New Business System "Jumps Over" Biggest Hurdles for Home-Based Business

Thanks to online automation, business owners no longer struggle with marketing and selling.

New York, NY, May 01, 2006 --( The appeal for home based business is often strong, touting the independence and income the home-based operator can enjoy. But business owners soon discover one of the pitfalls of their occupation, when faced with finding prospective customers.

"After you've sold to your best friends and your family, you're faced with having to advertise and cold call to get more customers. That's when most business owners throw up their hands and quit," says Lena Kova of Lena Kova Marketing, an experienced home-business owner and distributor of the new Prosperity Automated System.

The Prosperity Automated System (or PAS) uses search engines to drive large numbers of prospects to member web sites. Then the PAS team interviews prospects to qualify, then sells them on the product. "As a member, you only hear from people who are serious and ready to buy right now," Kova pointed out.

PAS members can use the marketing and selling system to promote their existing products and services, or can promote one of PAS's products. New members need not already have a business or product in place to begin making money with the system.

"When you don't have to market, advertise, or sell to prospects, your financial and time investment is minimal. You can literally work five minutes a week and earn thousands per month," Kova said.

One key to the large income members enjoy is that each sale pays from over $1,000 to $3,000. "You can earn 20 bucks here and there with most home businesses, but with PAS you can pull down the major income you need to live the good life, quickly pay off bills, or retire early," Kova said.

Members purchase ad packs that typically deliver 10-15 web site visitors daily. This steady flow of interested prospects creates a reliable stream of sales. Those consistent sales, coupled with the residual income the compensation plan provides, leads members to a solid income each month for years.

Get more details and join the PAS program at:
Contact: Lena Kova

Lena Kova Marketing
Lena Kova