Massachusetts: Lowell News
Ralph Nader Proclaims Five Counts for Impeachment of George W. Bush to in Candid Interview
In an interview with’s Senior Editor, Allison Kugel, Ralph Nader details five charges for alleged credible impeachment of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney. - May 16, 2008 -
Things are Looking Up: Ceiling Domes Define Home Decor Renaissance
Ceiling design was once an important facet of home decorating but over the years has fallen by the wayside due to changing tastes and high costs. New production methods have resulted in a recent ceiling decor renaissance and a wealth of new options for designers and home owners. - April 03, 2008 -
The Virtual Lecture Hall is Now a Reality
If you never had the opportunity to attend Princeton or Yale, higher learning is now just a mouse click away. The world's first online public university is now a reality, and anyone with an internet connection can easily access various lectures from universities around the world from the comfort of their home. This ambitious project is the brainchild of a 26-year-old university student from Aarhus, Denmark. - March 07, 2008 -
Mi Business System by JM Software Offers Complete Mobile Business Solution
For those that order pizza or Chinese food delivery often it might not come as a surprise that mobile payment and accounting systems are becoming more and more popular. This is because chances are you have paid a driver with a credit card on the spot, with no cords, heavy machines or kiosks,... - January 03, 2008 - JM Software, Inc.
iUniverse Publishes "Neo-Modernist" Novel by Robert Crooke
iUniverse called Sunrise “an entertaining, literate, moving, and witty tale…a clever re-imagining of The Great Gatsby.” - December 29, 2007 - Robert Crooke
Love 860 Radio Features Universal Dream Team Founders on its Home Based Business Entrepreneurial Series... Shannon Catizone and Michael Churchill
These Home Business Entrepreneurs are rapidly making their "mark" in the Home Base Business Industry and for good reason. They primarily place their energies and focus on helping others achieve their goals and dreams. Both have done due diligence in the industry and both are very... - August 04, 2006 - Golden Wealth Enterprises, LLC
Golden Wealth Enterprises Announce the Launch of to Assist People in Developing a Home Based Business
The internet highway is now proving to be the fastest growing modes for Home Based Businesses and people all over the world are coming to the realization that this once “unchartered” territory is producing some of the wealthiest business people our time has ever seen. - July 29, 2006 - Golden Wealth Enterprises, LLC