Your Way Singles Network Coordinates a Worldwide Virtual Event for Singles
Your Way Singles Network coordinates a worldwide virtual event for Singles who want to assess their attitude for success while being inspired by writers within the industry.
Toronto, Canada, August 14, 2008 --( The four (4)-day New Attitude Singles Telesymposium (September 23-26, 2008) brings together authors and experts in the industry to provide motivation, advice and tools specific to solo-living. Contributors include Bella DePaulo, Singled Out: How Singles Are Stereotyped, Stigmatized, and Ignored, and Still Live Happily Ever After; E. Kay Trimberger, The New Single Woman; Susan Rabin, Lucky in Love: 52 Fabulous, Foolproof Flirting Strategies, One for Every Week of the Year; Xavier Amador , Being Single in a Couple’s World: How to Be Happily Single While Looking for Love; Rachel Sarah, Single Mom Seeking; Jerusha Stewart, Single Girl’s Manifesta; to name a few.
Attendees can access the event from their preferred location and require only a telephone or computer to hear the valuable information being provided by the guest speakers. The virtual nature also lends itself to the convenience of recorded sessions and transcribed documents being available depending on the registration level chosen.
“Obviously a 1 hour seminar with the author of a 250-page book will not give Singles the depth that would be acquired through the book (and sometimes programs and/or community)” says Coach Carol, “but it sure does provide a significant amount of information and places to expand their search for quality resources directed specifically towards their personal achievement.” Coach Carol also emphasized that the company is only offering a limited amount of sponsorship and advertisement opportunities to ensure that the event remains focused on its purpose – to challenge Singles to aim for the best in themselves and believe that the best in all life areas is possible as well.
About Your Way Singles Network
Established in 2007, Your Way Singles Network ( has been created in recognition of the broad range of characteristics existing within the enormous Singles population. “Our goal” says Coach Carol “is to contribute to the growth and achievements of Singles worldwide. We do this through our coaching programs as well as our efforts related to advancements within the industry at large”.
For more information on this event or other services contact Your Way Singles Network. Singles can also obtain a copy of our free workbook, “10 Ways to Be the Best Possible You and Attract More Love in Your Life”.
Your Way Singles Network –
New Attitude Singles Telesymposium –
Contact –
Attendees can access the event from their preferred location and require only a telephone or computer to hear the valuable information being provided by the guest speakers. The virtual nature also lends itself to the convenience of recorded sessions and transcribed documents being available depending on the registration level chosen.
“Obviously a 1 hour seminar with the author of a 250-page book will not give Singles the depth that would be acquired through the book (and sometimes programs and/or community)” says Coach Carol, “but it sure does provide a significant amount of information and places to expand their search for quality resources directed specifically towards their personal achievement.” Coach Carol also emphasized that the company is only offering a limited amount of sponsorship and advertisement opportunities to ensure that the event remains focused on its purpose – to challenge Singles to aim for the best in themselves and believe that the best in all life areas is possible as well.
About Your Way Singles Network
Established in 2007, Your Way Singles Network ( has been created in recognition of the broad range of characteristics existing within the enormous Singles population. “Our goal” says Coach Carol “is to contribute to the growth and achievements of Singles worldwide. We do this through our coaching programs as well as our efforts related to advancements within the industry at large”.
For more information on this event or other services contact Your Way Singles Network. Singles can also obtain a copy of our free workbook, “10 Ways to Be the Best Possible You and Attract More Love in Your Life”.
Your Way Singles Network –
New Attitude Singles Telesymposium –
Contact –
Your Way Singles Network
Carol Soares
416 287-7791
Carol Soares
416 287-7791
