The Word Podcast is Now Giving Away Free Pod-catcher Software

The Word Podcast is making the technology easier to use for its listeners with new pod-catcher that they are allowing people to download for free.

Phoenix, AZ, May 19, 2006 --( The Word Podcast is a web site that leverages the new technology of podcasting to get the Word of God out. Podcasting is a means to publish audio content to the world via the Internet. Audiences are able to subscribe to their favorite shows and automatically receive the latest episodes in iTunes or a similar client. The files are in MP3 format and can be played in MP3 players such as the IPOD or on your computer.

In a short time podcasting has grown to a point where it can be very difficult to find the show that you want in any of the podcast directories. There are now so many podcasts out there that your show can easily get lost among the other thousands of listings. Another problem with podcasting is that most people do not know how to find a show or how to subscribe to it once that they have found it. To make it easy for people to take advantage of this new technology, The Word Podcast has redesigned their site to allow people to download a pod-catcher program for free. This program is already pre-subscribed to their podcast. No setup or configuration is required by the user. All they have to do is download it and install it. The program will automatically check for new messages and download them in background. They then can listen to the messages at their convenience and on their time table. You can find this software at

Bryan Hansen, the founder of The Word Podcast, says about this new development “I am excited to see how being able to offer a pre-configured pod-catcher will impact the number of people who will listen to the podcast. We already have seen good growth in the first few months of operation and have listeners in 23 foreign countries. Making the technology easier to use with this new software can only help get the word out to more people all around the world.”

The Word Podcast
Bryan Hansen