Ordinary People Encouraged to Contribute “Good Things to Say about the USA” for New Book

Many people have harped on all the things that are wrong with this country. Now ordinary Americans of all political persuasions, left, right and in between have a chance to say what’s right about this country in 350 words or less. The Good USA Foundation is publishing a book called “Good Things To Say About The USA” and seeking commentaries, stories, poems, songs, etc. from anyone with patriotic feelings

Berkeley, CA, May 13, 2006 --(PR.com)-- The Good USA Foundation is a non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to countering all the negative press about the United States, both at home and abroad, by publicizing positive things about the United States, both in its Good USA newsletter and on its website at www.goodusa.org . Now, the Good USA Foundation has decided to go a step further and publish a book of comments, poems, stories, songs, etc. expressing the love that ordinary Americans – even those who disagree with the government and its policies – have for their country.

“For too long now, America-bashing has been a popular media sport, both here at home and abroad.” Said David Chodack, of the Good USA Foundation. “Everyone loves to criticize this country and talk about all its problems and mistakes. Well, this is a chance for Americans from all walks of life, not just those in politics or the media, to express their feelings about this country and say what’s right about America and why it’s still the greatest country in the world, where one of our biggest “problems”, is the fact that this country is too popular and we need to find a reasonable way to start dealing with all the hordes of people who want come here and enjoy the good life as Americans.

Anyone who is interested in expressing positive feelings towards this country – whether they’re native born, or immigrants – is encouraged to visit the Good USA website and sign up to be part of the book and have their comments published at:

The Good USA Foundation is a non-profit and non-partisan organization and is not affiliated with any political party or movement. It is located in Berkeley California and the contact information is as follows:

Good USA Foundation
2887 College Avenue #429
Berkeley CA 94705
Ph. 510-827-6282
Fax: 510-848-1612
E-mail : goodusa5@earthlink.net
Website: http://goodusa.org
Contact person: David Chodack

Good USA Foundation
David Chodack