Morgellons Mystery Fiber Disease Improves with Earth Water Extraction Baths (
Epidemic world-wide spread of Morgellons Syndrome with "creeping-crawling" sensations and fiber-producing skin lesions led Healing Research Institute to develop Morgellons treatments to extract toxins and foreign material. Using earth water baths( dramatic relief of symptoms occurs even after the first bath.
Huntington Beach, CA, August 14, 2008 --( Morgellons Syndrome epidemic causing distress from creeping-crawling sensations and skin lesions led to Healing Research Institute experiments with test subjects. Relief and positive results from the tests was dramatic and led to modification of testing protocol to allow this early report. Morgellons Disease has been thought to be delusional and psychological with self-excoriation producing skin lesions."Regardless of origin", said George Schwartz, M.D., Consultant to HRI, "Dramatic relief and healing has occurred in all Morgellons subjects tested using all-natural extraction clays", he added.
Earth Water Baths, Inc. and Healing Research Institute brought together the natural healing and extraction materials from the earth known for thousands of years, but re-discovered as effective treatment for Morgellons. "Of all treatments we have studied including anti-parasitic medications, silver treatments and even medicines against lice and scabies,earth water baths offered the most benefit for Morgellons Syndrome."We believe" Dr. Schwartz emphasized, "That by extracting toxins and other material, we are allowing the normal immune system to function better."
Earth Water Baths, Inc. and Healing Research Institute brought together the natural healing and extraction materials from the earth known for thousands of years, but re-discovered as effective treatment for Morgellons. "Of all treatments we have studied including anti-parasitic medications, silver treatments and even medicines against lice and scabies,earth water baths offered the most benefit for Morgellons Syndrome."We believe" Dr. Schwartz emphasized, "That by extracting toxins and other material, we are allowing the normal immune system to function better."
Earth Water Baths, Inc.
Carlos Lerma
Carlos Lerma
Carlos Lerma
Carlos Lerma
