21st Century America…enslaved and Dependent is the Newest Book by Joe Murtagh, President of the Dreamspeaker Inc.

Many are saying, “The sky is falling, the sky is falling.” It may well be but the key question is, how did we get ourselves in this mess, and what is the most prudent way out? How can the average American leverage current conditions to their advantage.

Charlotte, NC, October 03, 2008 --(PR.com)-- “21st Century America is enslaved and dependent” according to Joe Murtagh, president of The DreamSpeaker Inc. a Charlotte based speaking and training company with over three decades of experience in the financial services industry and author of both books and many articles on the subject.

Banks closing their doors or the target of takeovers. Wall Street in unprecedented turmoil. No, it’s not 1929. Its 79 years later…2008.

Many are saying, “The sky is falling, the sky is falling.” And, notwithstanding chicken little, it may well be falling. But the key question is, how did we get ourselves in this mess, and what is the most prudent way out? More importantly, how can the average American citizen leverage current conditions to their advantage.

Murtagh and his newest book tackle these issues and a whole lot more. Nationally known author of several business oriented books, sought after speaker and a financial expert who has been quoted in The Wall Street Journal* and The New York Times*, Murtagh has spent a lifetime promoting forward thinking ideas as well as distilling the thoughts of others in the fields of economics and finance, making them understandable and palatable for anyone who wants to truly grasp the real economic facts of our times and their every day implications.

Even before the recent financial meltdown leading up to record breaking plunges on the stock market and more than a trillion dollars of losses, Joe Murtagh received this comment from Steven Forbes, regarding 21st Century America…Enslaved and Dependent. He said, “You are certainly right about the Great Depression being one of the seminal events of American history and that we are still coping with its aftermath.”

As recently as Sunday, September 28, 2008, Chris Dodd, the Chairman of the Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee said, “I don’t know of anyone here who wants the center of our economic universe to be Washington (D.C.). Senator Dodd added, “The center of gravity is here temporarily…God forbid it’s here any longer than it takes to get credit moving again.”

Meanwhile, a central theme of “Enslaved and Dependent” is that Washington, D.C. has been the center of the economic universe for over 50 years. From federal mandates to local school systems to taking care of the poor and elderly…from bad loan guarantees to insuring poor and borderline criminal banking practices…government has been pulling all the strings because it controls all the money. Thus, just like the serf was enslaved by the feudal lord, just like slaves on a southern plantation, Americans have become enslaved by the United States Government.

21st Century America… unveils the facts, the causes and the solutions to regaining the freedom and independence we mistakenly believe we already have.

Having also read the book, Brian Tracy, international speaker, author and consultant said, “I agree with your thoughts and conclusions. Too many people are too dependent on government for too many things.”

In addition, top leaders in the financial planning profession have endorsed this book and it’s refreshing ideas. One of those, Marvin H. Feldman, CLU, ChFC and past president of The Million Dollar Round Table said, “21st Century America…Enslaved and Dependent by Joe Murtagh is an excellent study on the importance of people becoming self reliant and not dependent on government assistance and subsidies. His book stresses building good financial habits such as saving first and investing for the long term. This book is an excellent read for the financial services representative and would be a good tool for clients to help teach them the skill of self reliance.”

To learn more about 21st Century America…Enslaved and Dependent and how to solve the “real issues” or to personally engage Joe Murtagh for an interview, visit www.thedreamspeaker.com or call 800-239-0058.

*Wall Street Journal, August 28, 2002, Article title A Risk-Free Way to Beat the Dow? November 19, 2003 Article title How to Sell High and Keep Taxes at a Distance,
*New York Times Money & Business section Sunday, January 26, 2003 in an article titled Can Baby Boomers Afford a Tax Cut on Dividends?

The DreamSpeaker Inc
Joe Murtagh