Marlise Karlin and The Practices of Inner Knowing Present 'The Power of Impossible Thinking'

Marlise Karlin guides participants to an expansion of consciousness allowing them to discover deep inner peace, release suffering and to create a life of greater happiness.

Malibu, CA, September 11, 2008 --( Guests will discover how to blend the spiritual in life with the practical, as they awaken to the creative power within through Marlise Karlin’s Practices of Inner Knowing.

Those familiar with Eckhart Tolle's books The Power of Now and A New Earth understand the gift of connecting to the field of awareness that exists within each person. Programs with Marlise Karlin offer participants a connection to this life-altering awakening through questions and answers, stories and practices – including a Stillness Session, which is similar to meditation yet uniquely different. It is a core practice where words and music form a simple tapestry so inspiring, it guides people to an experiential expansion of consciousness, igniting a greater clarity of one’s true value and purpose in life.

As featured in the Yogi Times, Marlise has traveled all over the world offering programs and retreats to people of all races, religious beliefs and cultural backgrounds. Marlise’s international travels have shown that people can create lives beyond what they ever dreamed possible when they connect with this Awakened Intelligence.

Sunday, September 21, 2008 Marlise brings The Practices of Inner Knowing to a public program. Cost is $88 per adult and $44 per student. Doors open at 1:30 pm and the event will proceed from 2:00 – 5:00.

Registration and further information, including email updates on Marlise Karlin can be found online at Myspace users can view her profile at www.myspace/

Kerry Anne Aldridge, Managing Director