Teaching Crusade Helps Teachers and Students to Succeed

Teaching Crusade Helps School Teachers Succeed by Connecting Them with the Experts in the Industry and Beyond.

Laguna Hills, CA, September 22, 2008 --(PR.com)-- Teaching Crusade works with the leaders and experts in the field of education and beyond to provide their members with the teaching ideas, research, strategies and tools that have proven to create success in the classroom. Their innovative approach allows teachers to ask questions directly to a revolving panel of leading nationally recognized experts via Webinar and Teleseminar conferences. In this capacity all teachers have an opportunity to get help and be provided with real and viable solutions, techniques and strategies to teach their elementary and secondary students. Teaching Crusade keeps members informed of the latest information on teaching, products, services and resources. They are also active in finding, negotiating, and securing favorable pricing with vendors for their member base.

According to the National Center for Education Statistics nearly 50% of all teachers leave within their first five years. This is a tremendous concern according to the National Commission on Teaching and America’s Future. Billions per year are spent on this situation as noted by the Department of Labor Statistics. New teacher attrition makes up the majority of this cost. Providing mentoring and support has proven to increase retention. When you consider that the number one factor to student success is a good teacher it makes good sense to help teachers succeed. Teaching Crusade was founded by teachers to provide support to all teachers through a direct connection to experts who can help. With the high cost of teacher support programs Teaching Crusade provides a free avenue for school districts nationwide to support their teachers.

According to Nikki McDevitt, one of the founders of Teaching Crusade, “No matter what your experience is before you enter the field of teaching, your first several years are very challenging. Between classroom management, discipline, curriculum planning, parent communications, student behavior and motivation, administration, technology integration, state testing, and much more the task of teaching can be daunting. Even for veteran teachers it’s hard to keep up and stay inspired. Helping all teachers, especially those in their first few years, succeed at this task is the purpose of Teaching Crusade.”

A membership to Teaching Crusade is currently being offered for free. Experts who can provide real benefit to Teaching Crusade members are encouraged to apply to their speaker panel for upcoming events. Local, State and National Teacher Support Organizations, Universities, Colleges and Teacher Induction Programs are also encouraged to direct their members to www.TeachingCrusade.com or contact them to get more information. Individual teachers can also sign up during their free enrollment campaign by visiting www.teachingcrusade.com.

Teaching Crusade
Ron McDevitt