Belconn SpA

Belconn's Optodaisy: a Complete Cabling Solution for FTTH Networks

Belconn introduces Optodaisy, a complete cabling solution for FTTH networks, including a variety of optical cables, distribution boxes, subscriber outlets and accessories to cope with most installations.

Torino, Italy, October 03, 2008 --( FTTH (Fiber-To-The-Home) networks are nowadays representing one of the most challenging opportunities for voice/data/video operators.

Deployment of FTTH networks requires huge investments in the optical fibre access network. Moreover, optical circuits must straightly reach the subscriber outlet, which means that buldings must be cabled with optical networks.

This issue represents one of the most crifical aspects of the deployment, since different cabling strategies must be utilized depending on the building type (e.g. construction type, age etc...), where cost per optical circuit is a key factor.

To offer the installer the maximum degree of flexibility, Belconn, a leading manufacturer of telecom and datacom passive network solutions, now proudly introduces Optodaisy.

Optodaisy, an integated FTTH cabling solution, offers a variety of optical cables, optical distributors, subscriber outlets and accessories aimed at cabling most building types, from small villas, to multy-storey towers.

Belconn SpA
Roberto Noris