Art Jewelry and More Gallery is Joining KLRN in their Gallery Gallup in San Antonio Texas

Art Jewelry and More Gallery is Joining KLRN in their Gallery Gallup in San Antonio Texas
San Antonio, TX, May 17, 2006 --( Art Jewelry and More Gallery is Joining Klrn in their Gallery Gallup! Showing off their Main Donation by Artist Maria F Golembiewski 3 D Under the Sea  painting.  A Fantastic 3 Dimensional work of Art highlighting the depths of the ocean, full of underwater sea creatures!  Art, Jewelry and More is also Donating a Piece of Victoria’s Beasley (owner) Jewelry and A Birthday Party Class Certificate to Klrn as well! Come by, Join them in a Beach Party theme on Sat June 3 11 A.M.- 6 P.M. and enjoy some refreshments while you exam what you are going to want to Bid on in the Auction!

When: Sat June 3, 2006  11A.M. – 6P.M.
Where: Art, Jewelry and More
108 Michigan Ave
San Antonio Texas 78201
Phone: 210 731 8513

Maria F. G. Stated "I am so interested in meeting every one who enjoys my 3d Work I am Donating in the Klrn Gallery Gallup. I always Supported Public Station in Texas, first in Killeen, Texas, now in San Antonio!"

Owner Victoria Beasley: "We hope the community will join us to celebrate art and culture in the neighborhood and beyond! We will continue to serve our Local Community by supporting Klrn Our Public Station; I have watched Public Television since I was a Child! I still watch it every week from Art to the British Comedies! I Supported it for a good 20 years now!"

Art, Jewelry and More
Victoria Beasley
210 731-8513
Home 210 637-6854 Victoria