Environmental Waste Solutions Announces Rapid Growth with Their Part-Time Green Business Opportunity for New Affiliates

Environmental Waste Solutions (EWS) of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, announced today that the company has realized rapid growth with new part-time affiliates from around the US becoming waste management consultants with the company.

Baton Rouge, LA, October 08, 2008 --(PR.com)-- Environmental Waste Solutions (EWS) of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, announced today that the company has realized rapid growth with new part-time affiliates from around the US becoming waste management consultants with the company. Since 1994, EWS has trained and consulted with people who were interested in launching a new business, but were also looking for opportunities that would allow them to start it part-time. The company believes that this growth is fueled by two basic principles: the need to secure a stable financial future, and the desire to work for oneself that allows you to profit from your own hard work.

"In an uncertain economy, many folks, even those who are entrepreneurial, feel more comfortable starting a new business on a part-time basis at first just to get it going and ramped up before committing to it full-time. We've definitely noticed that our new affiliates have decided to work our green business part-time; although we do still have those who are working it full-time," states Darwyn Williams, President and Founder.

According to Williams, this shift to those who have chosen this part-time business opportunity was more a condition of people wanting to ensure financial stability than an indication of the viability of the business. Due to increases in environmental laws across the country, and rising costs in waste disposals, the opportunity for new affiliates, whether they are starting this as a full- or part-time business, are succeeding because they've recognized the number of potential customers who are available to them. No one can escape the responsibility of properly disposing of trash. "It's a predicable business need," adds Diana Shapiro, Vice President. "Affiliates who started as part-time waste management consultants several years ago were able to launch this part-time business opportunity while still employed at their full-time jobs. However, as the business grew and their customer base expanded, they had the option of become full-time consultants, but it was not actually necessary for them to do so. Our green business model, even on a part-time basis, has proven to be a very lucrative business opportunity."

With thousands of part-time business opportunities available to the public, making a sound selection can be a daunting task. But given the success rate of EWS affiliates, including those seeking part-time businesses that are recession proof and offer the potential of earning a six-figure income, EWS' growth continues to climb with new affiliates selecting this green business as their guarantee for a secure financial future.

EWS is now accepting inquiries from those entrepreneurs who are interested in learning more about part-time business opportunities. The corporate office can be reached at www.environmental-waste.com

About EWS

Established in 1994 by President and Founder, Darwyn Williams, Environmental Waste Solutions has had the opportunity to save millions of dollars for companies from coast to coast. EWS affiliates are trained to scrutinize the approach that companies take to waste and recycling, saving them money and earning EWS commissions on savings. We are proud to have established our company as one that can be depended on to offer clients a Win-Win approach to waste management--a concept that will come as a breath of fresh air to virtually every company in every industry.

Although Environmental Waste Solutions is headquartered in Baton Rouge and Florida, our affiliates are located across the United States and Canada--taking full advantage of the increasing demand for efficient waste management in virtually every market.

Environmental Waste Solutions is a member of the Solid Waste Association of America, the National Recycling Coalition, the National Business Opportunity Bureau and the Better Business Bureau.

Environmental Waste Solutions
Diana Shapiro