Releases Cutting-Edge Pay Per View Solution for Streaming Video

Along with their cutting-edge pay per view e-commerce solution for streaming audio and video, MultiMediaCart is also launching their Flash Media Server offering, based on a global CDN. The video on demand payment system permits pay-per-view and pay-per-minute billing, supports most video, audio and document formats, multiple languages, currencies and payment systems. MultiMediaCart's CDN-based media server is priced below its competitors, and provides Flash Media and Flash Application support.

Beverly Hills, CA, September 21, 2008 --( Pay Per View Online Shopping Cart for Video

MultiMediaCart released a comprehensive solution for live and on-demand video movies, webisodes, music, and live events. It features iPhone, Android, PC pay-per-view / pay-per-minute billing, facilitating the on-demand video, audio and all Web-compatible media. It features anti-rip technology, bandwidth detection and cutomizable H.264-compliant HD media player.

The Payment Process is simple:

Customer previews video, music, or other content
Customer selects payment option and places item in their cart
Customer pays with a credit card
Customer clicks the purchased item in "My Videos" to watch

MultiMediaCart technology was designed specially for the sale and secure delivery of streaming video, music, and live video feeds, but it also provides controlled access to digital images, documents (such as jpegs, PNGs and PDF files), video conferencing, video chat, Web-based applications, multi-player game and other interactive environments.

MultiMediaCart takes only minutes to set-up, and the plug-ins can be quickly installed into an existing e-commerce site or into a new site with sample movies and music. It supports all languages, currencies, payment methods, tax rates and shipping methods (for standard merchandise).

MultiMediaCart provides a truly all-in-one service package that includes everything required to sell and deliver video online:

Technical and Business Consulting
MultiMediaCart module implementation and hosting
Pre-built templates for movie, music, and ebook sites
Brandable Media Player (with built-in bandwidth detection utility and anti-rip technology)
Streaming Media Server Hosting on global CDN

Their basic MultiMediaCart package is a hosted solution with no limit on storage or bandwidth. Their media server package is deployed on a global CDN, and offers the most cost-effective solution for streaming Flash.

The CDN can easily deliver from 10 to 100,000 simultaneous FLV streams, and publishers pay for only the bandwidth and storage resources that they require -- when they require them. For more information, email or visit
Stu Miller