Delaware: Dover News
Explore & Relive 300 Years of History in Just One Square Mile
Spring/Summer 2007 - Attention-grabbing tales, Spirits of the Green wandering in period clothing, significant American history, fun-filled family events years-round, beautiful city surrounded by rich, green farmland, easy to traverse, coastal beaches less than 30 minutes away, tax-free shopping, first-rate travel destination for everyone– The First Heritage Park at Dover, Delaware. - January 24, 2007 - First State Heritage Park
Idea Guru Delivers Free Business Growth Tips
Micheal Hudson, Ph.D., "The Big Idea Guru", gives away his ideas formulated from 20+ years of experience via “Daily B.I.G. Idea”, a daily email with a fresh take on how to streamline processes, be more productive, and market more effectively. - January 10, 2007 - Big Idea Guru. LLC
Dover Group Raises Dough for Our Men and Women Overseas
Dover Delaware Group Holds Fundraiser to Support Operation Helmet at Pizzeria Uno Chicago Bar and Grill - December 01, 2006 - Operation Helmet
Appledoodle Delights Vegans. Bella's Cookies Releases New Vegan Cookie.
Bella’s Cookies, an all natural & organic cookie company from coastal Delaware, releases a new vegan cookie – an apple snickerdoodle called the “Appledoodle.” - October 18, 2006 - Bella's Cookies
Bella's @ Beebe 1st Hospital in 1st State to Carry Organic/Vegan Snacks
Bella’s Cookies of Delaware, places their organic & vegan products into the Beebe Medical Center. Beebe becomes first hospital on Delmarva to offer organic & vegan snacks. - September 18, 2006 - Bella's Cookies
The Vegans Are Coming
Bella’s Cookies, Delaware’s 1st all natural and organic cookie company releases it’s second vegan breakfast cookie. “Fruit Melody” is an dried organic apricot, apple, raisin, granola, oaty-applesauce cookie. - August 17, 2006 - Bella's Cookies
Parents of Troubled Teenagers Have Options
Traditional thinking and approaches have placed the blame for troubled teenagers on either poor parenting or the social environment in which children grow up. John Blacker's new eBook aims to dispel those myths and provide renewed hope for parents of troubled teenagers by presenting 10 strategies for parental survival. - August 11, 2006 - Blacker and Associates
Bella's Cookies Creates All Natural & Organic Cookie with Dogfish Head Craft Brewery - "Rumazin"
Bella’s Cookies, Delaware’s 1st all natural and organic cookie company releases their 4th all natural and organic creation… a rum raisin cookie called “Rumazin” featuring the Brown Honey Rum of Dogfish Head Craft Brewery in Rehoboth Beach. - June 30, 2006 - Bella's Cookies