123Together.com Suggests Constant Upgrading to Effectively Manage Your Dedicated Exchange Server 2003

Burlington, MA, May 20, 2006 --(PR.com)-- 123together.com, http://www.123together.com/, an Exchange Hosting company, has gone far beyond their outstanding uptime and now offers numerous tips for all skill levels - from beginner to advanced system administrators. Visitors can do anything from upgrade to the latest exchange server technology to reading helpful lessons and tips that will improve their overall exchange server knowledge and ultimately their server’s performance.

First of all, if you have not already done so, it is best to stay up to date with the latest technologies and therefore it’s best to upgrade to the 2003 Exchange Server immediately. The upgrades from the previous Exchange Server 2000 software to the 2003 version are significant and will improve a company’s exchange server performance, security and future upkeep. Although Exchange Server 2003 has significant improvements, there are still many adjustments to be made that can help get the maximum potential out of the software as well as customization to fit your exact needs.

Next, the Microsoft Exchange Team has done a great job documenting their product and by checking regularly with the Exchange Server 2003 Technical Documentation Library (http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/exchange/2003/library/default.mspx) a system administrator can keep up with the changes and learn how to best improve their software. Remember the world around system administrators is always evolving and therefore it is essential to stay on top with up to the minute knowledge.

When setting up your Exchange Server it is essential to have an effective storage design to implement. A common error of system administrators is to design their Exchange Server for capacity and not performance. For a full detailed explanation on how to best do this visit the Exchange Server Technical Documentation Library mentioned above. The first step here is to calculate the I/O per second (necessary to implement an effective storage design). The next is to work on disk geometry. Diskpar, a tool provided by Microsoft, allows you to align the disk tracks with sector tracks and can increase disk performance up to 20%.

It is recommended to download and Install the free Exchange Best Practices Analyzer (ExBPA) tool. No system administrator can live without this reporting software that references many of the most essential Exchange Server tips. ExBPA can quickly generate reports of critical configuration issues, potential problems, and non-default product settings. Be sure to carefully read all issues and critical errors listed before taking any action to correct them.

About 123Together.com
123Together is the #1 rated Exchange Hosting company, thanks to their outstanding uptime, delightful customer service and laser-like focus on running robust Microsoft Exchange 2003 servers.

For nine years now - since 1997, we've been in the hosting business. And for the last five years, we have been helping small businesses leverage the power of Microsoft Exchange Server. Our servers are located in a tier-1 data center. With multiple layers of redundancy and focus on the highest levels of security, our infrastructure is designed to make you productive and secure.
For additional information about 123together.com and their exchange hosting, check their web site at http://www.123together.com.


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