sale at Matt Ford Sales in Kansas City

In honor of Memorial Day, May 18 through May 29, military personnel are eligible for special incentives on new Ford purchases at Matt Ford Sales in Kansas City. - May 23, 2012 - Matt Ford

The North American Olympic Journey Goes Through Beynon Sports

North America's best track athletes will be competing at their countries respective Olympic Trials with one goal in mind, qualify for the Olympics. While they all have individual stories about their journey to the trails the one constant between all the American and Canadian athletes is that with their dreams on the line they will be fortunate enough to compete on a state-of-the-art Beynon track. - May 23, 2012 - Beynon Sports Surfaces

Window Cleaning Business in Freehold, NJ, Teams with SEO Marketer to Attract More Locals Online

Locals looking to secure the services of a professional window cleaning company will soon find the process easier in the Freehold, New Jersey, region. - May 23, 2012 - Clearview Window Washing, LLC

WineGavel’s Wine Auction Features Rare “Marilyn Merlot” Vintage

1985 1st Edition Bottle Coincides with 50th Anniversary of Marilyn Monroe’s Passing - May 23, 2012 - WineGavel

Celiac Awareness Month Twitter Chat Hosted by Saturday Mornings with Joy Keys

Come join the Celiac Awareness Twitter Chat to learn more about the disease. Celiac disease is an autoimmune digestive disease. - May 23, 2012 - Saturday Mornings with Joy Keys

AlphaDogs Partners with Blank Paige Productions on "I Love Jenni" for Telemundo's Mun2

AlphaDogs Post and Blank Paige Productions are currently working on one of the hottest reality television shows on Hispanic cable. - May 23, 2012 - Alpha Dogs Post Production

Noxster Changes SEO Stratagies

On May 18th, 2012, Noxster SEO Company, a Los Angeles SEO company, web design Agency, and digital graphic agency, has announced a change in product and services. The change has come during a period of significant change with Google, which in penguin introduced the new “Google Penguin”... - May 23, 2012 - Noxster Online and Optimized

Is Effective Business Writing Dead—or Just on Life Support? New On-Demand Webinars Designed to Resuscitate Business Writing—and Results

A new on-demand business-writing webinar series can help business writers enjoy increased results, respect, and revenues. Writing coach Lynda McDaniel shares seven easy writing tips that can boost careers starting this afternoon. - May 23, 2012 - Association for Creative Business Writing

Global Quantum Dots (QD) Market Worth of $7480.25 Million by 2022

The total market for Quantum dots is expected to reach $7480.25 million by 2022, at a CAGR of 55.2% from 2012 to 2022. In the present scenario of QD technology market, Healthcare is the only industry, which has gained significant market share. Healthcare needs high precision in tissue labeling, cancer therapy, tumor detection, etc. and QD-based devices work for the same. - May 23, 2012 - Publications

IntelliSparx Launches 18for4 Charity Golf Website

San Diego-based interactive agency, IntelliSparx, has launched a golf charity website titled “18for4” to allow charities to post their tournaments for free, as well as for golfers to have a one stop shop where they can find these tournaments. - May 23, 2012 - IntelliSparx LLC

"Jen Y Comes to Town" Book Reading: Limited Seats Available

Attend CFC Technology's exclusive book reading of "Jen Y Comes to Town" on June 12 at Solera Restaurant. - May 23, 2012 - CFC Technology

Reclaimed and One of a Kind Antique Furniture in Edmonto

The Seven Drawers is a home décor & furniture boutique specializing in personalized shopping and decorating assistance with an extensive order program, featuring an eclectic selection of home furnishings and designer decor. - May 23, 2012 - The Seven Drawers

Kelapo Coconut Oil Honored with Clean Eating Foodie Award; Magazine Selects “80 Healthiest Products”

Clean Eating Magazine just released the June issue, featuring the first annual Foodie Awards, honoring “the most delicious, nutritious, and eco-friendly products available.” One big winner was Kelapo Coconut Oil Pre-Measured Baking Sticks, an innovative new product from the popular consumer brand. The editorial team at Clean Eating named Kelapo as one of their favorite products in the Dairy and Non-Dairy Alternative category. - May 23, 2012 - Kelapo Coconut

Suicide Bombing Kills More than 90 in Yemen, Thermal Matrix Technology Ready to Prevent Future Attacks

In yet another suicide bomb attack, at least 96 soldiers have been killed and more than two hundred others injured in an attack in Yemen’s capital city of Sana'a. Officials say a bomber disguised in a military uniform set off his explosive during a parade rehearsal, ahead of Yemen’s... - May 23, 2012 - Thermal Matrix USA

90octane, The Marks Group and Gates Corporation Win BMA Colorado Gold Key Award for E-Newsletter; 90octane and Jeppesen Win Silver Key for International Paid Search

The conversion-driven marketing agency wins prestigious B2B awards for e-newsletter marketing and strategic paid search programs. - May 23, 2012 - 90octane

Seminars to Turn Women on to Goddess Power

A new six-week “goddess” teleseminar series of 18 speakers, targeting women who want more out of life, in terms of empowering themselves and using their full potential. - May 23, 2012 - Just Call Me Goddess

Seon Forde Recently Recognized by America’s Registry of Outstanding Professionals

Seon Forde of Brooklyn, New York, has recently been recognized by America’s Registry of Outstanding Professionals for his outstanding contributions and achievements in the field of professional tutoring. About Seon Forde Seon Forde was born in Trinidad, West Indies. He attained his M.S. in... - May 23, 2012 - America's Registry of Outstanding Professionals

Confidence Magazine & Dr. Leigh-Davis to Focus on Classics Cars and Fast Autos

Dr. Leigh-Davis explains why Confidence Magazine’s coverage of the Salon Privé will mark a turning point. - May 23, 2012 - Dr. Leigh-Davis

WebRenderer Swing Edition 6 Released

JadeLiquid™ is pleased to announce the long awaited release of the WebRenderer™ Swing Edition 6.0 supporting 64-bit systems. WebRenderer 6.0 includes support for both 32 and 64-bit systems on Windows™, OS X™ and Linux. SPARC Solaris™ is also a supported platform. The WebRenderer Swing Edition 6.0 release is the most advanced version of WebRenderer ever released. - May 23, 2012 - JadeLiquid Software International

Newport Beach Spine Surgeon Recognized as a World Leader in Robotic Spinal Surgery

Dr. Nitin Bhatia, a world renowned spine surgeon with offices in Orange County including Newport Beach and Costa Mesa, was recently recognized as a world leader in robotic spinal surgery by an independent source. - May 23, 2012 - Irvine Spine Center

The World's Most Advanced Robotic Spine Surgery Now Available in Newport Beach and Orange County

Robotic spine surgery is now available in Orange County, California. Led by Dr. Nitin Bhatia, the team the UC Irvine Spine Center has developed and refined these advanced techniques to cure your neck and back problems. - May 23, 2012 - Irvine Spine Center

Shore Thing Marketing's Charity Softball Game Was a Great Success

Shore Thing Marketing, Inc. hosted a charity softball game on Sunday, May 20, at Brookside Park in Scotch Plains, NJ, to raise money for the March of Dimes Foundation. - May 23, 2012 - Shore Thing Marketing, Inc.

MOM Brands™ Joins The Sustainability Consortium

MOM Brands™ today announced its membership in The Sustainability Consortium (TSC), an independent global organization that creates sustainability standards for consumer products. The Consortium is made up of 90 members including retailers, suppliers, non-profits and government... - May 23, 2012 - The Sustainability Consortium

Two New Titles in the Footsteps Series: Chopin, and Tchaikovsky Available May 29th

Chopin, and Tchaikovsky Available on DVD May 29 - May 23, 2012 - Kultur International Films Ltd

Kultur is Proud to Announce the DVD Release of the Shakespeare Globe Production of Henry VIII Available May 29, 2012

Kultur is proud to announce the DVD release of The Shakespeare Globe production of Henry VIII available May 29, 2012. The Tudor Court is locked in a power struggle between its nobles and the Machiavellian Cardinal Wolsey, the King's first minister and the country's most conspicuous symbol of... - May 23, 2012 - Kultur International Films Ltd

Kultur is Proud to Announce the DVD Release of Nunset Boulevard: the Nunsense Hollywood Bowl Show Available May 29, 2012

Nunset Boulevard: The Nunsense Hollywood Bowl Show Debuts on DVD May 29 Kultur is proud to announce the DVD release of Nunset Boulevard: The Nunsense Hollywood Bowl Show available May 29, 2012. The Little Sisters of Hoboken have been invited to sing at the Hollywood Bowl. They are thrilled at the... - May 23, 2012 - Kultur International Films Ltd

Kultur is Proud to Announce the DVD Release of the Magic of Ballroom Dancing with Teresa Mason Available May 29, 2012

The Magic of Ballroom Dancing with Teresa Mason Available on DVD May 29 - May 23, 2012 - Kultur International Films Ltd

AddressTwo Names Outsourced Sales Force as an Authorized Partner Provider

AddressTwo announced today that Outsourced Sales Force, a Indianapolis, IN –area sales and marketing coaching company, has signed an agreement to become an AddressTwo Authorized Partner Provider. The agreement will enable Outsourced Sales Force to sell the AddressTwo CRM product as a part of... - May 23, 2012 - AddressTwo

Florida Literacy Coalition Announces Annual State Literacy Award Winners

Three individuals and two organizations were honored at the Florida Literacy Awards Banquet for their excellence in literacy service. - May 23, 2012 - Florida Literacy Coalition

Kultur is Proud to Announce the DVD Release of The Magic of Latin Dancing with Teresa Mason Available May 29, 2012

The Magic of Latin Dancing with Teresa Mason Available on DVD May 29 - May 23, 2012 - Kultur International Films Ltd

Kultur is Proud to Announce the DVD Release of The Magic of Romance Dancing with Teresa Mason Available May 29, 2012

The Magic of Romance Dancing with Teresa Mason Available on DVD May 29 - May 23, 2012 - Kultur International Films Ltd

SmartTOP Convertible Top Add-on Module for Mercedes-Benz SLK Now with Plug-and-Play Wiring Adapter

The aftermarket convertible top module offered by Mods4cars for Mercedes-Benz SLK R172 models now ships with a plug-and-play wiring adapter. This new and custom designed adapter makes installation a lot easier and straight forward. The module allows one-touch opening and closing of the convertible top while driving as well as top operation from the factory remote fob up to the full RF range. - May 23, 2012 - Mods4cars

MBTA Transit Police Launch See Say Smartphone App - Crowdsourcing Public Safety

See Say app empowers riders to quickly, discretely report criminal or suspicious activities on the MBTA to Transit Police. - May 23, 2012 - ELERTS

Economic Climate Prompts People to Vacation at Home This Summer

Financial constraints have people creating spa-like “staycations” with the addition of water fountains and hammocks in the back yard. - May 23, 2012 - Serenity Health

Words and Music by Bobby Troup

Kultur is proud to announce the DVD availability of Words And Music By Bobby Troup on DVD. Route 66 the celebrated “Mother Road” “Main Street of America” which was immortalized in song by Bobby Troup in 1946 66 years ago this year. Who was this composer Bobby Troup? In an... - May 23, 2012 - Kultur International Films Ltd

Water Fountain Place Expands Line of Multi-Tiered Solar Fountains

Water Fountain Place expands line of solar fountains to meet growing demand for “eco-friendly” outdoor living products. - May 23, 2012 - Water Fountain Place

Dr. Leigh-Davis is Now a Proponent of Online Education

Having only dabbled in the online education market, law professor Dr. Leigh-Davis was skeptical, but now she is aiding in the development of an online education platform. - May 23, 2012 - Dr. Leigh-Davis

The Dinosaur Place Named Best of New England

Nature’s Art: The Dinosaur Place in Oakdale, CT is recognized as “Best Prehistoric Play” by Yankee Magazine. - May 23, 2012 - Miranda Creative

Transform Wood Burning Chiminea Into One Fueled by Gas

Premiere Fire Pits shares the Blue Rooster Chiminea Gas Conversion Kit to transform a wood burning unit into one that is gas operated. - May 23, 2012 - Premiere Fire Pits

Gary Rome Auto Group Has Declared a Winner

Gary Rome Auto Group Announces Winner to "So You Think You Know Jack" Contest. - May 23, 2012 - Gary Rome Auto Group

Carpet One Floor & Home Celebrates Grand Opening with Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony

This press release details the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the newly opened Carpet One Flooring and Home outlet located in Springfield Missouri. The release includes info about an upcoming special, and hopes to encourage members of the community to come see what Carpet One has to offer. - May 23, 2012 - Carpet One Floor & Home

Branded Business Apps Develops Real Estate Mobile Apps

Branded Business Apps creates mobile apps for two Real Estate agents. - May 23, 2012 - Branded Business Apps

(R)Evolution in the Language Learning Jungle: Lingorilla Scores with a Successful Relaunch of Video Language Courses and Interactive Exercises

Lingorilla is back. Lingorilla (, the multi award-winning video platform for language learning, continues on its successful path with the relaunch of its products: language learning videos of everyday situations with professional actors and native speakers provide anyone with an internet connection the opportunity to learn foreign languages online in a fun, effective and flexible way. - May 23, 2012 -

Hernon Manufacturing Expands Throughout South Korea

Joint venture agreement provides local support and expansion of Hernon's vast product lines in South Korea. - May 23, 2012 - Hernon Manufacturing

Brian Elias, President of Hansons Windows, Honored with Prestigious Fred Case Remodeling Entrepreneur of the Year Award

Demonstrated “Business expertise, financial strength, industry and community involvement and entrepreneurial spirit” - May 23, 2012 - 1-800-HANSONS

Winter Park Laser Launches Informative New Website

Winter Park Laser & Anti-Aging Center has been a premiere medical spa in Orlando, Fl for over eight years, and has recently revamped their medical spa website introducing a wealth of information on the latest cosmetic procedures in the medical spa industry. The new website covers over 10... - May 23, 2012 - Winter Park Laser & Anti-Aging Center

Press Releases 237,051 - 237,100 of 433,336