Controversial Weight Loss Leader Publishes Book: “Inventing Change from the Inside Out”

Weight Loss Leader Laura Fenamore has published a new book supporting her radical idea that fit bodies come from the inside out. This book leads readers into the jungle of obesity, eating disorders, and food addiction and offers real-life solutions.

San Francisco, CA, August 31, 2008 --( Inventing Change from the Inside Out, is a collection of essays that takes its audience on a journey – a journey from where they are, to where they can be. Fenamore paints a vivid picture of “right now” by asking three vital questions of its readers in Chapter One – A Good Start: “Are You Ready? Are You Willing? Are You Able?”

Fenamore’s new book breaks out with the controversial message that diet and exercise absolutely do not provide the keys to permanent weight loss. The answers to becoming fit are outlined in small, easy-to-understand pieces, encouraging the reader to love themselves right now. It embraces the tenet that all people are valuable, no matter what their circumstance.

Fenamore isn’t joking when she says that permanent weight loss is possible, despite living in one of the heaviest nations in the word – with more fast food joints than the rest of the earth combined. She lost 100 pounds over twenty years ago and has kept it off. She has taken this success and turned it into an inspiring and powerful career, mentoring thousands of others to create new lives and new bodies. Through teleseminars and small, interactive group studies, Fenamore’s message is reaching people beyond the U.S. She works with clients as far away as Reykjavik, Iceland and plans to support our country’s move toward healthier living by speaking in large forums all over the world.

Throughout the collection, the author leads us down the road less taken. She validates the very real things that stand in the way of permanent weight loss. She offers down-to-earth responses to these from letting go of people who sabotage our success to carrying almonds and apples (what she jokingly calls, “the new fast food”). Fenamore also addresses the reasons that Americans are now in the top ten of the heaviest people on the planet and invites each of us to develop a new approach to weight loss. She suggests that all those who suffer discard the backpack of self loathing that most of us lug around and that they forgive those who have hurt them. This begins the inside-out change that is Fenamore’s expertise and call.

Laura Fenamore has been a passionate advocate for personal development for many years. She is a body esteem expert, successful entrepreneur, author, Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC) and sought-after public speaker. She supports people to design joyous, healthy lives. Fenamore’s favorite sentence is on every single page of her book: “You can have a body that you love...inside and outside... forever.”

The book is available at Fenamore's Website:, and it is well worth the few dollars to create a life that makes sense.

Laura Fenamore
P.O. Box 362, Kentfield, Marin County, CA 94914-0362

Mary Agnes Antonopoulos, Writer and Social Networking Expert