Coach Cody Honoured by Business Coaches

Coach of the Kilkenny All-Ireland Winning Hurling Team - Brian Cody was recently named as an ‘Honorary Business Coach’ by ActionCOACH - the world’s number one business coaching firm.

Las Vegas, NV, October 04, 2008 --( Coach of the Kilkenny All-Ireland Winning Hurling Team - Brian Cody was recently named as an ‘Honorary Business Coach’ by ActionCOACH - the world’s number one business coaching firm. The All-Ireland winning Hurling Coach was invited to speak at a recent Team Training day for the Irish Team of ActionCOACH Business Coaches.

According to Paul Fagan, Managing Director of the ActionCOACH business coaching firm in Ireland, “Brian Cody has so much to give and his input at our meeting was so inspiring to all of our team – it almost felt as if we were in the dressing room with him on an All Ireland Finals day! Our motto at ActionCOACH is that coaching is not just for sports, therefore a lot of our basic philosophies come from the sports coaching philosophies.”

“Just like sports coaches, we coach business owners so they are able to achieve results beyond their wildest dreams. In this manner, we inspire players to achieve their goals and dreams. Brain Cody has made such a massive contribution to Kilkenny Hurling and to the sport at a national level – we firstly wanted to acknowledge his outstanding coaching abilities and secondly draw on his coaching expertise to inspire our team,” Fagan added.

Cody’s address to the team was intensely passionate yet humble and his eager audience of ActionCOACH Business Coaches hung on his every word. He spoke of his tactics to inspire and lead the team and his strategies for victory. He spoke of the ‘spirit’ within his team and said that this intense passion and spirit was the driving force behind his and his team’s success. He spoke of the victory belonging to his team but also how he as the Coach, accepted the ultimate responsibility for any defeats. His audience was most appreciative of his valuable insight and he received a standing ovation from all the Business Coaches.

Business Coaching is the second fastest growing industry globally. ActionCOACH has 30 Irish Business Coaches and over a thousand globally. As part of the coaching process - clients are given access to hundreds of powerful, yet relatively simple and affordable sales, marketing and team building strategies that result in dramatic improvements in revenue and profit. Through ActionCOACH’s very effective coaching systems, they help business owners help themselves just in the same way that Brian Cody has coached the Kilkenny Hurling Team to their outstanding successes.

ActionCOACH is the world’s number one business coaching firm, with more than 1,000 offices in 26 countries. To learn more about business coaching and ActionCOACH, go to

Jodie Shaw
5781, S. Fort Apache Rd.
Las Vegas, NV- 89148