Virginia: Norfolk-Virginia Beach-Newport News News

Rose & Womble Realty Company Announces New Management Structure

Rose & Womble Realty Company Announces New Management Structure

President, J. Van Rose, announced plans to restructure the management team to realign Rose & Womble Realty's leadership positions and streamline their focus to set themselves on course for continued success in what they know to be a very competitive market. - February 04, 2021 - Rose & Womble Realty Company

The Teneo Group Earns Five Star Status

Focusing on Cyber Security to Protect Companies and Their Customers - February 01, 2021 - The Teneo Group

Hyperfavor Shows How Customizing Daily Items is the Trend You Can’t Miss

Hyperfavor Shows How Customizing Daily Items is the Trend You Can’t Miss

Hyperfavor, with endless personalizable apparel and accessories, now celebrates its remarkable growth just after 1 year of launching its website. - January 15, 2021 - Hyperfavor

Superior Fence & Rail Expands North Carolina Market to Charlotte

Superior Fence & Rail Expands North Carolina Market to Charlotte

An ever-growing Charlotte area housing market and former NASCAR fabricator are the perfect pairing for Superior Fence & Rail's continued North Carolina expansion. - January 10, 2021 - Superior Fence & Rail

The Sweet Living Group and EverCare Announce Global Distribution Partnership of Zinc Oxide for the Textile and Laundry Detergent Industries

The Sweet Living Group and EverCare Announce Global Distribution Partnership of Zinc Oxide for the Textile and Laundry Detergent Industries

The Sweet Living Group, a leader in zinc oxide (ZnO) and nanoparticle zinc oxide technology for the textile and laundry detergent industries, and EverCare, a leader in high quality zinc oxides and raw material innovation, announce an exclusive partnership to distribute ZnO to the textile industry and SLG customers around the globe. - December 14, 2020 - The Sweet Living Group

Carolyn R. Baker Celebrated as a Lifetime Featured Member and a VIP Member for 2020 by Strathmore's Who's Who Worldwide

Carolyn R. Baker Celebrated as a Lifetime Featured Member and a VIP Member for 2020 by Strathmore's Who's Who Worldwide

Carolyn R. Baker of Williamsburg, Virginia has been celebrated as a Lifetime Featured Member and a VIP Member for 2020 by Strathmore’s Who’s Who Worldwide Edition for her outstanding contributions and achievements in the field of tax services. About Carolyn R. Baker Carolyn Baker is an... - December 09, 2020 - Strathmore Worldwide

Art Zachary to Retire as President of Rose & Womble Realty Company

Art Zachary to Retire as President of Rose & Womble Realty Company

For the past fifty years, Art Zachary has helped shape the local real estate industry in Southeast Virginia. He announced his plans to retire as President of Rose & Womble Realty Company in June. J. Van Rose Jr. will be named President. - December 02, 2020 - Rose & Womble Realty Company

Elite Medicare Specialists to Change the Health Insurance Enrollment Landscape

Elite Medicare Specialists to Change the Health Insurance Enrollment Landscape

On November 30th, 2020 Elite Medicare Specialists will host the 1st ever Call-A-Thon for Medicare annual election period in central Virginia. Local licensed agents will be ready to take last minute calls from Medicare’s beneficiaries who have not yet reviewed their plan options for 2021. In breaking from the norms of in-home appointments, these local agents still provide a personal touch. - November 24, 2020 - Elite Medicare Specialists

April K. Fitzgerald Recognized as a Woman of the Month for October 2020 by P.O.W.E.R. (Professional Organization of Women of Excellence Recognized)

April K. Fitzgerald Recognized as a Woman of the Month for October 2020 by P.O.W.E.R. (Professional Organization of Women of Excellence Recognized)

April K. Fitzgerald of Manassas, Virginia has been recognized as a Woman of the Month for October 2020 by P.O.W.E.R. (Professional Organization of Women of Excellence Recognized) for her outstanding contributions and achievements in the field of real estate. Each month P.O.W.E.R. features women to... - November 17, 2020 - P.O.W.E.R. Professional Organization of Women of Excellence Recognized

IVI Research Brief Examines Value Assessment in the Age of COVID

IVI Research Brief Examines Value Assessment in the Age of COVID

Researchers Highlight Important Advancements in Understanding Value Emerging from the Pandemic - November 10, 2020 - Innovation and Value Initiative

Innovation and Value Initiative’s Next Value Assessment Model to Address Major Depressive Disorder Interventions

Innovation and Value Initiative’s Next Value Assessment Model to Address Major Depressive Disorder Interventions

First-of-Its-Kind Depression Model to be Informed by Input from Diverse Advisory Group - September 09, 2020 - Innovation and Value Initiative

UZIO, a Leader in HCM Technology, Introduces Uzio Legal in Partnership with myHRcounsel™

UZIO, a Leader in HCM Technology, Introduces Uzio Legal in Partnership with myHRcounsel™

An exciting new partnership between the Uzio Group and myHRcounsel - September 02, 2020 - myHRcounsel

Netizen Ranks No. 184 on the Inc. 5000 List of America's Fastest-Growing Companies with 2,222% Growth

Netizen Ranks No. 184 on the Inc. 5000 List of America's Fastest-Growing Companies with 2,222% Growth

Netizen Corporation, an ISO 27001:2013 and ISO 9001:2015 certified Veteran Owned provider of cyber security and related solutions, was named for the second year in a row to the highest tiers of the Inc. 5000 list of the nation’s most successful businesses. Founded in 2013 and led by CEO Michael Hawkins, Netizen is an award-winning company that develops and leverages innovative solutions to enable a more secure cyberspace for clients in government, defense, and commercial markets. - August 14, 2020 - Netizen Corporation

Wilma J. Brown-Foreman, Education Specialist, Ed.S. Honored as a Woman of the Month for June 2020 by P.O.W.E.R.

Wilma J. Brown-Foreman, Education Specialist, Ed.S. Honored as a Woman of the Month for June 2020 by P.O.W.E.R.

Wilma J. Brown-Foreman, Education Specialist, Ed.S. of Chesterfield, Virginia has been honored as a Woman of the Month for June 2020 by P.O.W.E.R. (Professional Organization of Women of Excellence Recognized) for her outstanding contributions and achievements in the field of education. Each month P. - July 09, 2020 - P.O.W.E.R. Professional Organization of Women of Excellence Recognized

Alexiacare Corporation Builds and Gives Away New Virtual Visit EMR/EHR Tool to Doctors Offices Facing COVID-19 Crisis

Alexiacare Corporation Builds and Gives Away New Virtual Visit EMR/EHR Tool to Doctors Offices Facing COVID-19 Crisis

Alexiacare Corporation, a Maryland EMR/EHR vendor, is building and giving away AlexiaHTC Telemed, a new virtual visit tool that has been integrated into its flagship EMR/EHR product: AlexiaHTC. Doctor offices, which have been closed because of fear of COVID-19, can now schedule virtual appointments for its patients. - July 07, 2020 - Alexiacare Corporation

New Single "Going In" from Hip Hop Gospel Artist William T. Starzz

New Single "Going In" from Hip Hop Gospel Artist William T. Starzz

Optimus Entertainment Group (OEG) is excited to present the newest artist to its platform, William T. Starzz of Triune Movement Inc. (TMInc.) - June 15, 2020 - Optimus Entertainment Group

Datum Software and Partners Complete DISA to AWS Cloud Migration

Datum Software and Partners Complete DISA to AWS Cloud Migration

Datum Software Inc. and it’s teammates NTT DATA (NDFS) and ARRAY Information Technology completed an on-premises Defense Information System Agency (DISA) to Amazon Web Service (AWS) GovCloud migration. This effort took over 120 server instances with 2TB+ of operational and 3TB of analytical data from a stack sever farm into Amazon Web Service (AWS) GovCloud. - April 23, 2020 - Datum Software

Chris Topping Joins 504 Capital Corporation

Chris Topping Joins 504 Capital Corporation

Chris Topping has joined mission-based lender 504 Capital Corporation as a Business Development Officer to provide SBA 504 financing to small business owners in Virginia, North Carolina, Maryland, Washington, DC, West Virginia and parts of rural Pennsylvania. Prior to joining 504 Capital, Chris... - February 01, 2020 - 504 Capital Corporation

ColonialWebb Announces Promotion of Ian Handley

ColonialWebb Announces Promotion of Ian Handley

Ian Handley Promoted to Project Executive for Construction - January 21, 2020 - ColonialWebb

“The Best Rooftop Tents of 2020” Released by Torro Offroad

“The Best Rooftop Tents of 2020” Released by Torro Offroad

Over 40 million Americans camp outdoors at least once a year, according to the Outdoor Industry Association – but camping outside can sometimes be marred by having to sleep on a cold, hard ground along with having to deal with insects and other repellent ground-based animals. Torro Offroad appears to have surmounted these problems with the October 2019 release of its new hard-shell SkyLux rooftop tents (RTT). - January 20, 2020 - Torro Offroad

Troilen G. Seward, Ed.S. Honored as a Woman of the Month for December 2019 by P.O.W.E.R. (Professional Organization of Women of Excellence Recognized)

Troilen G. Seward, Ed.S. Honored as a Woman of the Month for December 2019 by P.O.W.E.R. (Professional Organization of Women of Excellence Recognized)

Troilen G. Seward, Ed.S. of Claremont, Virginia has been honored as a Woman of the Month for December 2019 by P.O.W.E.R. (Professional Organization of Women of Excellence Recognized) for her outstanding contributions and achievements in the fields of education, consulting and lobbying. Each month P. - January 16, 2020 - P.O.W.E.R. Professional Organization of Women of Excellence Recognized

Color Marketing Group® Announces 2021+ North American Key Color - Mist

Color Marketing Group® Announces 2021+ North American Key Color - Mist

Color Marketing Group, the leading international association of color design professionals, introduced the organizations’ forecasted key colors at the 2019 International Summit in Tucson, AZ late November. The Color Marketing Group’s 2021+ North American key color “Mist” is a color that exudes optimistic confidence and the hopeful resolve to achieve personal and societal goals. Mist’s pale blue hue, touched with a whisper of toned grey and minimal chroma, is spirited in its lightness. - December 20, 2019 - Color Marketing Group

New Book Release Titled, "WTF is Menopause"

New Book Release Titled, "WTF is Menopause"

A new author, Mrs. Lorraine M. Burgess is proud to announce the launching of her first book titled, “WTF is Menopause,” which is available at or on Amazon. She wrote this book to bring awareness and to inform women they are not alone and they are not crazy; these symptoms are real. She believes this topic is not being addressed publicly, and women are suffering in silence; they are also being misdiagnosed and mislabeled. - December 09, 2019 - Lorraine Burgess Books

The Medical Imaging & Technology Alliance Offers Guidance on Mitigating FDA-Announced URGENT11 Vulnerabilities in Medical Imaging Devices

The Medical Imaging & Technology Alliance Offers Guidance on Mitigating FDA-Announced URGENT11 Vulnerabilities in Medical Imaging Devices

In response to the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) recent announcement about revelations of a suite of vulnerabilities known as “URGENT/11,” the Medical Imaging & Technology Alliance (MITA) today released a list of general recommendations for health delivery organizations... - October 01, 2019 - Medical Imaging and Technology Alliance

Dr. Berg Has Devised a Unique Ketogenic Diet That is Adaptable to Any Lifestyle

Dr. Berg Has Devised a Unique Ketogenic Diet That is Adaptable to Any Lifestyle

Leading weight-loss consultant, Dr. Eric Berg, now offers unique and highly-effective Keto diet plans to help busy individuals stay fit and healthy. - September 19, 2019 - Dr. Berg Nutritionals

Felicia Rei, Realtor is Now with Howard Hanna Real Estate Services in Norfolk, VA

Felicia Rei, Realtor is Now with Howard Hanna Real Estate Services in Norfolk, VA

Felicia Rei, Realtor is pleased to announce she is now an agent with Howard Hanna Real Estate Services (formerly William E. Wood Real Estate) located in downtown Norfolk, VA. - June 19, 2019 - Felicia Rei, Realtor

ComSec LLC to Participate in the 2019 Special Operations Forces Industry Conference (SOFIC)

ComSec LLC to Participate in the 2019 Special Operations Forces Industry Conference (SOFIC)

ComSec LLC Exhibiting Cutting-Edge TSCM and SIGINT Solutions and Equipment at the 2019 SOFIC Convention in Tampa, FL, May 20-23, 2019. Visit Booth 1420. - May 21, 2019 - ComSec LLC

7 Briefings from Leading Vendors to be Delivered at the Future Soldier Technology USA Conference

7 Briefings from Leading Vendors to be Delivered at the Future Soldier Technology USA Conference

SMi Reports: Seven high-level briefings from key industry suppliers will be presented at Future Soldier Technology USA 2019 taking place June 24th-25th. - May 21, 2019 - SAE Media Group

IVI Launches Value Blueprints Research Brief Series; Series Explores Research and Methods to Improve Value Assessment

IVI Launches Value Blueprints Research Brief Series; Series Explores Research and Methods to Improve Value Assessment

Briefs Highlight: Lung Cancer Patient Perspectives Are A Missing Piece of Value Assessment Puzzle; "Value of Hope" Offers Potential Enhancement to Next-Generation Value Assessment - May 20, 2019 - Innovation and Value Initiative

Carolyn T. Herbert Recognized as a Woman of the Month for April 2019 by P.O.W.E.R. (Professional Organization of Women of Excellence Recognized)

Carolyn T. Herbert Recognized as a Woman of the Month for April 2019 by P.O.W.E.R. (Professional Organization of Women of Excellence Recognized)

Carolyn T. Herbert of Palmyra, Virginia has been recognized as a Woman of the Month for April 2019 by P.O.W.E.R. (Professional Organization of Women of Excellence Recognized) for her outstanding achievements and high level of success in the fields of mental health and food manufacturing. Each... - May 03, 2019 - P.O.W.E.R. Professional Organization of Women of Excellence Recognized

Carolyn R. Baker Honored as a VIP Member for Two Consecutive Years by Strathmore's Who's Who Worldwide Publication

Carolyn R. Baker Honored as a VIP Member for Two Consecutive Years by Strathmore's Who's Who Worldwide Publication

Carolyn R. Baker of Williamsburg, Virginia has been recognized as a VIP Member for two consecutive years, 2018 and 2019, by Strathmore’s Who’s Who Worldwide Edition for her outstanding contributions and achievements in the field of tax services. About Carolyn R. Baker Carolyn Baker is... - April 25, 2019 - Strathmore Worldwide

Freedom Plumbers Corp. Opens New Location in Fairfax, VA

Freedom Plumbers Corp. Opens New Location in Fairfax, VA

Freedom Plumbers, Corp. has officially announced their expansion of their sewer and drain cleaning division for both residential and commercial operations opening up a new location in Fairfax, VA. By opening up a new office serving Fairfax, Va., Freedom Plumbers plan on expanding their footprint... - April 13, 2019 - Freedom Plumbers Corp

CEO of Grayscale Marketing, Tim Gray, Launches Leadership Series, The Golden Rules

CEO of Grayscale Marketing, Tim Gray, Launches Leadership Series, The Golden Rules

CEO of Grayscale Marketing, Tim Gray, Launches Podcast, The Golden Rules. Guests include Music Industry Leaders Mike Molinar, Brad Belanger, Rusty Gaston, & Pam Matthews - April 03, 2019 - Grayscale Marketing

Owen and Owens Expands Family Law Team

Owen and Owens Expands Family Law Team

Family Law Attorney Rachel DeGraba Joins Firm. - March 18, 2019 - Owen and Owens PLC

Sanyal Biotechnology Hires IQVIA / BuzzeoPDMA DEA Compliance Group

Sanyal Biotechnology Hires IQVIA / BuzzeoPDMA DEA Compliance Group

Sanyal Bio has expanded into pre-clinical and clinical contract research on cannabinoids. Sanyal Bio currently holds a DEA Schedule 1 Import License for Cannabis Extracts and THC, with applications pending for Research, Analytical and Manufacturing licenses. IQVIA's DEA Compliance group is well-respected for their expertise and Sanyal Bio looks forward to working with this reputable group going forward. - February 13, 2019 - Sanyal Biotechnology

WhiteInsta LLC Releases WhiteInsta Whitening Sponges in Asia

WhiteInsta LLC Releases WhiteInsta Whitening Sponges in Asia

WhiteInsta LLC is pleased to announce the release of WhiteInsta whitening sponges in Asia. The product will be available exclusively online and the first 100 clients will have the chance to purchase it at discounted price. Over the past decade, a number of new highly effective skin whitening... - February 11, 2019 - WhiteInsta

Newcomer Angelo Reyes Makes Waves in Directorial Debut with Short Film on Human Trafficking

Newcomer Angelo Reyes Makes Waves in Directorial Debut with Short Film on Human Trafficking

Writer and actor Angelo Reyes will make his directorial debut with Groomed, a short film set to premiere during this year’s 2019 Richmond International Film & Music Festival (RIFF). - February 05, 2019 - Reyes Productions

Primary Gravity Harvesting Emerges as a New Alternative Energy Source, Experts Say It Will Overtake Municipal Solar by 2050

Alternative energy pump, designed for construction, firefighting and military use. Device is powered by moving weight, such as vehicles or large livestock. Demos offered in Alexandria, VA. Targeting city officials, construction contractors, military contractors, etc. - January 24, 2019 - Gravitational Systems Engineer

Operative Experience Announces TCCS Plus, a High-Fidelity Training Simulator for Medical Provider Level Tactical Casualty Care

Operative Experience Inc., (OEI) a company that develops the world’s only hands-in-the-body medical simulators for obstetrics, trauma and surgical training, today announced the launch of TCCS Plus, a military grade, high-fidelity simulator designed to provide hyper-real, clinically-responsive... - January 22, 2019 - Operative Experience, Inc.

Angelo Reyes Wins Award in Accolade Global Film Competition

Angelo Reyes, of Reyes Productions, has won a prestigious Award of Merit from The Accolade Global Film Competition. The award was given for Angelo Reyes's exciting short film, Groomed, which tells the story of Maria, a young girl who falls deeply in love and even more deeply into the dark world of... - January 04, 2019 - Reyes Productions

BCAST Labs Launches "Video-Validate" - a Mobile/Web E-Commerce Authentication and Verification Platform Leveraging Short Form Video for Consumers and HR Professionals

BCAST Labs Launches "Video-Validate" - a Mobile/Web E-Commerce Authentication and Verification Platform Leveraging Short Form Video for Consumers and HR Professionals

Reston, Virginia-based BCAST Labs announced that it has launched Video-Validate (“Vv”), an internet-based platform using video designed to fight online fraud, misrepresentation and cat-fishing. Concurrently, BCAST is launching "VideoValidate-Recruiter," a similarly functioning portal with additional features for recruiters and HR professionals. - November 28, 2018 - BCAST live

Direct Auto & Life Insurance to Host  "National Interview Day" on December 5

Direct Auto & Life Insurance to Host "National Interview Day" on December 5

Direct Auto & Life Insurance will host a hiring event, National Interview Day, from 10 a.m.-7 p.m. on Wed., Dec. 5, 2018 at 15 participating store locations in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia. - November 26, 2018 - Direct Auto Insurance

Alternate E Source and Blue Ridge Networks Announce Partnership to Bring Cybersecurity Solutions to Smart Building Technology

Alternate E Source and Blue Ridge Networks Announce Partnership to Bring Cybersecurity Solutions to Smart Building Technology

Alternate E Source, provider of Kentix IoT smart sensor technologies, and Blue Ridge Networks, a Northern Virginia based Cybersecurity company, today announced a partnership to add a new layer of cybersecurity to Alternate’s smart building security product offerings. Alternate E Source... - September 12, 2018 - Alternate E Source

MyDentistVA - Tips on Maintaining Good Oral Health in 2018

MyDentistVA - Tips on Maintaining Good Oral Health in 2018

At MyDentistVA, they emphasize the importance of healthy habits to prevent cavities and tooth decay. Brushing and flossing your teeth twice a day doesn't take up much time. These 2 simple habits can save you thousands of dollars in dental work in the future. Most insurance plans cover bi-annual teeth cleaning. Take advantage of these covered cleanings and use them as an opportunity to identify problems early on. - September 11, 2018 - MyDentistVA

Carolyn R. Baker Recognized as a VIP Member by Strathmore's Who's Who Worldwide Publication

Carolyn R. Baker Recognized as a VIP Member by Strathmore's Who's Who Worldwide Publication

Carolyn R. Baker of Williamsburg, Virginia has been recognized as a VIP Member for 2018 by Strathmore’s Who’s Who Worldwide Edition for her outstanding contributions and achievements in the field of tax services. About Carolyn R. Baker Carolyn Baker is an Internal Revenue Services... - September 08, 2018 - Strathmore Worldwide

Cascades Overlook Town Center and Don Wooden of Meladon Group Proudly Welcomes Their Newest Addition of Fire Works American Pizzeria and Bar

Cascades Overlook Town Center and Don Wooden of Meladon Group Proudly Welcomes Their Newest Addition of Fire Works American Pizzeria and Bar

Cascades Overlook Town Center and Don Wooden of Meladon Group proudly welcomes their newest addition to the growing family of retailers. Fire Works American Pizzeria and Bar, a concept of the Tuskie’s Restaurant Group is opening in December 2018 and will be located at 21475 Epicerie Plaza,... - August 30, 2018 - Meladon Group, LLC

2018 ERII Annual Counterespionage Conference Espionage Research Institute International (ERII)

2018 ERII Annual Counterespionage Conference Espionage Research Institute International (ERII)

The 2018 ERII Annual Counterespionage Conference Will Convene TSCM, Counterintelligence and Counterespionage Professionals to Discuss Key Issues, View Equipment Demonstrations and Network with Colleagues on September 20-22, 2018 in Old Town Alexandria, Virginia. - August 22, 2018 - Espionage Research Institute International

Deborah A. Haydon Recognized as a Professional of the Year for Two Consecutive Years by Strathmore's Who's Who Worldwide Publication

Deborah A. Haydon Recognized as a Professional of the Year for Two Consecutive Years by Strathmore's Who's Who Worldwide Publication

Deborah A. Haydon of Lancaster, Virginia has been recognized as a Professional of the Year for two consecutive years, 2018 and early admission for 2019, by Strathmore’s Who’s Who Worldwide for her outstanding achievements and high level of success in the food industry. About Deborah A. - August 22, 2018 - Strathmore Worldwide

Datum Government Solutions Announces Contract Award Supporting the 78th Air Base Wing at Warner Robins Air Force Base for Technology Managed Services

Datum Government Solutions Announces Contract Award Supporting the 78th Air Base Wing at Warner Robins Air Force Base for Technology Managed Services

Datum Government Solutions will now be supporting the 78th Air Base Wings technology managed services under a new task order and provide them with proactive and premier technological support enabling the center to enhance their warfighter capabilities. - August 02, 2018 - Datum Government Solutions

11th Annual African Landing Day Commemoration Festival Sponsored by Project 1619

Project 1619, Hampton, VA will be hosting the 11th Annual African Landing Day Commemoration Festival from August 24-25, 2018. The first enslaved Africans brought to English occupied North America were taken and sold at Point Comfort, present day Fort Monroe in Hampton, on August 25, 1619. The festival is a commemoration of their arrival and the subsequent beginning of chattel slavery, 400 years of social, economic, educational, political, and policing disparities. - August 01, 2018 - Project 1619

Press Releases 151 - 200 of 467