Cash-Strapped, Red-Eyed Parents Find Solace from Screaming Kid Syndrome

Couples with children experience relationship and family problems due to not setting aside time to spend with each other. Sylvia Rolfe shows couples how to find that time even with hectic schedules and a tight budget.

Calgary, Canada, September 14, 2008 --( Screaming Kid Syndrome, a relatively new ailment that predominantly affects dual-parent households, has taken a deep emotional toll on its unwitting recipients. Typically impacting cash or time strapped parents, especially when unruly children are factored in, leads to unprecedented stress levels, short temperedness and ultimately the loss of "alone time" for couples suffering from this under diagnosed illness. Sylvia Rolfe, a former long-time sufferer of this quasi-disease has found a solution for couples, anywhere in the world, that will relieve some of the pent-up stress and frustration of Screaming Kid Syndrome.

The solution to Screaming Kid Syndrome, as inferred on, Rolfe's website, can be as simple as a pre-set "date night" for distressed couples. As per her website:

"What if for just one night a week you get to escape? You get to leave behind the screaming children, the piles of bills, and all the rest of the stresses the life of a parent encompasses?"

Numerous studies and real-world experiences of parents around the globe demonstrate that quality alone time with a significant other can reduce the effects of Screaming Kid Syndrome. "It's not rocket science", states an anonymous source who has, too, been stricken by this unfortunate malady, "Parents get to spend some quality time together, that improves their relationship and that effect can trickle-down into their home. Really, parents and their children benefit when couples dedicate time each week to spend with each other."

Rolfe goes on to explain the reason for her report, "I just wanted to give other parents the chance to see that they too can still have date nights, and fun ones at that, without the need for a sitter or breaking the budget." Because Screaming Kid Syndrome unfairly targets families with limited to non-existent entertainment budgets, Rolfe's findings may be a viable solution to this newly surfacing disease even when couples have limited funds to spend on a night out.

While the exact cause of Screaming Kid Syndrome is not evident, all sources thus far indicate that the remedy can be as simple as setting aside a date night for couples who are experiencing high-stress, irritability and regret over the lack of time spent with a loved one. ( shares 52 date night ideas for couples seeking solace from the stresses of everyday life to help rekindle their passion and strengthen their relationship. This report is currently available for download from

Screaming Kid Syndrome is not a real disease.

Contact Information:
Sylvia Rolfe
B 224 Radley Place SE
Calgary, Alberta T2A5X6
Phone: (403)248-2362

Sylvia Rolfe
Sylvia Rolfe
B 224 Radley Place SE
Calgary, Alberta T2A5X6