Hawaii: Honolulu News
Author Challenges Reader to Another Concept of God
Author George B. Wallace offers a completely different understanding of God as being non-human with non-human concerns. The book also stresses that everyone plays an important role in God's plan and aspires to make the reader comfortably face God in life and beyond... - October 31, 2005 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Puna Kamali'i Flowers, Inc. Supports H.R. 3841, the "Small Business Tax Relief Act of 2005"
Puna Kamali'i Flowers, Inc. urges small business owners to support H.R. 3841, the "Small Business Tax Relief Act of 2005." - October 14, 2005 - Puna Kamali'i Flowers, Inc.
Handicapped Japanese are Finding Hope in Hilo
Haruka Sekino of Japan has operated a newspaper-shredding machine at Puna Kamalii Flowers for a total of about three hours during the past two weeks. That's a lot for the 20-year-old woman with Down syndrome whose parents were told that she would never be able to work. - August 17, 2005 - Puna Kamali'i Flowers, Inc.